It's happening... backlash against tipping

18,173 Views | 139 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by aggiehawg
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I'm also starting to see "would you like to round up to cure childhood disease" at various points of sale.

I always ask "what disease" and I get a blank stare. Very odd to me. I just say no. I support St Jude anyways.
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Maybe I'll start paying cash for everything. Make them ask me.
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Oh dear God. Twice in one week we have someone that doesn't think this through before they post. Hopefully we won't go back and forth on it like we did earlier in the week.


Indeed. Tipping long ago ceased to be a reward for good service, and became a scheme for restaurant owners to make their customers pay most of their waiters' wages so they don't have to.

This is just such a bad take. Waitstaff makes $2.13/hr plus tips and in a town like CS that works out to about $15/hr. Remove tipping from the equation and the owner will have to raise wages from $2.13 to $15 to keep his staff in place. Then he raises prices commensurate with the increase in labor costs and we're back to where we started except that the owner has paid $15 v $2.13 and your meal cost $20 with no tip instead of $16 plus a $4 tip.

The important point is that the owner literally saves no money on the "wages" received in tips versus the ones received in hourly pay. None. Not one cent. He even pays SS and Medicare taxes on the tips each person receives.

Tipping in a restaurant setting is still a reward for a good job, a chance for the waiter to make more than $15/hr by being good at their job. Does it work? Different conversation but this notion that the restaurant saves money with the tipping system in place needs to die because it just isn't true.
A fearful society is a compliant society. That's why Democrats and criminals prefer their victims to be unarmed. Gun Control is not about guns, it's about control.
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sanangelo said:

FbgTxAg said:

If you think about it, we're all being asked to tip our Aggie Athletes as well.

Final game at Kyle, I paid about $20 for a water and a popcorn at a self-service concessions stand. The iPad checkout thing asked if I wanted to tip and 20% was highlightedthat's four freaking dollars! More than the water and popcorn should have cost!!! I turned to the "supervisor" kid and told him I thought that was ridiculous. He said, "please don't tip. We don't see a dime of that money!" The concessions company levy was pocketing the tips!!! Don't tip at Kyle Field!

Levy is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.

They are concessionaire at COTA. Their service there creates negative air pressure on male genitals too
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The increase of requests for tips at places where you simply pick up food, etc. has deterred me from going there, especially when POS system shows three amounts with the lowest being 20%.!!!!! F that.
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And in pretty sure the people who work he pick up line get full pay as well, unlike the table servers
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Sometimes I tip well simply because I know it has a larger impact on the person receiving the tip than it does me. I guess it's a form of charity, but at least you know the recipient is working and there is some exchange in goods or services.
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If I'm driving to your store, waiting in line or walking in to pick up my order….don't ask me for a tip because it ticks me off. If you want to just raise the price of your food, fine. It's my choice if I want to buy or not. Everybody has their freaking hand out.
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Im pretty sure Square and the POS system software makers sell and market the asking for tips as a revenue generating part of the product. Its a new way to make extra money for those businesses that arent required to pay the tip or all of the tip to the employees. Thats why the most egregious tip asking businesses are ones that dont seem like they even have the type of job or even a payscale that would take tips into account.
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Not the topic of this thread. It's Not the $2.13 jobs on most of the tips request screens.
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MaroonStain said:

If I am picking up an order, 10%. Rarely dine out since I mostly eat in my truck while working or at home, if I do, 20% to bartender or server. Deliver 20-25% dependent upon receipt of order.

If service is below average, above numbers decrease.

When I was a kid, the customary tip was 10%. I never understood when or why it went up to 15% since the prices of everything kept going up. When I delivered pizza in HS, my typical tip was around a dollar on a $15-20 order, which I was fine with. Sometimes higher, sometimes lower, but since I was also paid per delivery, I'd made $35-ish a night on my deliveries, sans salary, on a 4 hour shift and that was also OK. Came out to $12-ish an hour.

Anyway, still no idea when 20% became the "norm," but I refuse to go anywhere near that high unless things are outstanding and I only tip when the person is on a tip-based income (restaurant server) or working to get something out faster (delivery, etc.). I tip around 10% of the total check, including tax, for normal, around 12-13 for good, and 15 to maybe as high as 20 if it is really good. I have left no tip before for crappy service.
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For me it's based upon may ability to tip, not charity per se, but sorta.

But yes, only for jobs where tip income is the bulk of what they receive.

But now that I can, I'll tip anywhere from 30-50% just to brighten someone's day.

