There is some truth in this, but quite frankly once your child reaches a certain ability then rec regresses the child and their ability. In your situation where your daughter just want to play the games a season and practice once a week, then rec is best. If your daughter had a desire to persue further, then select is a better fit, more games and more practices to get better. Also, you don't have to spend thousand of dollars to play select, a lot of the select teams play locally and twice a month, so there is no travel and the dues are low.
I don't disagree, but my counter argument would be that the decline in rec is a result of the increase in select teams.
Back in the day in baseball you had LL, Babe Ruth and if you were a really good player you got invited to try out for the American Legion squad in the area. If you were good enough to make that team, odds are you were the top 1% or better. Almost everybody I played with that made the AL team ended up playing in college, in the minors and a few in the show.
I still contend that the advancement of select teams and leagues stems primarily as a result of players who were better than most, but not good enough to make the Legion type teams wanting to find something other than rec ball. I'm sure I have a jaded view because I simply dislike the way youth sports of today is.
I know for a fact my daughter is average at best at softball. Hell, she's probably a smidge below average in athletic talent. She has a great attitude and loves to play, but the girl just doesn't have the skills. It is what it is. She's been invited to all stars 2x now - didn't make the cut for our local league (that team was pre-determined before the season started - typical small town politics) but other leagues asked. We played one season this year of all stars, it was great for her self esteem and the extra practice time was awesome. She was invited to try out for a couple of the select teams - not because she has the talent, but because frankly they want the rosters filled with parents that are going to fund the team. Yeah, not happening with us.
I want her to continue to play, and have suffered through being a coach as a result. But I want her to play ball and if she earns post season playing time, that's all her doing and I'll be as proud as can be. But I want it to be because she's a good player and teammate, not because they need a roster spot filled or somebody to split bills with. And, frankly, my limited exposure to anything select tells me that a whole lot of it is the latter two. Not my thing, and I honestly think it has permanently changed kids sports and IMO not necessarily for the better. I fully agree that there are some really good aspects of select, but they are overshadowed IMO with the rest of the fodder associated with them. Just my outlook.