No thread about Kristi Noem?

24,504 Views | 324 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by TarponChaser
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eric76 said:

El Gallo Blanco said:

Buck Turgidson said:

A lot of white people can't really understand that dogs are not people.

LOL very true. And I like dogs. But I'd kill our dog if she bit our daughter.
Several years ago there was a family on the east coast with a dog that attacked a gardener who was there to prepare the grounds for some kind of party, I think.

It was a vicious attack that I think did some real nerve and muscle damage to the gardener.

The dog was ordered to be put down and the family started a public campaign to save their dog. Surprisingly, the campaign worked and the dog was spared.

Several months later, the dog attacked the man's mother-in-law. That time, they quietly put the dog down on their own.
More on that story from


Congo and three other German shepherds jumped on Constance Ladd on Tuesday afternoon, causing her to fall as she left Elizabeth James' house, according to Princeton Township police. The 75-year-old had puncture wounds and lacerations to her forearm, chest and head, police said, and she complained of pain in her hip.

Police said it was not clear which dog or dogs caused the bites, but David Henry, the local regional health officer, said it may have been all four.

James' husband, Guy, notified police the dogs had been euthanized Wednesday morning.
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This is a nothing story. City folk will never understand.
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TxAG#2011 said:

Jeez that's sadistic. I wouldn't vote for her on that alone.

Found another city dweller
Get Off My Lawn
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HTownAg98 said:

The part about putting down the goat is somehow worse. I get it having to put down aggressive livestock. I've had to do it, and it's not easy. But you know what you don't do? You don't do it with one bullet in your gun so that if you screw it up, you don't leave an animal writhing on the ground in agony while you go back to your truck to reload with more ammunition. That's unethical, no matter how you slice it.
nature is metal, my dude. A "grizzly death" is a saying for a reason. Damn things crush the spine with a bite to the back and then eat their prey alive. And that's not the only animal death that sucks. Most of them are very nasty.

No - I don't like to see animals suffer and try to make my kills clean… but nearly every day a hunter makes a shot that doesn't go exactly right. Doesn't make them unethical. And every single day animals cuter than a goat dies in a far worse manners.

As to the dogs… our treatment of them is a minority behavior. Most humans on this planet see dogs as food, pests, or enemies.
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Aggies1322 said:

aggie93 said:

SA68AG said:

It was flat out dumb to put that in a book.
This is the correct answer. Anyone that has every lived or worked on farms shrugs at this hubub because they get it. You love your animals but in the end you have to do stuff like this. Problem is that 70% of Americans have no clue as city or suburbanites and they many see this as worse than killing a child and will never get over it.

I'm as suburban as it gets.. I love dogs. I don't care one bit that she put a bad dog down. Saying this is 'bad' to put in a book is mind boggling. She wrote about an actual event that happened in her life.. why is that ever a bad thing to put in a book? People are so soft these days. Dogs provide utility on a farm. If they stop providing that utility or begin having a negative impact, you put them down. And the 're-home it' people are the worst. This dog was aggressive and should not have been re-homed.
Uh, she is a politician. Politicians say and do things to gain popularity. I'm sure there are a few folks who understand the situation and think "Yep, good on her for shooting that dog" but it's just not something that endears her to most people and it absolutely turns some people off from her. Forever.

That's why it was a dumb thing to do. You don't want to have to spend time explaining why you shot your dog in a gravel pit if you want to win elections.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Unfortunately we treat dogs with more dignity at the end of their lives than humans in our society.
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This isn't an example of humanely killing an animal. This was cruel.
Disagree. One round, dog gone before it knows what's happening.

I'm betting the people it bit, and the people who lost chickens, don't think it cruel.
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TxAG#2011 said:

Jeez that's sadistic. I wouldn't vote for her on that alone.
I've seen your posting history.

You wouldn't vote for anyone with an (R) after their name
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Teslag said:

TxAG#2011 said:

Jeez that's sadistic. I wouldn't vote for her on that alone.

Found another city dweller Democrat
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DarkBrandon01 said:

aggiepanic95 said:

DarkBrandon01 said:

I don't think dogs should be treated like farm animals

Farmers treat their animals very well. That's why they work all day everyday to keep them fed and healthy. Dogs, unfortunately, sometimes need compassion and that results in being put down.

I wouldn't expect you to know any of this bc it takes someone that has been around farming, ranching, or ag to understand this and based on your posting history, you are a dem loving city dweller who has terrible opinions about anything associated with hard working, God loving Americans.

If dogs are on the same level as farm animals, is it okay to cook and eat their meat like we do with cows, chickens, and pigs?
native Americans and the Lewis and Clark expedition did. But I wouldn't expect you to know either of those facts
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CanyonAg77 said:

TxAG#2011 said:

Jeez that's sadistic. I wouldn't vote for her on that alone.
I've seen your posting history.

You wouldn't vote for anyone with an (R) after their name

Not all of us will just blindly vote for whatever politician based on their party affiliation
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TxAG#2011 said:

CanyonAg77 said:

TxAG#2011 said:

Jeez that's sadistic. I wouldn't vote for her on that alone.
I've seen your posting history.