One of the worst was at Scholtsky's the other day. The stupid tip screen on the CC machine shows. I don't have glasses on and can't read it. The clerk say "oh, you just have to push a button", reaches over, and gives herself a 10% tip. For counter service. It was 2 bucks so I didn't mention it, but just poor form on her part.
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LOYAL AG said:

Oh dear God. Twice in one week we have someone that doesn't think this through before they post. Hopefully we won't go back and forth on it like we did earlier in the week.


Indeed. Tipping long ago ceased to be a reward for good service, and became a scheme for restaurant owners to make their customers pay most of their waiters' wages so they don't have to.

This is just such a bad take. Waitstaff makes $2.13/hr plus tips and in a town like CS that works out to about $15/hr. Remove tipping from the equation and the owner will have to raise wages from $2.13 to $15 to keep his staff in place. Then he raises prices commensurate with the increase in labor costs and we're back to where we started except that the owner has paid $15 v $2.13 and your meal cost $20 with no tip instead of $16 plus a $4 tip.

The important point is that the owner literally saves no money on the "wages" received in tips versus the ones received in hourly pay. None. Not one cent. He even pays SS and Medicare taxes on the tips each person receives.

Tipping in a restaurant setting is still a reward for a good job, a chance for the waiter to make more than $15/hr by being good at their job. Does it work? Different conversation but this notion that the restaurant saves money with the tipping system in place needs to die because it just isn't true.

Like in SF, where there are no tip wages, and when min wage went to $15 an hour for everyone, including waitstaff. Prices at restaurants skyrocketed for some reason, and at the same time 18% became the base for expected tips. So…higher tip percentage off of double the check amount seemingly overnight. And those morons blamed the business owners for being greedy for raising prices. Or my favorite is when people got mad at the businesses for closing down because they had to pay 50% more for payroll. Some actually were pleased with how things played out, because if you couldn't pay them a living wage already then you don't deserve to be in business. Incredible…
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When we eat with friends, the person who does not pick up the check leaves the tip. It is a polite way to say thank you to your host. Tips are for a service that is above and beyond their regular duties. Running a cash register or pouring coffee behind a bar, is a regular duty. (IMHO).
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Some people I knew who had a tough time in the Great Depression could hardly bring themselves to tip more than a quarter on any bill.
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Let's put this in perspective, for waitstaff. ie: $2.13/hr wages. I am going to be ridiculously conservative.

During a busy period, the server is responsible gor four tables of two. Average check is $42.00, average tip 15%. Eight tables total in 2.5 hours. $5.10/table times eight is $40.80. Divided by 2.5 hours is $16.32/hr.

Whe. I managed Ft. Shiloh Steakhouse in the 80s, we had some special events that I gave my servers the option of $6/hr. Minimum wage was $3.35 at the time. All preferred to take their chances on tips.

Edit for spelling.
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The better she looks the bigger the tip
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The only people for tipping either (a) have ownership in the restaurant industry (b) work in the restaurant industry or (c) are so cowardly that they crumble in front of the tip screen from the social guilt of not gifting money to a stranger for carrying plates to the table.

Great thing here is that no one has to supplement employment costs for restaurants.
Proposition Joe
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I think a problem many of us have is that we're not sure if we're "brightening someone's day" or we're lining the pockets of the owner.

Additionally the question on whether this extra $20 goes to you, or if it goes to tip share. I'm not interested in tip share.

At restaurants I only tip in cash.
Russ Dalrymple
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All depends where I'm at.

I tip the waitresses at local coffee shop or restaurants well. They've been there for a long time, are friendly, and provide great service.

All other businesses that ask for tip for doing nothing can all go pound sand.
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I don't know of any restaurant owner that keeps tips from the POS. We distribute 100% collected equitably across all employees. When you factor in cooks, prep, cleaning, etc. as well as slow times of day it doesn't add up to much per employee. It certainly doesn't allow us to pay our employees less or they would just go to another restaurant paying more. About half of our customers don't tip at the register and that's just fine.
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Is some places in Asia, tipping is considered an insult. By tipping, you are saying that you feel pity for them as they aren't doing a good enough job. It's more about the pride of doing a job well.
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I'll tip a waitress with CASH so she'll get it. If I get a credit card bill with a tip line, I slash through it.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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cecil77 said:

For me it's based upon may ability to tip, not charity per se, but sorta.

But yes, only for jobs where tip income is the bulk of what they receive.

But now that I can, I'll tip anywhere from 30-50% just to brighten someone's day.

