bmks270 said:
Pumpkinhead said:
One of three scenarios happened from worst case to less worse but still really bad:
1) Lost hull integrity and imploded
2) Got snagged up in the wreckage and are sitting down there. Will be extremely difficult to rescue. Clock is ticking on life support.
3) Lost all power/communications but are floating around on the surface somewhere…finding a needle in haystack…they are bolted in from outside so will still eventually run out of air even in this scenario, just like scenario #2.
Let's hope it is scenario #3 and surface search spots them. Best case to hope for.
Could have lost control and just drifting at 10,000 ft depth never to be found.
What I can't understand is that they designed it so it can't be opened from the inside. So even if your safety system floats you to the surface, you're still trapped inside.
And does anybody know how much water and food they bring down with them.
I would assume they would have a manual release to drop weight so they could float to the top, but who knows?
As far as food and water, they will run out of oxygen in 96 hours from launch, based on what I read.
They would be fine without food for 2 weeks if they have water. They probably could survive without water for 3 days considering they have shelter, aren't expending energy, and shouldn't be dehydrated.
Based on the video, they were bolted in with 15 large bolts from the outside. Doesn't sound like getting out unassisted is an option, even if at the surface.