You wouldn't vote for anyone with an (R) after their name

Not all of us will just blindly vote for whatever politician based on their party affiliation

Based on your posting history you would
Watermelon Man
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A few things that I don't believe have been mentioned.

Chickens are not considered "livestock". They are fowl. Not excusing anything, but if you are saying the animal needed to be put down because it was killing livestock, well you're wrong.

There's a difference between farm animals and a family pet.

Personally, I am not against putting down a dog that is excessively aggressive. I've known people who like to believe there is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners. While I think there is some truth there, there are bad dogs.

What about the goat? According to Noem, she had to put the goat down down because it smelt bad and would butt and knock down anyone it was around, even children.

Ever been around a goat? They smell bad and they will butt a telephone pole. Anything else standing around is fair game, even children. It's what they do. Along with eating cans and glass bottles. You won't generally see goats in petting zoos. There is a reason.

So, she had to put down the goat for being a goat. Which is livestock.

And, she couldn't even do that in a responsible manner. She had to cause severe trauma to the animal, go back to her truck and get more ammo to complete the job.
It is much easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone that he has been fooled.
Jack Squat 83
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Yes, it was dumb for her to let that story out due to her political pursuits. Any ammo given to the opposition is dumb, end of story.

People out in the country simply take care of stuff, on their own as it comes up. 99.9 % of country folks take great care of their critters, but the critters do have to have a purpose. Also, there is no Animal Control to call, etc.

A funny story regarding the city vs country folk dynamic.

Years ago my father in law managed a large ranch below San Antonio and we were all in the cookhouse eating breakfast. An engineer from NY(I think, wearing shorts and hiking boots) was there to do work on the airstrip and was in eating with us. There were 3 or 4 worthless dogs laying around by the front door in the massive holes they had dug. The dogs were on the ranch already that he had recently been hired to run. He walked in that morning and said, "Someone needs to do something with these ___ damn worthless dogs out there!".

Without saying a word one of the cowboys(who always wore a revolver old-west style) gets up and walks outside. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, dog yelping....BOOM!!! That engineer was beside himself hopping around on the bench, and had to have pissed his pants. Cowboy walks back in and sat down to finish breakfast, never saying a word. I think the engineer left that day and never came back, lol.
Pretty sure most of you don’t know me.
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Context matters but unless this dog was endangering the lives of humans, taking a 1 year old puppy out back and shooting it is low IQ behavior.
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TxAG#2011 said:

CanyonAg77 said:

TxAG#2011 said:

Jeez that's sadistic. I wouldn't vote for her on that alone.
I've seen your posting history.

You wouldn't vote for anyone with an (R) after their name

Not all of us will just blindly vote for whatever politician based on their party affiliation

But you will. Got it.
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animals and birds that are kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, or chickens
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aggie93 said:

Aggies1322 said:

aggie93 said:

SA68AG said:

It was flat out dumb to put that in a book.
This is the correct answer. Anyone that has every lived or worked on farms shrugs at this hubub because they get it. You love your animals but in the end you have to do stuff like this. Problem is that 70% of Americans have no clue as city or suburbanites and they many see this as worse than killing a child and will never get over it.

I'm as suburban as it gets.. I love dogs. I don't care one bit that she put a bad dog down. Saying this is 'bad' to put in a book is mind boggling. She wrote about an actual event that happened in her life.. why is that ever a bad thing to put in a book? People are so soft these days. Dogs provide utility on a farm. If they stop providing that utility or begin having a negative impact, you put them down. And the 're-home it' people are the worst. This dog was aggressive and should not have been re-homed.
Uh, she is a politician. Politicians say and do things to gain popularity. I'm sure there are a few folks who understand the situation and think "Yep, good on her for shooting that dog" but it's just not something that endears her to most people and it absolutely turns some people off from her. Forever.

That's why it was a dumb thing to do. You don't want to have to spend time explaining why you shot your dog in a gravel pit if you want to win elections.
Politically that's going to haunt her the rest of her political career. You're absolutely correct that many people will write her off forever because of that.

It's hard to believe a politician and her advisors could be so out of touch with the way the vast majority of people think that they'd put that in a book.

A huge unforced error on her part.
Harry Stone
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We should also rehome pit bulls that cause significant injury to humans because they're 'just dogs.'

Amazes me the same people pissed at this are cool killing a baby because 'my body my choice.'
Deputy Travis Junior
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aggiepanic95 said:

Farmers treat their animals very well. That's why they work all day everyday to keep them fed and healthy. Dogs, unfortunately, sometimes need compassion and that results in being put down.

You're obviously right. Buuuut... discussing how much she hated it before she reveals that she killed is unsettling.

"We had this dog that kept biting people and killing lifestock. Unfortunately we had to put it down."
Is SO SO different than:
"I hated that dog. It was worthless. I had to put it down." The first is a sad story. The second sounds at least somewhat like a violent emotional reaction.

