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Burning platform: on propaganda and the narrative and real war against Trump:Quote:
IMHO an attack vector for Crooks was cleared. But here's the BIGGEST tell, that few are discussing: With a suspected gunman wandering around, Trump was still allowed to go on stage. If LE had a suspicious possible shooter wandering around for 26 minutes, they should have AT LEAST kept Trump off the stage until the risk was gone. Even in the last 2 to 5 minutes, when LE and the counter-snipers were all in near-panic mode, they let Trump stand at the podium!
Nobody gave the "DANGER! GET TRUMP DOWN!" code word on the radio during the hunt for a possible shooter reported to LE by many eye witnesses. Forget for the moment when or how the CS team acquired and shot Crooks. Just the fact that THEY LEFT TRUMP STANDING IN THE OPEN during all that confusion over a possible shooter on a roof with a rifle is DAMNING.
But, since Trump's unlikely rise to power in 2016 and the subsequent traitorous acts by the Deep State and their lackeys in the government, media, and surveillance state bureaus, in attempting to destroy Trump through the fake Russiagate investigations, two impeachments based on nothing, creating a fake pandemic to rig the 2020 election, instigating a fake insurrection to keep him from running again, using the power of the DOJ to bring multiple fake charges against him, raiding his residence with orders to shoot if necessary, allowing millions of illegals to enter the country and encouraging them to vote illegally to throw the 2024 election, vilifying him as a threat worse than Hitler, and now being exposed using a patsy to try and assassinate him while his Secret Service detail pretended to protect him.
There should be no doubt in anyone's mind a Deep State/Invisible government is running the show, and we are all nothing more than spectators who are brainwashed into doing what we are told by those who "have our best interests at heart". After they failed by one inch in blowing Trump's head off (ala JFK), the narrative being spun is that we all must unite and tone down the vitriol. It is too late, and they know it. This is all for show.