PanAg83 said:
You referenced me to be "singular minded and don't understand a whole lot." Perhaps I misread it as a compliment! Now you're asking how many times I've posted…. I have no idea how many times I've posted, but it's a small amount. Still…Deflection rather than addressing the point…. Seriously, give me your take, how do you consistently reason your position with Aldrich raising taxes 5 or 6 times of the last 9 budget years he's voted on a budget? Did you know that was his record? If you just like him, that's ok, but these are the facts.
Saying you are being singular minded on a single topic is certainly not an insult-everyone is at times and it is only my opinion. On the rest, I specifically said I have learned long ago that there is no reason to waste time trying to sway someone who is clearly set in their mind such as you. Again not an insult as everyone is at times on this as well. You seem to feel I need to somehow justify myself to you I guess. Again, I have seen too many people like you that are steadfast in how they feel on a topic -so it is a waste of time to sway them. Then, amazingly, insist on being swayed. It is a strange paradox. I am not sure if it arrogance as in some feeling of self importance like they matter to others more than they do or they just don't see that there is no reason for others to really care enough to worry about what they think or waste their time doing something clearly pointless. None of those make sense no matter which one it is.
Either way, you harp on Aldrich being a big tax raiser but never see Nettles himself has never shown any ability to lower spending nor been in any part of government known for anything but budget bloat. Frankly, Nettles likely is a good man. Hopefully he will a good man sitting at home after the election! Either way, we all be quite fine. Now, if you understand:
Nobody has to waste their time trying sway you or prove anything to you, especially when you have clearly made up your mind.
It is not an insult if they choose not to waste their time.
Nobody dislikes you or is insulting you if they don't waste that time.
It is getting weird when someone tries numerous times to nicely basically say "good discussion, have a nice day and best wishes" but you cannot let it go.
Than all is good and, as politics should be, we both go vote for the person we prefer and respect that. I certainly have no problem with you voting for who you prefer and respect it. I wonder if you do.
In short, to be clear-I am not insulting you, I don' t really care who you vote for-all good either way, and wish you no ill will. I cannot be more clear.
Hope that helps. If not-Oh well…