No thread about Kristi Noem?

24,523 Views | 324 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by TarponChaser
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Sid Farkas said:

CanyonAg77 said:

Sid Farkas said:

I would've been nice if she made an effort to find the dog a home. This isn't 1850.

Are you offering your home to a terrier that has bitten people, killed chickens, and proved itself untrainable?
I have a dog. Don't need another one. Thanks.

There dog rescue organizations in every state, and plenty of people who adopt troubled animals. I know several people who do.

Seems hypocritical to criticize someone who did not re-home a dog, when you aren't willing to rescue a dog.

And her ranch is somewhere in the middle of South Dakota, I assume there isn't a dog rescue with 500 miles.

I love dogs, but at the end of the day, it's a dog. If it's aggressive and untrainable, the responsible thing to do is protect people and other animals, and remove it from the gene pool.
one safe place
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Buck Turgidson said:

A lot of white people can't really understand that dogs are not people.
lol and they refer to them as their "fur babies"
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DarkBrandon01 said:

aggiepanic95 said:

DarkBrandon01 said:

I don't think dogs should be treated like farm animals

Farmers treat their animals very well. That's why they work all day everyday to keep them fed and healthy. Dogs, unfortunately, sometimes need compassion and that results in being put down.

I wouldn't expect you to know any of this bc it takes someone that has been around farming, ranching, or ag to understand this and based on your posting history, you are a dem loving city dweller who has terrible opinions about anything associated with hard working, God loving Americans.

If dogs are on the same level as farm animals, is it okay to cook and eat their meat like we do with cows, chickens, and pigs?
The lack of knowledge and understanding you have of how farmers and ranchers treat/respect their animals is so astounding that I bet there are dogs that failed obedience school that are smarter than you.

You must be trolling, but screw it. All farm animals (including dogs), are treated with an extremely high level of care and respect. the only line drawn is what animal is marketable and what is not for consumption. But, the farmers and ranchers still care for every animal. It's their job, their livelihood, their way of life, their passion. Sometimes, the decision has to be made that putting an animal down is more efficient and ETHICAL than trying to limp it along.

I raised show lambs growing up and currently help raise and manage a bison herd with my family. I have shed more tears for dead lambs, bison calves, bison, and dogs than I have for most people I knew that have died. There is nothing fun about having to make the decision to put down an animal. There is nothing easy about making that decision. But go ahead and continue to stand on your bull**** PETA ideals.
Im Gipper
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Cattutd is right. Noem took the easy route! Fund a better home, work harder training.

This isn't an example of humanely killing an animal. This was cruel.

I'm Gipper
Im Gipper
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Agree with every word you said!

However, this was not such a situation.

I'm Gipper
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Norm was in the right. So is anyone that kills a pit bull for whatever reason.
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I love our dog, but if I was put in a situation where I had to choose between saving a complete stranger versus our dog, I'm saving the human life (if I can). It isn't debatable, human life > animal life.
Im Gipper
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Teslag said:

Norm was in the right. So is anyone that kills a pit bull for whatever reason.

That's pretty sick, even for you

I'm Gipper
Im Gipper
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NE PA Ag said:

I love our dog, but if I was put in a situation where I had to choose between saving a complete stranger versus our dog, I'm saving the human life (if I can). It isn't debatable, human life > animal life.

I don't think this is really up for debate

I'm Gipper
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Im Gipper said:


Agree with every word you said!

However, this was not such a situation.

Just reading bits and pieces, sounds like this was an aggressive dog. Doesn't sound like this was a "rescue" situation, so the farmer has a choice to make.

1) continue to try to work with the dog, putting both people and other livestock at risk until the training is complete

2) put the dog down and possibly prevent future injury/death to people and other livestock.

Neither choice is easy to make. And each decision will have its flaws and repercussions.
Im Gipper
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It appears the risk to people story is only coming out after Noem was called out.

A puppy snapping at its owner is hardly reason to think it's a danger to humans, don't you agree?

I agree that this probably could not have been around chickens, So the farm was not a good place for it to be

I'm Gipper
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aggie93 said:

SA68AG said:

It was flat out dumb to put that in a book.
This is the correct answer. Anyone that has every lived or worked on farms shrugs at this hubub because they get it. You love your animals but in the end you have to do stuff like this. Problem is that 70% of Americans have no clue as city or suburbanites and they many see this as worse than killing a child and will never get over it.

