nortex97 said:

The website Geiger Counter World Map shows counts per minute between 222 and 278 in New York City. (Note; that's not what the map shows when it finally loads for me).

Zero hedge piece.
Or, it could just be some guys with drones.
Counts per minute is not the same thing as dose equivalent, which is what mSv refers to. Not even close to the same measurement.
HpGe is not used for detection. It is used for identification. There are much cheaper alternatives that are used for detection.
A dirty bomb is far from the greatest threat we face. The dangers of a dirty bomb are mainly from the actual conventional explosives and the ensuing public reaction once people hear the term "dirty bomb" or radiation. Cleanup would be laborious, but not technically difficult.
If you want to talk about actual threats posed by WMDs, a chemical attack is a much greater threat. Dangerous chemicals are everywhere, and not well protected. Actual chemical weapons are not difficult to make, they are easily dispersed, harder to detect and identify, and much more difficult to clean up or decon than radiation.