jrdaustin said:
TXAggie2011 said:
Anyone who did not flee the country and is not the former President of the United States would have found themselves in a federal prison months ago for these alleged crimes. The whole "equal protection" and "prosecutorial discretion" arguments are based on treating him differently because of his unique status. It is really quite a dissonant argument.
Really? That's a pretty bold statement.
Take Brennan & Clapper. Do you really think that they have had no access to classified docs? That no one shares any information with them?
The problem is, we don't really know. There's absolutely no curiosity on the part of the Government to find out.
And that's just two individuals at top of mind. There are thousands of individuals who had classification status that may no longer have them, yet they still have contacts that do.
If John Brennan or Jim Clapper took classified documents when they left their government posts, were asked and told several times to give them back, and did not, and moreso, said they did give them back, then I would predict both gentlemen would have a real and serious problem on their hands.
Trump is of course entitled and I know will fight back hard on whether the facts of the case support the charges. If the facts are not there, then he should be acquitted. But anyone who did what is alleged in this indictment, they would have already found themselves in prison.
On that note, there is much wonder amongst national security circles what Walt Nauta will do. Does he chain himself to the front gate of Mar-A-Lago out of loyalty or does he realize a former non-commissioned naval officer will have no high minded Constitutional theories of the case and eventually reaches a plea deal? He needs to find an attorney who will take his case, first.