One of the worst was at Scholtsky's the other day. The stupid tip screen on the CC machine shows. I don't have glasses on and can't read it. The clerk say "oh, you just have to push a button", reaches over, and gives herself a 10% tip. For counter service. It was 2 bucks so I didn't mention it, but just poor form on her part.

This is where I'm at which is why it really grinds my gears when a business tries to take advantage of people's good nature.
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Rockdoc said:

I'll tip a waitress with CASH so she'll get it. If I get a credit card bill with a tip line, I slash through it.
Same here. Cash only.
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Locally they are phasing out the lower "tipped wage" so that servers will be paid the full minimum wage - and it must be paid in full by the employer and not offset with tips. When servers are making $17 per hour base pay, I'm not tipping extra on top of that except for outstanding service.
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Ag_of_08 said:

Ah yes, don't enjoy the fruits of your labor peasant. You must tip a fixed percentage, even if it means paying someone more per hour than you make because the food cost has arbitrarily shot up.
And this is why the tipping on percentage is stupid. Why should the server get a bigger tip because I ordered a steak instead of a chicken breast? Why should they make less because I ordered a chicken breast instead of a steak? They're doing the same amount of work and providing the same level of service in either case.
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Several places I've eaten at in Colorado share the tips amongst all servers. Once I learned that, I don't tip more than 15%. I hate communism. Those are "sit down" restaurants.

How do I know if the other staff did a good job!?
Moral High Horse
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Tax times 2 is my limit unless it's a holiday like new years eave or christmas then they get a lot more.
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I also think the heavy tipping is driving up inflation. I guarantee young people tip at their over priced Starbucks, Dutch bros, etc and all the fast food cookie places and the like. When you order a $7 coffee and tip $2, money at those small levels ceases to mean anything. So, why should minimum wage be $8, that's like nothing man.

Weird how little value people put on the actual amount of money these days.
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All these points are valid.

However, I tip to make me feel good as much as to help out the server. IF and employer screws over their servers, that's on them, not on me. I'll continue to tip for service. However, I'm becoming increasingly OK with tapping "no tip" on the screens for someone who has only rung up a transaction and nothing more.
Tom Kazansky 2012
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jja79 said:

Fightin_Aggie said:

Sharpshooter said:

I am a traditional 20%+ tipper who has cut back because of this garbage.
Hard to justify 20% tipping when the cost to eat out is up 50%-75%

Then don't eat out. The increased cost has nothing to do with the restaurant staff. It's the idiot in the White House.
Yeah everyone, stop going to the restaurants.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Folks don't realize they paying for covid one $17 value meal at a time.
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Slicer97 said:

Ag_of_08 said:

Ah yes, don't enjoy the fruits of your labor peasant. You must tip a fixed percentage, even if it means paying someone more per hour than you make because the food cost has arbitrarily shot up.
And this is why the tipping on percentage is stupid. Why should the server get a bigger tip because I ordered a steak instead of a chicken breast? Why should they make less because I ordered a chicken breast instead of a steak? They're doing the same amount of work and providing the same level of service in either case.

Because meal ticket price is correlated to the number of items ordered. More items, more work.
Sq 17
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LOYAL AG said:

Oh dear God. Twice in one week we have someone that doesn't think this through before they post. Hopefully we won't go back and forth on it like we did earlier in the week.


Indeed. Tipping long ago ceased to be a reward for good service, and became a scheme for restaurant owners to make their customers pay most of their waiters' wages so they don't have to.

This is just such a bad take. Waitstaff makes $2.13/hr plus tips and in a town like CS that works out to about $15/hr. Remove tipping from the equation and the owner will have to raise wages from $2.13 to $15 to keep his staff in place. Then he raises prices commensurate with the increase in labor costs and we're back to where we started except that the owner has paid $15 v $2.13 and your meal cost $20 with no tip instead of $16 plus a $4 tip.

The important point is that the owner literally saves no money on the "wages" received in tips versus the ones received in hourly pay. None. Not one cent. He even pays SS and Medicare taxes on the tips each person receives.

Tipping in a restaurant setting is still a reward for a good job, a chance for the waiter to make more than $15/hr by being good at their job. Does it work? Different conversation but this notion that the restaurant saves money with the tipping system in place needs to die because it just isn't true.

You'd be wrong on saving money
A waiter standing around when the restaurant is not busy is cheaper at $2 an hour than at $15 dollars an hour
Back in College dated a a girl that waitressed part time. It would piss her off when it was slow and her manager wouldn't let her clock out and leave
He would eventually let her clock out but it was only after she rolled silverware or cleaned tables for 45 minutes of course that 45 minutes only cost the manager $1.75 so he had no imperative to let her leave
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