Doesn't change my view that 95% of people in big league politics are sociopaths.
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DarkBrandon01 said:

aggiepanic95 said:

DarkBrandon01 said:

I don't think dogs should be treated like farm animals

Farmers treat their animals very well. That's why they work all day everyday to keep them fed and healthy. Dogs, unfortunately, sometimes need compassion and that results in being put down.

I wouldn't expect you to know any of this bc it takes someone that has been around farming, ranching, or ag to understand this and based on your posting history, you are a dem loving city dweller who has terrible opinions about anything associated with hard working, God loving Americans.

If dogs are on the same level as farm animals, is it okay to cook and eat their meat like we do with cows, chickens, and pigs?
You might wanna stay away from China
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Martin Cash said:

DarkBrandon01 said:

If dogs are on the same level as farm animals, is it okay to cook and eat their meat like we do with cows, chickens, and pigs?
Dog makes a fine meal.

Town used to have a stray dog problem, then Vietnam fell and the refugees moved in. No more dog problems and the egg rolls are outstanding.
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Stick to raising watermelons because you don't know crap about goats.
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Some of the best chicken and dumplings I ever ate came from a rooster that spurred my mom while she was gathering eggs.
Urban Ag
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Noem did herself no favors with this because it won't gain her a single vote.

I am a rancher and professional hunter. I kill animals all the time. I have killed hundreds of animals, maybe thousands, I would have to really think about it to get to a number.

Coincidentally, I noticed that one of my ranch Foreman's dogs had not been in is yard as of late. This was last week. I asked him about the dog and he just shrugged and said he had to shoot her. I asked why. He said she was old and doing crazy stuff (eating dirt and debris) and the vet told him he was 99% sure that cancer had destroyed her body, she was in great pain, etc. Vet offered to euthanize but my foreman just did it himself.

All that said, I am a huge dog person. YUGE. This guy has worked for me for 22 years. He's a good dude but he is old school. I wanted to say something but didn't. I just nodded and got on with what I was doing. Such is life.
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What was he supposed to do, pay someone else to take care of his responsibility?
Urban Ag
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Not the point.

About a year ago I sat with and held my beloved gold lab that was dying while the vet tech put her down. There is absolutely no way I could take my friend out behind the house or barn and put a bullet in her head. And my sons would have hated me for it had I did.

I don't hold a thing against my ranch foreman for handling it himself. All I am saying is that real world ranch/farm life is something 90% of this country doesn't have a clue about, we all handle it our own way, and life goes on.

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rab79 said:

Some of the best chicken and dumplings I ever ate came from a rooster that spurred my mom while she was gathering eggs.
There is a dish called "Coq au vin" which is basically "Rooster with wine". The recipe is is intended to be used with a rooster or older chicken.
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Watermelon Man said:

A few things that I don't believe have been mentioned.

Chickens are not considered "livestock". They are fowl. Not excusing anything, but if you are saying the animal needed to be put down because it was killing livestock, well you're wrong.
If a chicken is kept as a pet, it would probably not be considered llivestock but any ordinary farm chickens raised to produce eggs or meat are most certainly livestock as are ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, quail, emus, ostriches, ... , even peacocks and peahens in some cases.
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eric76 said:

rab79 said:

Some of the best chicken and dumplings I ever ate came from a rooster that spurred my mom while she was gathering eggs.
There is a dish called "Coq au vin" which is basically "Rooster with wine". The recipe is is intended to be used with a rooster or older chicken.

Family is German and Scottish, not French. Chicken and dumplings are what older birds are used for, there is a reason young chickens are called fryers.
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rab79 said:

eric76 said:

rab79 said:

Some of the best chicken and dumplings I ever ate came from a rooster that spurred my mom while she was gathering eggs.
There is a dish called "Coq au vin" which is basically "Rooster with wine". The recipe is is intended to be used with a rooster or older chicken.

Family is German and Scottish, not French. Chicken and dumplings are what older birds are used for, there is a reason young chickens are called fryers.
Yeah. Older chickens do well with simmering / braising. I don't think that older chickens and roosters are generally identified with chicken and dumplings as much as with coq au vin.
Captain Pablo
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"I am a rancher and professional hunter"

User name does not check out
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Next they are going to come after Old Yeller!
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Per her book, a hunting dog that could or would not hunt, attacked and killed other farm animals, and was aggressive toward people.

She made the only decision a person with common sense could make and then acted on it. For those suggesting rehoming the dog, that is simply dumping a problem on someone else who is clueless and less able to handle it. Not a solution.

Training a dog is seldom for the dog, In most cases it is the handler that needs the training in how to control the animal. The problem with trying to further train an aggressive animal is they are, and always will be, unpredictable and therefore dangerous to anyone near them, including the handler.

Dogs have personalities just like people, there are good ones, smart one, evil ones, and stupid ones. Once you identify the third kind, you don't pass it off to someone else, you bite the bullet and fulfill your owner responsibility to terminate it.

Not easy, but necessary.
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A related aside as you first must know where the farm animals come from to understand where they eventually go…

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