I tried doing the Tree Sentinel duo...lulz What a stupid fight. When you dodge one, the second one flies in and hits you dead on at the end of your roll. You're flat on your back and then they beat you into submission. Being a mage with 20 something Vigor, I don't get many chances (I've been fine with low health thus far, until this fight)
They almost completely ignore summons, too. So you can't get any breathing room. After about 10 tries I decided if they're going to be cheeky, I'm going to be cheeky. So I equipped Comet Azur and the no FP cost flask and melted the shield guy's health down to 30% while standing in the door way. His buddy didn't notice, so me and Mr Shield guy ran around in circles while I shot him with Stars of Ruin and Night Maiden's Mist. Stars is an awesome spell for being on horseback, but it's FP intensive.
The one without the shield isn't a problem for a mage. Stars of Ruin and Rock Sling, bye bye. I probably could have just ran around and whittled them both down with Stars of Ruin from the get go, but that would take a while and open up room for weird crap to happen.
Also, went around and took out the Draconic Tree Sentinel. That was a fun fight. His moves are easily telegraphed.
Not sure I want to go into the capital just yet, I keep putting it off for some reason.