nu awlins ag said:
wannaggie said:
nu awlins ag said:
wannaggie said:
Stat Monitor Repairman said:
When you finally realize they unleashed a biological weapon on the planet to keep Trump from cruising to reelection in 2020, and then he goes on to win by a landslide in 2024.
Actually, I think this theory is MORE reasonable than 18 million forged votes that not a single investigation or lawsuit has found any legally-actionable proof for.
In January/February of 2020 all the momentum was with Trump, and Democrats were bemoaning their poor chances. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was deliberately "Let's release a virus to upset Trump's re-election" because a global pandemic is not a shaped demolition charge you can control; it's a stick of dynamite tossed into a pile of rocks. But I do think the Democrats perfectly exploited it and amplified the fear/danger of it as a means of castrating Trump's biggest weapon -- the media buzz.
Trump sucks at communicating clear policy details and consistent messaging, but he knows how to keep people focused on him. If you're talking about Trump even if it's to hate him, he's winning. It was a perfect chance to suddenly appeal to all the LIVs and centrists with "When disaster strikes, we need the government to save us, feed us, send us money, give us test kits and develop vaccines, etc..." People suddenly decided they wanted a big nanny government. Trump, the person, tumbled from the top of the news cycle. The Presidency itself seemed less important. Suddenly CDC scientists, federal agency heads, county commissioners/judges , and bureaucrats up and down the chain were our rulers. That's not a time for people to turn to conservative principles of small government and self reliance if they don't already believe firmly in those principles.
I think his policies are very clear. He's just very abrasive in his communication style, same as Saban at Bama. Great coach, but not the most likable person. Get around that, and he's pretty good at what he does.
I'd like to suggest that his policies are very clear to you because you are predisposed to excuse the vagaries and seeming contradictions to listen for the overall message, and it also helps that the tribal in-group identity and overall message is one you are more comfortable with, so your brain spackles over the lumps and bumps with the big picture as you see it.
To the ~70 million voters who voted against him, his policies are not clear.
Those people are not predisposed to listen for the overall message.
They hear vagaries and assume it mean's he's lying or making it up as he goes along.
They hear seeming contradictions, and those seem like actual contradictions.
It also worsens things that his tribal identity and overall message is one they are not comfortable with, so their brain fills in the lumps and bumps with all the terrible possibilities as they see them.
Wow. You have some mental issues. Get over it or get help. He has clear policies you just don't agree with them.
Do go ahead and itemize the clear policies he has stated and my statements disagreeing with those policies.
Of course, we both know you can't do that because your personal attack was manufactured based on nothing.
If you insist on seeing enemies everywhere, your vision will distort to give you that which you desire.
Instead, you could re-read the post and see that all I have done is to describe the process by which different people can hear the same words and have opposite reactions based on who they themselves are.... just as you, because of who you are, have read my post and you have been triggered to believe I must be someone who disagrees with Trump, even though nowhere in my post did I mention a specific policy or make any statement about whether Trump is wrong or right about anything. Conversely, just two posts below yours someone else understood that I am pointing out the psychology of how people hear what they want, and Truth is secondary. Ironic, yes?
To the contrary of what you were triggered into assuming, I think Trump's actual intentions are significantly more banal and benign than is portrayed in the media. Indeed, from 2016-2020 I spent a good bit of effort Trumpsplaining to people how what they heard wasn't the awful thing they think he meant. Trump is not the CTO or CFO who comes in and delivers the 50-slide 8-bullets-per-slide analysis of the organization's physical asset depreciation/refresh cycle. I don't know him personally, so I can't say whether or not he CAN be that guy. But I suspect it's moot because I don't think he has any interest in being that guy. He doesn't want to be your accountant or your systems analyst. I think that would bore the **** out of him. And it's good that people like him exist, because in the body are many parts, and we all have different gifts.
But since you choose to bring it up out of nowhere, I admit I am curious if "mental issues" is your go-to method for re-centering yourself and your feelings/opinions
every time you encounter an expression of an idea outside your own comfort one, or is that subject perhaps something closer to home and weighing on your heart? Since you introduced the subject of mental issues to this thread, I know you'll recognize that it opens the door to questioning your mental triggers as well, if someone were - like you - curiously fixated on mental health.