I would love to know how many of you would look the people in the eye and say what you have said on here. Calling out people's character and integrity like you are any better.
I know quite a few of these officials that you put down constantly. I have gone to church with them, had our kids on the same teams, done community service with them, etc... In the end, we are all human trying to make the best decisions we can. Whether it be for our families, our community, our state or our country.
None of us knew what the outcome of these elections would be, but judging by these posts, many of you had a really bad night.
But no matter what, my wife and kids still gave me a kiss before going to bed. We said our prayers for our community, state and nation. And we will wake up tomorrow and make the most of the day that God has blessed us with.
Thank you and good night.