I'm as suburban as it gets.. I love dogs. I don't care one bit that she put a bad dog down. Saying this is 'bad' to put in a book is mind boggling. She wrote about an actual event that happened in her life.. why is that ever a bad thing to put in a book? People are so soft these days. Dogs provide utility on a farm. If they stop providing that utility or begin having a negative impact, you put them down. And the 're-home it' people are the worst. This dog was aggressive and should not have been re-homed.
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Aggies1322 said:

aggie93 said:

SA68AG said:

It was flat out dumb to put that in a book.
This is the correct answer. Anyone that has every lived or worked on farms shrugs at this hubub because they get it. You love your animals but in the end you have to do stuff like this. Problem is that 70% of Americans have no clue as city or suburbanites and they many see this as worse than killing a child and will never get over it.

She wrote about an actual event that happened in her life.. why is that ever a bad thing to put in a book?
Probably the same reason that Trump isn't going to write about pounding Stormy in his next book?
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Im Gipper said:

It appears the risk to people story is only coming out after Noem was called out.

A puppy snapping at its owner is hardly reason to think it's a danger to humans, don't you agree?

I agree that this probably could not have been around chickens, So the farm was not a good place for it to be

that depends on the level of "snapping" and what other humans would be in contact with the dog.

I have a 3 year old silver lab (hell yeah I'm calling him a silver lab, you purists). When he and I are rough housing around, he'll chew on my arm. It's completely playful and innocent, and i allow it to happen. But he knows not to do it with any guests that come to the house. Other than just being excited for guests, he knows his boundaries. Maybe this dog refused to accept boundaries.

Flip side. I was attacked by our heard bison bull back in January. He charged me, gored me in the thigh, and tossed me up in the air about 8 feet. Completely unprovoked. Put me in the hospital for 2 days and had to have surgery. We made the decision to put him down. It was not an easy decision, but one that had to be made for the safety of the herd and the safety of my family/anyone else who might come in contact with the herd. He was never afraid of people, always coming right up to us and try to eat cubes out of our hands. We were always cautious of him. But after my attack, he knew he would always win. It was a hard decision, but will think about him every time I grill his meat.
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There are plenty of resources that will take in aggressive dogs. Many of the dogs that were in Michael Vick's dog fighting ring were taken in and trained into being therapy/service dogs. Plus, if a dog gets away from its owner and attacks a neighbor's livestock, whose fault is that? Hint: it's not the dog.
Ellis Wyatt
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I don't think leftists should be treated like adults, but here we are.
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Tomahawking dogs is exactly the skill we need to deal gd insane spending and unfunded liabilities.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

I don't think leftists should be treated like adults, but here we are.

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Ag CPA said:

Aggies1322 said:

aggie93 said:

SA68AG said:

It was flat out dumb to put that in a book.
This is the correct answer. Anyone that has every lived or worked on farms shrugs at this hubub because they get it. You love your animals but in the end you have to do stuff like this. Problem is that 70% of Americans have no clue as city or suburbanites and they many see this as worse than killing a child and will never get over it.

She wrote about an actual event that happened in her life.. why is that ever a bad thing to put in a book?
Probably the same reason that Trump isn't going to write about pounding Stormy in his next book?

There is nothing immoral in killing a bad dog.. or killing a good dog (assuming it's not sadistic in nature). There is something immoral about banging a porn star while married. Your false equivalency was too hyperbolic.
Im Gipper
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Mentioned earlier by others, worth repeating:

I don't care one iota what baby killing libs have to say about this!

I'm Gipper
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The part about putting down the goat is somehow worse. I get it having to put down aggressive livestock. I've had to do it, and it's not easy. But you know what you don't do? You don't do it with one bullet in your gun so that if you screw it up, you don't leave an animal writhing on the ground in agony while you go back to your truck to reload with more ammunition. That's unethical, no matter how you slice it.
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Im Gipper said:

Mentioned earlier by others, worth repeating:

I don't care one iota what baby killing libs have to say about this!

Well hot damn, if you're ever in the hill country I'd like to buy you a beer
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Sid Farkas said:

CanyonAg77 said:

Sid Farkas said:

I would've been nice if she made an effort to find the dog a home. This isn't 1850.

Are you offering your home to a terrier that has bitten people, killed chickens, and proved itself untrainable?
I have a dog. Don't need another one. Thanks.

There dog rescue organizations in every state, and plenty of people who adopt troubled animals. I know several people who do.
Doesnt really even seem like a troubled animal. Sounds like a puppy who didnt bite anyone and should not have been allowed to run loose to chase the neighbors chickens Untrainable? What does that even mean?
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HTownAg98 said:

The part about putting down the goat is somehow worse. I get it having to put down aggressive livestock. I've had to do it, and it's not easy. But you know what you don't do? You don't do it with one bullet in your gun so that if you screw it up, you don't leave an animal writhing on the ground in agony while you go back to your truck to reload with more ammunition. That's unethical, no matter how you slice it.
Agree completely. We've sold some bison hunts over the last couple of years (hunters have to agree to take the meat as well), we always have a "back up" gun at the ready in case the hunter shot doesn't go well.
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HTownAg98 said:

The part about putting down the goat is somehow worse. I get it having to put down aggressive livestock. I've had to do it, and it's not easy. But you know what you don't do? You don't do it with one bullet in your gun so that if you screw it up, you don't leave an animal writhing on the ground in agony while you go back to your truck to reload with more ammunition. That's unethical, no matter how you slice it.

