Gun control and mass shootings

22,077 Views | 423 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Goro Majima
B-1 83
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The Sutherland Springs shooter should have been in a mental institution for domestic violence?
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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Another great question asked on multiple threads. standby for the misleading articles to be linked that are based on hypotheticals and the underlying assumption that if a mass shooter can't make a straw purchase or "gun show loophole" that they are going to give up on their plan to kill a bunch of innocents.
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B-1 83 said:

The Sutherland Springs shooter should have been in a mental institution for domestic violence?
The guy that was already not allowed to own a gun by existing laws?

How would a red flag law have applied to him?
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Why is mental health so much worse here than in the godless countries of Europe and Canada?

They have even far more leftist policies than us

And that weakness deflection on the prior page about Nazis. I am talking about today, not the 1940s
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If we outlawed and confiscated everything but revolvers then there would be less rounds shot and less people killed and injured. I'm not in favor of it, but in theory that would lessen death to an extent.
rocky the dog
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If we outlawed and confiscated everything but revolvers then there would be less rounds shot and less people killed and injured. I'm not in favor of it, but in theory that would lessen death to an extent.
Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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JB99 said:

If we outlawed and confiscated everything but revolvers then there would be less rounds shot and less people killed and injured. I'm not in favor of it, but in theory that would lessen death to an extent.

In theory, making murder illegal would lessen death to an extent…
Old May Banker
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Why is mental health so much worse here than in the godless countries of Europe and Canada?

Because we have used our rights and freedoms to achieve a level of "degenerate but comfortable" that no other nation could imagine. Our freedoms are only as good as our self restraint... and we've failed miserably.
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JWinTX said:

There was a no-gun zone sign at the mall…I mean, it's almost as if someone who wants to commit a crime doesn't care about laws.
This is Texas gawdammit!
A constitutional carry state!
There should have been 10 good guys with guns mowing down this human (censored) before he made two step from his car.
Texans make the best songwriters because they are the best liars.-Rodney Crowell

We will never give up our guns Steve, we don't care if there is a mass shooting every day of the week.

A man with experience is not at the mercy of another man with an opinion.
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TxTarpon said:

JWinTX said:

There was a no-gun zone sign at the mall…I mean, it's almost as if someone who wants to commit a crime doesn't care about laws.
This is Texas gawdammit!
A constitutional carry state!
There should have been 10 good guys with guns mowing down this human (censored) before he made two step from his car.

And yet they didn't
barbacoa taco
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deddog said:

AgsMyDude said:

PascalsWager said:

Liberals are wrong on the gun issue.

Conservatives are ALSO wrong on the gun issue.

Guns are not a problem. But people with guns are also not a real problem. Even bad guys with guns are barely a problem.

You're not going to die in a mass shooting. Your kid isn't going to die in a mass shooting as school. You're not ever going to be shot at. Knock on wood if you want, but the probabilities are extremely low. So low that other things of such low probabilities you don't even think about much less prepare for. You can live your ENTIRE life in America without even seeing a gun outside of it being attached to a cop's hip.

Guns are an irrelevancy in America. Outside some niche areas and situations. Stop trying to fix problems that don't exist. Its not the guns, its not the mental health, its not the godlessness, its NOTHING.

Soo what do you say to the parents from Uvalde, Nashville, etc. ?

Sorry your kids were murdered unnecessarily but the odds are low. You just got unlucky?

I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
The citizens of Uvalde booted out Beto.
They realized that not only did the Government not protect their kids, they actively stopped people who were.

Want to reduce kids being shot?

How about doing the obvious, and have armed cops at schools
Enough with the No guns signs. law breakers dont obey laws

Stop voting democrats into office.
Stop voting democrats into school boards who are disarming resource officers because BLM.
Stop voting democrat DAs who let out criminals in the name of equity
Stop voting a Democrat President who lets violent illegals into the country
Stop voting democrat judges who refuse to enforce our laws

Whats disgusting is democrats deliberately creating policies that makes it easier for criminals to kill people including children and then use that as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens.

So you're trying to blame the democrats for this?

