Motor Trend EV Road Trips are...Interesting... Their Words

12,071 Views | 213 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by TxAggieBand85
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The government could shoot your 57' Chevy with a reaper drone for the same reason so let's not worry about things that aren't going to happen.
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Manhattan said:

The government could shoot your 57' Chevy with a reaper drone for the same reason so let's not worry about things that aren't going to happen.
Its logistically a lot more complicated to kill all the 57 Chevy's and every other analog car one at a time than it would be to type a few key strokes and have everyone's car dead for whatever reason.

That reason could be anything the ruling class wants at the time. Is it unlikely, perhaps, but there were some crazy things being said about the unvaxed a short time back. In a "crisis" unhinged decisions can be made or advantage taken to not let a good crisis go to waste. The ease of mass control can make crazy decisions easier to make.

"We need people off the road and at home today for XXX reason". "Your social score is too low, so you can't drive today, or you can only drive XX miles".
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StandUpforAmerica said:

I was on a recent business trips to Colorado. A couple of EV owners were talking about the issues they were having using their cars during some recent cold snaps. EVs may be the future, but they won't be dominant in my lifetime.

They aren't the future
They aren't good fir the environment
Or better
They may say they are better fir the false science fraud that co2 is bad for us. The atmospheric air is the same composition for recorded history.

Only reason to buy an ev is you want one. But also remember I dint support raising taxes to built electric charging stations across the country. Oil is 2nd most prevalent liquid resource on our planet. Tons of it
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Texasclipper said:

Manhattan said:

The government could shoot your 57' Chevy with a reaper drone for the same reason so let's not worry about things that aren't going to happen.
Its logistically a lot more complicated to kill all the 57 Chevy's and every other analog car one at a time than it would be to type a few key strokes and have everyone's car dead for whatever reason.

That reason could be anything the ruling class wants at the time. Is it unlikely, perhaps, but there were some crazy things being said about the unvaxed a short time back. In a "crisis" unhinged decisions can be made or advantage taken to not let a good crisis go to waste. The ease of mass control can make crazy decisions easier to make.

"We need people off the road and at home today for XXX reason". "Your social score is too low, so you can't drive today, or you can only drive XX miles".

A government capable of doing this is also capable of arresting with force anyone on the road in an ice vehicle. And they can basically do all this now with any car made in the last 10 years
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Or cut the supply of gasoline
No Spin Ag
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Daddy said:

StandUpforAmerica said:

I was on a recent business trips to Colorado. A couple of EV owners were talking about the issues they were having using their cars during some recent cold snaps. EVs may be the future, but they won't be dominant in my lifetime.

They aren't the future
They aren't good fir the environment
Or better
They may say they are better fir the false science fraud that co2 is bad for us. The atmospheric air is the same composition for recorded history.

Only reason to buy an ev is you want one. But also remember I dint support raising taxes to built electric charging stations across the country. Oil is 2nd most prevalent liquid resource on our planet. Tons of it

Right now it's still a vehicle that only a certain income bracket can afford, that's true. More affordable ones are already starting to come out, and seeing as how it did take a few decades for people to go from the first cars being bought by only the well off, to most Americans buying them , we're still a couple of decades away from seeing if this will stick or not.

Right now it's being made a politician issue for what seems to be because it doesn't benefit the oil and gas industry. I'd imagine if it did there wouldn't be the amount of push back from that segment of the population.
fka ftc
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GAC06 said:

Or cut the supply of gasoline

Don't need gas. I'll convert my ICE to run on coal dust and liberal tears.
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Teslag said:

AgGrad99 said:


When I pull into a gas station, I get a 100% full tank in about 3 minutes and I can drive 480 miles and not worry about cold, heat, ice etc.
Until they can compete with this...they're fighting an uphill battle to gain traction with anyone other than commuters.

Commuters who take road trips less than 500 miles makes up a majority of American vehicle owners.
I've drove to Florida, Missouri, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, Georgia, Nebraska, etc for baseball alone; not including my vacations to the beaches in Florida. I even drove to Disney and Miami once, but that sucked and I didn't do that again. I know some of those states are less than 350 miles, but it's a hard pass to sit and wait 45 minutes just to "fill up" to 80%. Especially when you need to drive all of the time while at tournaments. It would be inconvenient to add essentially an hour to your drive to the park.

