EliteElectric said:
happyinBCS said:
I received the annual cost from the city
Roadway Maintenace fee 2308.86
No opinion
Electric 63,023
Completely ridiculous, no lights, no or minimal HVAC loads, no foot traffic, this number should be 1/12th of this
Water 930.00
Again ridiculous, there shouldn't be any running water in an unoccupied space
Sewer 1046.00
Again no running water no wastewater
CBL shared maintenance 41,418
No opinion
Insurance 4768.00
Seems a little unreasonable for empty space but could be legit
ADT security 3719.00
Seems high
Landscaping and mowing 746.00
Seems reasonable
Total 118,000.00
So about 10,000 a month average
I would think the CHVAC system is on and the temps kept between 50 and 80 degrees to minimize both freeze damage and humidity buildup. If you have it off, there will be a foot of black mold inside.
I don't understand the water needs but maybe it's associated with the type of CHVAC system? Perhaps its based on the sprinkler system that is probably kept on.
Isn't sewage cost based on water consumption?
The insurance cost for a vacant building is typically higher than an occupied building as there is higher risk of water damage potential, vandalism, etc. Ins agents on here can correct me if I am wrong. I do know on commerical insurance inspections, which I do about 120 a month, one of the questions is the building vacant and if so, secured?
The building needs to be walked at least weekly to check to make sure it's secure, make sure no plumbing leaks or roof leaks, and check the sprinkler system gauges to make sure the system is operating as needed.