Republicans have controlled Texas from top to bottom for the last 30 years. And Allen is in red Collin county. Can't blame the Dems for this one, buddy.
Funky Winkerbean
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Saxsoon said:

TxTarpon said:

JWinTX said:

There was a no-gun zone sign at the mall…I mean, it's almost as if someone who wants to commit a crime doesn't care about laws.
This is Texas gawdammit!
A constitutional carry state!
There should have been 10 good guys with guns mowing down this human (censored) before he made two step from his car.

And yet they didn't

And you think it's a failure of some sort?
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While I'm sure this is in jest, most trained concealed carriers will egress from a live fire situation like this whenever possible with their loved ones.
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barbacoa taco said:

deddog said:

AgsMyDude said:

PascalsWager said:

Liberals are wrong on the gun issue.

Conservatives are ALSO wrong on the gun issue.

Guns are not a problem. But people with guns are also not a real problem. Even bad guys with guns are barely a problem.

You're not going to die in a mass shooting. Your kid isn't going to die in a mass shooting as school. You're not ever going to be shot at. Knock on wood if you want, but the probabilities are extremely low. So low that other things of such low probabilities you don't even think about much less prepare for. You can live your ENTIRE life in America without even seeing a gun outside of it being attached to a cop's hip.

Guns are an irrelevancy in America. Outside some niche areas and situations. Stop trying to fix problems that don't exist. Its not the guns, its not the mental health, its not the godlessness, its NOTHING.

Soo what do you say to the parents from Uvalde, Nashville, etc. ?

Sorry your kids were murdered unnecessarily but the odds are low. You just got unlucky?

I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
The citizens of Uvalde booted out Beto.
They realized that not only did the Government not protect their kids, they actively stopped people who were.

Want to reduce kids being shot?

How about doing the obvious, and have armed cops at schools
Enough with the No guns signs. law breakers dont obey laws

Stop voting democrats into office.
Stop voting democrats into school boards who are disarming resource officers because BLM.
Stop voting democrat DAs who let out criminals in the name of equity
Stop voting a Democrat President who lets violent illegals into the country
Stop voting democrat judges who refuse to enforce our laws

Whats disgusting is democrats deliberately creating policies that makes it easier for criminals to kill people including children and then use that as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens.

So you're trying to blame the democrats for this?

Republicans have controlled Texas from top to bottom for the last 30 years. And Allen is in red Collin county. Can't blame the Dems for this one, buddy.

Sure we can. Dems blame everybody else all the time. We're learning from y'all.
Funky Winkerbean
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barbacoa taco said:

deddog said:

AgsMyDude said:

PascalsWager said:

Liberals are wrong on the gun issue.

Conservatives are ALSO wrong on the gun issue.

Guns are not a problem. But people with guns are also not a real problem. Even bad guys with guns are barely a problem.

You're not going to die in a mass shooting. Your kid isn't going to die in a mass shooting as school. You're not ever going to be shot at. Knock on wood if you want, but the probabilities are extremely low. So low that other things of such low probabilities you don't even think about much less prepare for. You can live your ENTIRE life in America without even seeing a gun outside of it being attached to a cop's hip.

Guns are an irrelevancy in America. Outside some niche areas and situations. Stop trying to fix problems that don't exist. Its not the guns, its not the mental health, its not the godlessness, its NOTHING.

Soo what do you say to the parents from Uvalde, Nashville, etc. ?

Sorry your kids were murdered unnecessarily but the odds are low. You just got unlucky?

I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
The citizens of Uvalde booted out Beto.
They realized that not only did the Government not protect their kids, they actively stopped people who were.

Want to reduce kids being shot?

How about doing the obvious, and have armed cops at schools
Enough with the No guns signs. law breakers dont obey laws

Stop voting democrats into office.
Stop voting democrats into school boards who are disarming resource officers because BLM.
Stop voting democrat DAs who let out criminals in the name of equity
Stop voting a Democrat President who lets violent illegals into the country
Stop voting democrat judges who refuse to enforce our laws

Whats disgusting is democrats deliberately creating policies that makes it easier for criminals to kill people including children and then use that as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens.

So you're trying to blame the democrats for this?

Republicans have controlled Texas from top to bottom for the last 30 years. And Allen is in red Collin county. Can't blame the Dems for this one, buddy.