When you have 3+ kids driving is much cheaper than flying and renting cars. But I do see EVs being fine for city and some suburbs.
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Apropos of the thread:

It is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness- Sir Terence Pratchett
“ III stooges si viveret et nos omnes ad quos etiam probabile est mittent custard pies”
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Manhattan said:

The government could shoot your 57' Chevy with a reaper drone for the same reason so let's not worry about things that aren't going to happen.
Joe Biden (*) has threatened Americans that he has F-15's and they don't.

Things no previous president would have thought about saying in public, are commonly mumbled/muttered by this clown world WH, with substantial approval from nearly half the country/electorate.

Which is why one should never, ever vote for a Democrat.
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The answer that it is a different technology is true. It's also why comparisons of EV's to golf carts or 1900's era early EV's are laughable. A Tesla battery is much different than the battery used in marine applications that largely is encased in the same form factor as lead acid contemporaries. A Tesla battery pack will be intertwined with liquid cooling, sensors, and pre-heating elements that will adapt and flux with the demands of fast charging all while monitored by an AMD or Intel computer. These technologies aren't practical for a small marine battery.
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And even with Tesla of you fast charge often from 0% to 100% you will increase battery degradation. Ideally you charge to 80% routinely on home chargers and then save supercharger use for long trips.
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Any kind of feeling that your car will run out of its charge on any part of any trip no matter the length is just not something I ever will deal with. It's absolute bull*****

I mean you don't fill up your tank with gas properly that's one thing, but the whole idea of EVs is just not a solid or comfortable one. Add that to a minimum of charging stations around our country. No ****ing thanks.

If people want to take those risks and drive them be my guest, but this idea that somehow we're saving our planet with this crap is laughable.
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It's not an issue at all. I'm driving from Brock to Houston today and will post a log.
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Texasclipper said:

Manhattan said:

The government could shoot your 57' Chevy with a reaper drone for the same reason so let's not worry about things that aren't going to happen.
Its logistically a lot more complicated to kill all the 57 Chevy's and every other analog car one at a time than it would be to type a few key strokes and have everyone's car dead for whatever reason.

That reason could be anything the ruling class wants at the time. Is it unlikely, perhaps, but there were some crazy things being said about the unvaxed a short time back. In a "crisis" unhinged decisions can be made or advantage taken to not let a good crisis go to waste. The ease of mass control can make crazy decisions easier to make.

"We need people off the road and at home today for XXX reason". "Your social score is too low, so you can't drive today, or you can only drive XX miles".
Do they still have "Ozone Action Days" in Austin?

These were very common in the late 1990s when they'd ask people to not mow their lawns and stay at home if possible.

If there's a central body that could control your car, watch out.

Especially with autonomous driving.

Oh, you didn't want to plow your car, through the local farmers market, the AI did it?
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Teslag said:

The answer that it is a different technology is true. It's also why comparisons of EV's to golf carts or 1900's era early EV's are laughable. A Tesla battery is much different than the battery used in marine applications that largely is encased in the same form factor as lead acid contemporaries. A Tesla battery pack will be intertwined with liquid cooling, sensors, and pre-heating elements that will adapt and flux with the demands of fast charging all while monitored by an AMD or Intel computer. These technologies aren't practical for a small marine battery.
You did manage to stumble upon a point that many marine batteries for things like trolling motors are not using active cooling. This added level of complexity is actually a risk factor in failures for car batteries, however, as it leads to corrosion/differential cooling that is not equally distributed across/through cells by its nature. The basics of the battery chemistry is not actually different in generational metallurgy/chemistry/engineering for marine vs. auto applications though.

Corrosive electrolytic solutions for lithium batteries wound in a circular fashion…that's not new technology. Neither is the threat of thermal run-away or the use of cooling mechanisms like glycol (which tesla uses, and has been used to actively cool batteries since at least the 50's).
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Teslag said:

It's not an issue at all. I'm driving from Brock to Houston today and will post a log.

