Jack Squat 83 said:
TexasAggie81 said:
As a former, non-administrative employee of the Bureau, I approve this message.
I knew Wray would be a joke who did virtually nothing but protect his own. Of course, he's had the blessing of Merrick Garland (the worst AG in the history of the country, including John Mitchell). Noon on January 20th can't come quick enough.
The agents with whom I am still in contact despise what the Bureau has become. And, worse yet, they are furious and embarrassed after years of partisan gamesmanship and selective prosecutions.
Go scorched earth on at least the top 3 layers of the Bureau's administration. Trust me. The good guys and gals who work there will be relieved and ecstatic. Morale will quickly and dramatically improve, and they'll be able to do what the Bureau is supposed to do at lot quicker.
How can the bad actors be cleared out?
Could some sort of purity test be applied? I'm assuming there are leftists at every level mixed in with the good guys. Obviously we need to rebuild the thing with unbiased Patriots.
That's been the number one question I've had since the election. I knew there would be agents with myopia, like there has been since, at least, January 20th of 2009. I'm pretty sure the majority of these agents were slowly reviewed and hired by the Obama administration.
You don't have an agency that big and suddenly staff it with "partisan activists" in 1 or 2 years. In order to avoid, or add, the specific employees necessary to play on the dark side of the law, that's a 10-15 year process at all levels of the agency.
To answer you question as best I can, talk to all of the interviewers since the Obama administration.
I do remember reading a very small 3-4 paragraph article in the journal pertaining to unethical and possibly illegal questions being asked by DOJ/FBI interviewers in 2010-11. I've never read, or heard, of anyone discussing it in the media or read it in a book, but I remember it.
There's going to be a ton of information being spread around by the remaining saboteurs, which are likely well above 1000 employees. They'll spread the information everywhere, the media, their Dems acolytes, their deep state masters, etc.. It will be interesting to see is Bondi and Patel can find out who it is.