rme said:
Lots of fearmongering on this thread. I've done lots of solar leases and would be happy to give OP some background info.
*harmful effects to wildlife. Read about the one in California that vaporizes birds and airplanes have to divert around it.
Ivanpah concentrating solar thermal plant:
You won't see a plant like that in Texas. My favorite line about solar is someone in NC (I think) claimed that a solar farm was sucking up all the sunlight in his town.
Glad we have an Aggie expert on this thread. I have a couple questions
when you have time to explain.
1. Why are solar companies asking for long term property tax abatements from our counties and school districts when they are already getting a 30 percent federal investment tax credit ? Isn't it a profitable business that can pay property taxes like other businesses do?
2. Why are some Texas county appraisal districts not collecting the 3 years of roll back taxes when the solar farm is taken out of Ag/ timber use and converted to commercial use? Is that why some are bringing in goats to graze? Are they still claiming ag use on the solar farms?
I was shocked to learn last week that our local appraisal district has not yet done the 3 year tax rollback on two local solar farms that started construction in 2022. The roll back tax on my example would be about $300,000. Assuming 500 acres at $ 10,000 per acre value and a rural 2 percent tax rate. So 100,000 per year for 3 years.
3. Are these roll back taxes required by Tx state law/ tax code? Assuming previously the land was in ag/ pasture use and has been completely made into a solar farm.
Thanks for any explanation.