fka ftc said:
Another "I don't like their opinion cause its different than mine" trolling?
You ever sit back and think "Maybe I'm old and out of touch with reality?"
My house is 1156 sq ft. It was built in 1950. It was $200,000 when I bought it 9 years ago. It was a $1330 mortgage. It's valued at $520,000 today. If I bought it today the mortgage would be $3900. That's an annualized increase in value of 10.7%, with an annualized increase in payments of 12.7%.
The house I grew up in just down the street from where I live now, my mom bought in 1978 before she met my dad for $38,000. It was built in 1940. 1386 sq ft. The mortgage was under $500. My brother owns it now. He purchased it for $300,000 in 2017. Mortgage was around $1800. It's valued at $520,000 now. If he purchased it now it would also carry a $3900 mortgage. That's 9.6% annual appreciation in value and a 13.7% increase in monthly costs.
The first house I put on an offer on in 2012 had my offer accepted that I backed out of at 108,000. It's valued at 327,000 today. That's 10.6% annualized appreciation in valued. The mortgage was going to be $780. It would be around $2500 today. It's 1379 sq ft and built in 1974 and not updated.
It is not just McMansions and granite countertops driving affordability issues.