I get it you're in love with your Tesla and EVs. You're apparently willing to take the risk of may be running out or scheduling your trip to stop at certain gas stations here in there blah blah blah. We get it. Do you? It's not a big deal. The other people they don't wanna deal with that ***** Even the time to charge it versus filling up with gas.

You're convinced that you won't lose your charge and that's fine, maybe you're more conscientious, it's about it but other people who don't have to worry about it, especially when there's no reason to. The most ironic thing about this is EVs are actually not good for the environment.

And even though man-made climate change doesn't exist. Won't end our planet. Nothing will end our planet. It will go on being the same as it is for billions of years. But you have the production of these kind of batteries and there could be other problems.

May be in 50 years from now they might have the technology to make these things work better, but right now they don't have it. I mean you look over time and things like an asbestos and lead paint, and they realize they were harmful moved on from them. I don't say that eventually they'll come a day when things won't change, but it ain't now.

They don't want have to worry about the cold, making their battery run out faster or other factors.

Good for you. Goldstar. Yay you like EVs. We don't and we're never going to. And there's no reason to drive one. Gas is the best way to go. It will be today and it will be tomorrow.
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annie88 said:

Any kind of feeling that your car will run out of its charge on any part of any trip no matter the length is just not something I ever will deal with. It's absolute bull*****
Do you not know how to read distance to empty and follow directions to a charger, directions that are automatically loaded based on the destination you input?
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Teslag said:

Prices on EV's have and continue to fall. They are more computer than car. Which is a good thing.

Or the laws of economics are taking effect and the market is realizing their true value.
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Manhattan said:

annie88 said:

Any kind of feeling that your car will run out of its charge on any part of any trip no matter the length is just not something I ever will deal with. It's absolute bull*****
Do you not know how to read distance to empty and follow directions to a charger, directions that are automatically loaded based on the destination you input?

Sure. If you want to align your trip to stop when you need to to charge for whatever that's fine for you. I'm sure it's no big deal.

I'd rather just say hey I'm getting low on gas. There's a Station. Fill up in five minutes and be on my way.


This isn't an "I'm smarter than you" thing it's a "I don't want it thing". Quit trying to sell something to people they don't want for a bull**** reason that doesn't exist. And then get butt hurt about it because people don't agree with you.

I don't care. I don't wanna ****ing EV car. If you want one, then get one. I'm fine with my gas car.

This whole fantasy from the left that this is somehow going to save us. It's just ridiculous.

If people want one great.

I don't.
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And let's say there's a hurricane and the powers out in the town for days. How are you gonna charge it? Are you going to use a gas generator?

When people are trying to make mass evacuation from cities, and there's only so many chargers and so much electricity, or again it may be out then what?

Yes, you can get a run on gas station. Sometimes it makes it difficult. We experience that in 2005 but eventually found a place. Can you imagine the chaos if everybody had electric cars?

Electricity Hass to come from somewhere right? Unless I don't understand the theory of charging stations, It's just a lot of extra crap for no reason as well as a personal choice. Personal choice seems to be something the Democrats don't like.. Again, it comes down to what people want. No one should ever be forced to buy an electric car.

Hey, I loved the Jetsons as much as anyone, but we ain't in flying cars either.
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I get it you're in love with your Tesla and EVs. You're apparently willing to take the risk of may be running out or scheduling your trip to stop at certain gas stations here in there blah blah blah. We get it. Do you? It's not a big deal. The other people they don't wanna deal with that ***** Even the time to charge it versus filling up with gas.

I don't have to think about or risk anything. When it comes to charging and charge stops the car's internal navigator does all that for me. It even drives there for me. I basically have to do nothing but sit behind the wheel and read this board or play games on my phone.
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Annie, to your point about refuelling, or recharging.

It's great to not have to stay "In Network" when I'm running low on fuel. I don't care if I refill my car at Shell, Texaco, Sinclair, Puma or wherever.
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HollywoodBQ said:

Annie, to your point about refuelling, or recharging.

It's great to not have to stay "In Network" when I'm running low on fuel. I don't care if I refill my car at Shell, Texaco, Sinclair, Puma or wherever.