The shooters are typically Democrats who've been enraged beyond reason. Enraged by the rhetoric of the party.
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The pictures I have seen so far of the victims do not exactly look like the "gun carrying" crowd.
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Folks, please listen to PB. He lays his life on the line every day enforcing our laws only to see corrupt judges turn the guys back on the streets a day after all the work and sacrifice he made to arrest and put them behind bars.
Do you really think those same liberal judges will treat red flag laws fairly?
It will just be another tool that won't stop the bad guys but will hurt regular law abiding people.... just like more " common sense gun laws" will.
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fire09 said:

While I'm sure this is in jest, most trained concealed carriers will egress from a live fire situation like this whenever possible with their loved ones.
This. If I'm at a mall with the wife and kid (because why else would I find myself at a mall) and a mass shooting occurs, I'm collecting my family and heading post haste to the nearest exit. The only way I'm pulling my gun is if there is a shooter between us and our only route to safety.

I'm responsible for the safety of my wife, my kid, and myself. Not the rest of y'all.
Old May Banker
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Where was this outrage from leftists when government killed thousands under the guise of covid?
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Exactly. I'm sure 99% of carriers would agree and do the same thing. Going up against someone with body armor and a long rifle is a massive disadvantage in almost all cases. Shooting to suppress may cause collateral injury and will likely get you killed.
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fire09 said:

While I'm sure this is in jest, most trained concealed carriers will egress from a live fire situation like this whenever possible with their loved ones.
New to this board?
For decades it has been "CHL carriers will stop bad guys with guns".
You are more correct in your answer.
Unless the shooter is in my eyesight, I am not going hunting for him.
As we have been in several MSEs good guys with guns will get shot by the police.
Texans make the best songwriters because they are the best liars.-Rodney Crowell

We will never give up our guns Steve, we don't care if there is a mass shooting every day of the week.

A man with experience is not at the mercy of another man with an opinion.
B-1 83
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That IS a red flag law
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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I think I've been on here about 15 years. Time does fly. I think its difficult to compare 1 on 1 situations (robbery,etc) with indiscriminate killing. A lot easier decision to go to the weapon when you are the only (primary) target.

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Given a magic wand to rid the US of all firearms *poof*

We've now achieved societal peace? No more mass violence?

No. Didn't think so.

Gun control is a waste of time and money. It'll never be enough, never get the support it needs, always get scrapped or blocked and routinely be proven ineffective.

"But we can't just sit back and do nothing?!?!"
Fine, go volunteer with a community outreach group and devote all that time you'd otherwise waste endlessly debating the necessities of scary black rifles.
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TxTarpon said:

fire09 said:

While I'm sure this is in jest, most trained concealed carriers will egress from a live fire situation like this whenever possible with their loved ones.
New to this board?
For decades it has been "CHL carriers will stop bad guys with guns".
You are more correct in your answer.
Unless the shooter is in my eyesight, I am not going hunting for him.
As we have been in several MSEs good guys with guns will get shot by the police.
It has happened numerous times, but the media doesn't make a big deal about those because it doesn't fit the narrative.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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This. If I'm at a mall with the wife and kid (because why else would I find myself at a mall) and a mass shooting occurs, I'm collecting my family and heading post haste to the nearest exit. The only way I'm pulling my gun is if there is a shooter between us and our only route to safety.

I'm responsible for the safety of my wife, my kid, and myself. Not the rest of y'all.
Does your wife never go to the mall without you? What about your kids?
fka ftc
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In the UK they arrest you for using the wrong pronoun. Also and more important….

Mental Health Beds per 100,000

Europe runs 2x to 10x what the US has….
"The absence of the word accountability is not the same as wanting no accountability" -unknown

"You can never go wrong by staying silent if there is nothing apt to say" -Walter Isaacson
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barbacoa taco said:

deddog said:

AgsMyDude said:

PascalsWager said:

Liberals are wrong on the gun issue.

Conservatives are ALSO wrong on the gun issue.

Guns are not a problem. But people with guns are also not a real problem. Even bad guys with guns are barely a problem.

You're not going to die in a mass shooting. Your kid isn't going to die in a mass shooting as school. You're not ever going to be shot at. Knock on wood if you want, but the probabilities are extremely low. So low that other things of such low probabilities you don't even think about much less prepare for. You can live your ENTIRE life in America without even seeing a gun outside of it being attached to a cop's hip.

