The Porkchop Express said:
Cibalo said:
First headline they put out before changing it later.

Look, I'm not sticking up for anyone, but you've got 23-year-old morons fresh out of a liberal arts college doing these headlines in a panic because nothing like this ever happens. This isn't a conspiracy. This is the result of people who never go outside except to get Starbucks suddenly being thrust into a once-in--a-lifetime news story and being too dumb and inexperienced to make any sense.
I didnt say it was a conspiracy. But I don't buy the pass you are trying to give them. Anything they put out especially about Trump and in this case when he is shot, it is very clear to see he is bleeding moments after, is not going to up to some 23 year old to press send. The senior editors are going to dictate the headline for this. The story following the headline sure you can convince me some junior intern wrote it.
Everyone with 1 eye and half a brain knows it was an assassination attempt on Trump. The headline like all the other ones that came out from MSM was about misdirection and down playing what really happened.