And I can charge at Tesla, EVGo, Electrify America, or even my destination hotel
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EVs are great for commuting to a from work and running errands around town. They are not great for long road trips. Until charging stations are as prolific as conventional gas stations and technology allows for charging to take as little amount of time as filling up, I have no interest in getting one.
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annie88 said:

And let's say there's a hurricane and the powers out in the town for days. How are you gonna charge it? Are you going to use a gas generator?

When people are trying to make mass evacuation from cities, and there's only so many chargers and so much electricity, or again it may be out then what?

Yes, you can get a run on gas station. Sometimes it makes it difficult. We experience that in 2005 but eventually found a place. Can you imagine the chaos if everybody had electric cars?

Electricity Hass to come from somewhere right? Unless I don't understand the theory of charging stations, It's just a lot of extra crap for no reason as well as a personal choice. Personal choice seems to be something the Democrats don't like.. Again, it comes down to what people want. No one should ever be forced to buy an electric car.

Hey, I loved the Jetsons as much as anyone, but we ain't in flying cars either.

If I have 280 miles of range, and use virtually no power at idle, why would I need to stop for a charge during an evacuation?
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Do you travel much?
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EskimoJoe said:

Teslag said:

Prices on EV's have and continue to fall. They are more computer than car. Which is a good thing.

Or the laws of economics are taking effect and the market is realizing their true value.
Are you telling me a tricked out Model S isn't worth $120k?

Seriously though, when people use averages for EVs, it's a flawed argument because each one is so different.

A decade ago, my Silicon Valley employer was taking a poll regarding putting in a couple of EV charging stations at the HQ building.

One question was about which type of EV did you prefer.

Nissan won 5:1 over Tesla.

My moron CEO concluded that more people liked the Nissan Leaf vs the Tesla Model S.

He never accounted for the fact that a Model S was $100k while the Leaf was about $20k.
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I knew we get along on the outdoors board and you've helped me with boating questions so I'm about to do something you might find interesting. I usually pull my pure bay 2000 with a 3.0 diesel Silverado but I'm having a tow hitch put on our Model Y just to see how far I can tow it and back on one charge. If it's useful it would really cut down on fuel costs for fishing. Obviously for long coastal runs from north Texas I'd still need the truck.
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Teslag said:

annie88 said:

And let's say there's a hurricane and the powers out in the town for days. How are you gonna charge it? Are you going to use a gas generator?

When people are trying to make mass evacuation from cities, and there's only so many chargers and so much electricity, or again it may be out then what?

Yes, you can get a run on gas station. Sometimes it makes it difficult. We experience that in 2005 but eventually found a place. Can you imagine the chaos if everybody had electric cars?

Electricity Hass to come from somewhere right? Unless I don't understand the theory of charging stations, It's just a lot of extra crap for no reason as well as a personal choice. Personal choice seems to be something the Democrats don't like.. Again, it comes down to what people want. No one should ever be forced to buy an electric car.

Hey, I loved the Jetsons as much as anyone, but we ain't in flying cars either.

If I have 280 miles of range, and use virtually no power at idle, why would I need to stop for a charge during an evacuation?
Our Russian Sub Captain will make it to Vegas. His EV will die within sight of it.
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If only the poor guy would have stopped and changed for 5 to 10 minutes
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Teslag said:

Texasclipper said:

Manhattan said:

The government could shoot your 57' Chevy with a reaper drone for the same reason so let's not worry about things that aren't going to happen.
Its logistically a lot more complicated to kill all the 57 Chevy's and every other analog car one at a time than it would be to type a few key strokes and have everyone's car dead for whatever reason.

That reason could be anything the ruling class wants at the time. Is it unlikely, perhaps, but there were some crazy things being said about the unvaxed a short time back. In a "crisis" unhinged decisions can be made or advantage taken to not let a good crisis go to waste. The ease of mass control can make crazy decisions easier to make.

"We need people off the road and at home today for XXX reason". "Your social score is too low, so you can't drive today, or you can only drive XX miles".

A government capable of doing this is also capable of arresting with force anyone on the road in an ice vehicle. And they can basically do all this now with any car made in the last 10 years

Not at scale. That's the whole point.

Your complete acceptance of Daddy Government completely owning and oppressing you and celebrating it is f'ing bizarre.
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It's more of a realization and acceptance that I can't do anything about it anyway so I might as well leverage what I can to my advantage.
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