Okay, gotcha. Yeah after I posted earlier I was thinking there might be instances where a screen would be more visible in a darkened environment.Raptor said:
I have to hand hold the camera due to the nature of the shoot. It's low light because the ultra sound equipment/screens need to be seen at all times and the bright light from the video reflects off them.
The doctors are practicing nerve blocks on cadavers and I have to move as they move and zoom in and out from them talking and then showing each block.
Is exposure something you can adjust on a video in post-processing?
Again, I'm a noob...so I use auto settings for a lot of my shoots. I'm just getting into manual settings.
It is possible to do some exposure and other adjustments in post-process. I have done that in Lightroom before. I'm sure other video editing software will do that if necessary. I still think a higher ISO is your best bet. I often shoot with ISO set to Auto and set SS and/or f-stop manually.