If anybody on here posted something along the lines of "it's time to put X in a bullseye," the post would be deleted and the poster would probably catch a ban.
Most social media sites terms and conditions do not allow users to make direct threats or even veiled threats for that matter.
Here we got a case of the chief of the executive branch and commander in chief of the US military calling for his political opponent to be "put in a bullseye" a few days before he's shot in the ear.
Novelists like Mark Geraney or Tom Clancy would never put something like this in one of their books because it's incredulous and would distract from the story.
Tv show writers would never put something like this in a script because it's over-the-top.
If you asked ChatGPT to write a script it wouldn't include someone making a direct threat because it's been programmed to not incite violence.
This single fact may be the most mind blowing thing we've ever witnessed.
And you get a sense that people discount it because it just a case of Biden being Biden. Which at the end of the day is the president of the US getting a free pass on making threats of violence against his opponent because he's a senile old man that's known to say just about anything and get away with it.
What we've seen play out shocks the conscience.