TheWoodlandsTxAg said:
whatthehey78 said:
Okay Kamala...whatever you say.
Kamala winning by 11 head to head and by 12 in the extended ballot in Michigan is devastating:
Trump is losing by double digits in a swing state to a Marxist when all of the polls are saying that the electorate supports Republicans heavily on 6 of the top 7 issues (abortion being the only one they don't). Trump is the problem.
This is what all of the concerned moderates and never Trumpers and "I will just stay at home and not vote" morons just can't seem to get through their dense AF heads.
Trump is not the problem. He never has been.
Trump is the end result of decades of "oh golly gee shucks!" spineless republican leadership that trots out Bush and McCain and Romney and whomever else that is a damned jellyfish and who was absolutely terrified to say something mean back to the Dems in between their constant barrage of calling R's nazis and misogynists and warmongers and whatever else.
Trump is the end result of what happens when you have voters that are more concerned about how their neighbors and friends might percieve them if they find out they didn't vote for the black guy. Trump is the end result of what happens when you have people that claim they are "tired of how things are", then turn around and follow that statement up with a "buuuuuttttttttt......" and proceed to spend the next 10 minutes stammering and backpedaling making excuses for how things are. Trump is the end result of people that talk politics at the office around the coffee machine but then suddenly go into hushed whispers or silent mode when Karen The Libtard walks in because they are scared of offending her even though she has zero fears about saying whatever she wants or offending everybody else with her existence.
Trump is what happens when people finally get tired of the bland otameal politicians and hear somebody that isn't afraid to say what needs to be said, and say it unapologetically. And when somebody says "what did you say?!?!?", he says it again. Louder. More foreceful. Less apologetically then before.
You don't want Trump? Get politicians that aren't giant vaginas and that have the fortitude to take a stance and hold their ground even when the left tries to attack that stance. Get politcians that aren't afraid of upsetting a group of people that will never like them or be on their side no matter what. Get politicians that seem to actually put the country first and make no bones about stating to the world that we are Americans, and America is our priority.
You want to know what the problem is? Look in the fuggin mirror. The answer will be staring back at you.