...but because the grip angle of my 1911 is similar to that of 95% of the handguns out there...
You seem to be suggesting on one hand that going with something resembling "standard" (in this case, grip angle) is a good thing, and without that standard someone has pigeon-holed themselves into weakened fundamentals and the inability to effectively shoot 95% of the other guns in the world.
Then you tell me that you've bought a custom 1911, with what I am guessing is a pretty sweet single-action only trigger. Am I right?
So I suppose you've now eliminated from your training regimen the practice of working with DAO triggers, striker-fired triggers, DA/SA triggers, and any triggers on the market that aren't as super-sweet-silky-smooth as your custom 1911.
At the very least by shooting only a 1911 and revolvers you have eliminated striker-fired pistols from your training regimen, and that class of pistol comprises a HUGE segment of the market. I'd bet that 90% of pistol owners on this forum own at least one striker-fired pistol.
In fact I will argue that by shooting that super-sweet custom 1911 trigger, and you know it IS super sweet, that you will come to regard with disdain any trigger that isn't that super-sweet-silky love. That you will regard as awkward guns with long heavy trigger pulls and that don't break in precisely the same place. And then you will start to complain about stacking.
And then you will eventually come to the place that there is really only one kind of pistol, and that the one true pistol's name ends with "eleven", and then that all others who shoot something that doesn't end in "eleven" might be shooting but it's not really a pistol that they are shooting... it's "something else" - a plastic abomination before the Lord or something.
Am I right?