Guns are an irrelevancy in America. Outside some niche areas and situations. Stop trying to fix problems that don't exist. Its not the guns, its not the mental health, its not the godlessness, its NOTHING.

Soo what do you say to the parents from Uvalde, Nashville, etc. ?

Sorry your kids were murdered unnecessarily but the odds are low. You just got unlucky?

I'm tired of innocent children being slaughtered in our country. It's disgusting.
The citizens of Uvalde booted out Beto.
They realized that not only did the Government not protect their kids, they actively stopped people who were.

Want to reduce kids being shot?

How about doing the obvious, and have armed cops at schools
Enough with the No guns signs. law breakers dont obey laws

Stop voting democrats into office.
Stop voting democrats into school boards who are disarming resource officers because BLM.
Stop voting democrat DAs who let out criminals in the name of equity
Stop voting a Democrat President who lets violent illegals into the country
Stop voting democrat judges who refuse to enforce our laws

Whats disgusting is democrats deliberately creating policies that makes it easier for criminals to kill people including children and then use that as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens.

So you're trying to blame the democrats for this?

Republicans have controlled Texas from top to bottom for the last 30 years. And Allen is in red Collin county. Can't blame the Dems for this one, buddy.

Democrats are responsible for most gun violence in this country.
Take guns away from democrats, and gun violence will rival Europe.
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Slicer97 said:

fire09 said:

While I'm sure this is in jest, most trained concealed carriers will egress from a live fire situation like this whenever possible with their loved ones.
This. If I'm at a mall with the wife and kid (because why else would I find myself at a mall) and a mass shooting occurs, I'm collecting my family and heading post haste to the nearest exit. The only way I'm pulling my gun is if there is a shooter between us and our only route to safety.

I'm responsible for the safety of my wife, my kid, and myself. Not the rest of y'all.
Definitely don't be responsible for democrats.
They'll put you in prison for the crime of self defense and owning a gun.

Let those ****ers be on their own, waiting for the government to come help them.
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SteveA said:


This. If I'm at a mall with the wife and kid (because why else would I find myself at a mall) and a mass shooting occurs, I'm collecting my family and heading post haste to the nearest exit. The only way I'm pulling my gun is if there is a shooter between us and our only route to safety.

I'm responsible for the safety of my wife, my kid, and myself. Not the rest of y'all.
Does your wife never go to the mall without you? What about your kids?
I accompany my wife, and while she doesn't yet carry, she is training.
My kids aren't of age (to carry) yet, but they all know how to shoot.
This mall shooting will be a wake up call for them.

It's bad enough that we can't depend on the government and folks like you to protect us.
Gun control nazis just make it harder for law abiding folks to acquire weapons to defend ourselves.

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Gun control advocates need something to happen (even if it is ineffective) to FEEL better about the situation.

Gun control will never come to fruition, no need to worry about it.

We need to focus on the shooters and what is causing them to lash out in this manner. There is where we will find the root cause.
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B-1 83 said:

Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?

EDIT FROM THE OP: Please be respectful and hear out what potential "solutions" are proposed without going into name calling and attack mode. That's gets threads killed and users banned.
We've been down this road so many times. I'd be more interested in a thread about ideas that would more likely mitigate these things and that conservatives can actually champion. We keep going back to "I don't know what the answer is but taking guns away isn't it". I agree....but why are we pushing hard toward other options? And not even just to counter the dems but to show we really want to work to mitigate these events.
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BluHorseShu said:

B-1 83 said:

Will our resident gun control crowd please explain what gun laws would have stopped the more recent mass shootings?

EDIT FROM THE OP: Please be respectful and hear out what potential "solutions" are proposed without going into name calling and attack mode. That's gets threads killed and users banned.
We've been down this road so many times. I'd be more interested in a thread about ideas that would more likely mitigate these things and that conservatives can actually champion. We keep going back to "I don't know what the answer is but taking guns away isn't it". I agree....but why are we pushing hard toward other options? And not even just to counter the dems but to show we really want to work to mitigate these events.
Because when you get right down to it the solutions that need to happen to eliminate crimes such as this are not palatable to the majority of the population
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Why wouldn't better solutions for mental illness diagnoses and treatment be palatable ?
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