gbennett said:
Cannot comment on the design team and other issues you brought up but just because it was a problem created earlier doesn't mean we don't figure out a way to resolve it. The bond would have done that.
You clearly have a hand in things and bring a good deal of knowledge to this issue and I really appreciate your post. If major dirt work is truly necessary to solve the erosion issues, then I understand a bond. What I cannot understand are the many issues that exist but point to CSISD not being a good steward of our tax dollars.
Why was CSHS not built with turf to begin with? It existed then, wasn't much if any more expensive than now, and had the same benefits. Why are the bullpens so grown up? Why can't the fire ants be killed like I did to two mounds in my backyard just this weekend?. And, of course, the question of why the contractor, engineer, or other are not liable to fix the erosion issue.
I get that sometimes a clean-slate is needed and actually better financially but history leaves me to conclude that the new facilities will be run into the ground to save maintenance costs and just before impact, those responsible run to the taxpayers to bail them out with another bond.