Unethical? Is this a joke? It's an animal. People make mistakes when putting animals down, that doesn't make it unethical. I guess that is the outcome in a society that is increasingly getting their ethics somewhere other than Gods word. They confuse what is ethical and unethical and it gives rise to moral relativism.
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CanyonAg77 said:

Sid Farkas said:

I would've been nice if she made an effort to find the dog a home. This isn't 1850.

Are you offering your home to a terrier that has bitten people, killed chickens, and proved itself untrainable?
this seems like the same level of dumb as "why didn't they just shoot him in the leg?"
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I can't believe you're trying to defend this. Anyone who has ever had to put an animal down ALWAYS makes sure the gun is loaded with more than one round so that if it goes wrong, you can make a quick follow-up shot and put the animal down quickly. You have an obligation when euthanizing an animal to ensure the animal suffers as little as possible. By your reasoning, it's perfectly ok to leave and animal doing a fish flop while you go back to your truck to get more ammo. That's sick and twisted.
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HTownAg98 said:

I can't believe you're trying to defend this. Anyone who has ever had to put an animal down ALWAYS makes sure the gun is loaded with more than one round so that if it goes wrong, you can make a quick follow-up shot and put the animal down quickly. You have an obligation when euthanizing an animal to ensure the animal suffers as little as possible. By your reasoning, it's perfectly ok to leave and animal doing a fish flop while you go back to your truck to get more ammo. That's sick and twisted.

I'm not saying it is the optimal way.. I'm saying that mistakes happen when putting animals down and I don't think that makes it unethical.
Funky Winkerbean
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SA68AG said:

It was flat out dumb to put that in a book.

People that have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Try being inquisitive about lives you don't understand. Hateful is a terrible way to live.
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Jeez that's sadistic. I wouldn't vote for her on that alone.
Sea Speed
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HillCountry15 said:

Im Gipper said:

It appears the risk to people story is only coming out after Noem was called out.

A puppy snapping at its owner is hardly reason to think it's a danger to humans, don't you agree?

I agree that this probably could not have been around chickens, So the farm was not a good place for it to be

that depends on the level of "snapping" and what other humans would be in contact with the dog.

I have a 3 year old silver lab (hell yeah I'm calling him a silver lab, you purists). When he and I are rough housing around, he'll chew on my arm. It's completely playful and innocent, and i allow it to happen. But he knows not to do it with any guests that come to the house. Other than just being excited for guests, he knows his boundaries. Maybe this dog refused to accept boundaries.

Flip side. I was attacked by our heard bison bull back in January. He charged me, gored me in the thigh, and tossed me up in the air about 8 feet. Completely unprovoked. Put me in the hospital for 2 days and had to have surgery. We made the decision to put him down. It was not an easy decision, but one that had to be made for the safety of the herd and the safety of my family/anyone else who might come in contact with the herd. He was never afraid of people, always coming right up to us and try to eat cubes out of our hands. We were always cautious of him. But after my attack, he knew he would always win. It was a hard decision, but will think about him every time I grill his meat.
Martin Cash
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DarkBrandon01 said:

If dogs are on the same level as farm animals, is it okay to cook and eat their meat like we do with cows, chickens, and pigs?
Dog makes a fine meal.
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TequilaMockingbird said:

I see one thread got nuked for no content.

Here's one article-

Noem under fire after revealing in her book that she once had to put down a dog on their farm. We all know this stuff is sometimes necessary on a farm/ranch but sheesh, this really seems like something that is better left unsaid.

On the other hand, it's hilarious- and typical- that the article later points out her opposition to abortion. So, they don't mind killing babies- just don't kill an aggressive dog?

This was an egregious move and likely spells the end of her career moving forward. I have no idea why she would (1) put that in a book or (2) word it in that way. It's a really bad look.

You can get away with a lot in American politics, put I imagine nearly everyone is going to freak at murder-porn killing your dog for shallow reasons.
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Buck Turgidson said:

A lot of white people can't really understand that dogs are not people.

While I agree, my dog's life is worth more than at least 40-45% of our populace.
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One thing that really surprised me years ago was to read that PETA's shelters have among the highest kill rates in the nation!

Need to find a new owner for your pet dog or cat, they have worse chances at PETA's shelters than most any other animal shelter.
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