Absolutely insane time to strike. Auto sales are down and dropping fast with interest rates. People can't afford new cars as it is. Now they are striking and with an end result of raising the price of vehicles more? Brilliant!
I was thinking of getting a new F150 in the next year or so but they are just making it less and less appealing to do so. I'll either go used or get a Toyota. They sure work hard at trying to destroy themselves.
The crazy thing is this is so fixable. Just focus American manufacturing on vehicles people want and get rid of CAFE standards. Have these jobs be great jobs with good pay but not be completely unsustainable.
Nah, let's just force auto companies to make cars people don't want that are impossibly expensive while bankrupting the companies with employment contracts that are unsustainable. Then we can have everything made elsewhere.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan