Trump Says He Will Be Arrested On Tuesday

49,237 Views | 612 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Im Gipper
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I like Trump but he needs to turn off the caps lock when texting.
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Ag87H2O said:

Im Gipper said:

How does an indictment make it impossible for him to run?
Should have said impossible to win the nomination. Even hard core Trump supporters would have to think twice about voting for him if he was under indictment. It would be a very risky proposition. Also not sure if it might disqualify him from the ballot in some states.

Regardless, it would put a greater cloud over his campaign and be a massive distraction with the media treatment he would get. It's a 100% political nuke meant to kill his candidacy before it gets off the ground.
Exactly! Yet another cooked-up nothing burger with 24/7 news coverage of it by the msm led by the Communist News Network and MSDNC. That's how they orchestrated the Russia hoax. It worked then and they're hoping it'll work in 2024. And if DeSantis happens to win the primary (which I hope he does), they'll do the same thing with him. It's in their playbook.
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FireAg said:

Im Gipper said:

FireAg said:

I sincerely hope it is…

Arresting a former POTUS is Lexington and Concord, it's Fort Sumter, it's Dealey Plaza…

We should NOT be doing things like this, on either side, unless we are prepared to live in a banana republic…

A former president should not be above arrest.

Issue here is that it's a trivial charge and 100% political.

Short of murder, rape, or true crimes of absolute treason, yes, yes they should be…

And there better be rock solid, indisputable PROOF of one of those crimes having been committed…
BS. Not buying that for one second.

If it was determined that Obama had engaged in serious crimes during his time in office you'd be screaming for him to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Hyperbole is a tool of debate, I get that.....but damn, at least make it reasonably believable.
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Hopefully one thing was learned. Do a massive protests in Texas or Florida or another law abiding state who will accountability applied to thugs. Make it difficult federal abuse to occur.

The Washington DC police department used Gestapo like tactics to oppress political opposition.

Never ever March in DC again, by a burner phone, hire video crews and observer teams to counter and document what goes on.
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Hunter Biden is a crack smoking queer-bait.

He should be arrested for smoking crack and being a degenerate.

but he wont.
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The Green Dragon said:

eric76 said:

It looks like this board is, in general, opposed to the Rule of Law.

I think you mean, the board is opposed to the rule of law for the other team. Lots of scary comments on these boards from both sides, which further cements my opinion that this nation is heading for authoritarianism. The only question is which is it, left or right.
You made an excellent point about the extreme radicals in this country.
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FireAg said:

I sincerely hope it is…

Arresting a former POTUS is Lexington and Concord, it's Fort Sumter, it's Dealey Plaza…

We should NOT be doing things like this, on either side, unless we are prepared to live in a banana republic…
So if it were Hillary Clinton instead of Trump, would you still feel that it is the equivalent of an assassination?
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eric76 said:

The Green Dragon said:

eric76 said:

It looks like this board is, in general, opposed to the Rule of Law.

I think you mean, the board is opposed to the rule of law for the other team. Lots of scary comments on these boards from both sides, which further cements my opinion that this nation is heading for authoritarianism. The only question is which is it, left or right.
You made an excellent point about the extreme radicals in this country.
And in 10 years on this board, you have never made an excellent point about anything.
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valvemonkey91 said:

Ag87H2O said:

Im Gipper said:

How does an indictment make it impossible for him to run?
Should have said impossible to win the nomination. Even hard core Trump supporters would have to think twice about voting for him if he was under indictment. It would be a very risky proposition. Also not sure if it might disqualify him from the ballot in some states.

Regardless, it would put a greater cloud over his campaign and be a massive distraction with the media treatment he would get. It's a 100% political nuke meant to kill his candidacy before it gets off the ground.

Trump could shoot Liz Cheney in the middle of Main St at noon and I will still vote for him.

This would make me more inclined to vote for him
Im Gipper
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Yes, let's play strawman until the cows come home…

You are confused on what a strawman is

You made a claim that a former president should not be arrested except for some specific crimes. I gave examples of other crimes. Hypotheticals are not strawmen.

No former president has committed murder either, but you exclude that crime.

It's just a discussion, no need to get bent out of shape. Former presidents don't have blanket immunity for any crimes and that's not going to change.

But as I said earlier, these are trivial charges and 100% political. NY should be ashamed of itself and this DA should be out of a job.

I'm Gipper
Garrelli 5000
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eric76 said:

It looks like this board is, in general, opposed to the Rule of Law.

Not at all. If he did something illegal, punish him.

Any reasonable and honest person can see this is purely a political witch hunt. However, when it comes to Trump neither of those descriptors apply to you.

Staff - take out the trash.
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At the same time, the House is revealing that Joe Biden and virtually all his relatives acted like a mafia, peddling influence, consorting with America's enemies, living like kings without any visible source of income, and kicking back cash to "the Big Guy."

What's wrong with this picture?

Trump is the one who needs to go to jail here? Yes, he shouldn't have been associating with a filthy porn star like Stormy Daniels, particularly since he was married to the beautiful Melania -- dumb, dumb, dumb. Yes, he shouldn't have been involved in even trying to repress the story of his fling with Daniels, which didn't sound much like sex actually, given that he'd endured far more damaging revelations, from his self-own attack on John McCain, to Melania Trump's softcore porn pictures in her long ago, without so much as a political scratch on him. None of these things had any impact on voters' willingness to vote for him given that they could see that Trump was a fighter -- for them -- and they were hungry for that.

The voters already knew what they were getting with Trump and they were saying 'yes,' so one more crappy story about some crummy people he'd associated with in the past would have been an utter nothingburger he should not have worried about.

But bad judgment is not a crime the way taking cash from China in exchange for doing what it wanted and then not disclosing it, is. That's called bribery and treason, the real kind.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor's case against Trump looks flimsy. Details about whether Trump really knew about the piddly hush money payment point to an acquittal -- Trump never signed the hush-money agreement, which is why Daniels felt free to not hush, though that didn't stop her from taking the hush money anyway, being a *****. Trump's sleazy fixer (pity he couldn't get anyone better), Michael Cohen, testified that he couldn't get Trump on the phone to even tell him that he paid the hush money, and all he could do was get an intermediary to say she'd tell him, and who knows if she did?

That too, could exonerate Trump as instigating or even knowing about this. We know that Trump might have benefited from the hush money paid had Stormy done what she was paid to do, but there's no evidence that Trump launched or even knew about this stupid caper.

In any case, it was piddly stuff, it wasn't stolen money and it wasn't government money here, it was just a foolish episode of private money badly spent to repress an unimportant news story.
Houston Lee
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eric76 said:

It looks like this board is, in general, opposed to the Rule of Law.

This is such a joke of a statement, which is not surprising, but...

I am all for the rule of law. Get back to me when Hunter Biden is behind bars and maybe I will start to believe we still have a rule of law in this country.

As for now, there is no rule of law for the Left. They do whatever they want with no consequence. We are a banana republic and it's not even debatable.
Ag with kids
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eric76 said:

FireAg said:

I sincerely hope it is…

Arresting a former POTUS is Lexington and Concord, it's Fort Sumter, it's Dealey Plaza…

We should NOT be doing things like this, on either side, unless we are prepared to live in a banana republic…
So if it were Hillary Clinton instead of Trump, would you still feel that it is the equivalent of an assassination?
Hillary Clinton is a former POTUS?

When did that happen?
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The New York Times reported in 1999:

Clinton Administration officials said a check for $850,000, the amount agreed to in November to settle the case, was being sent by overnight mail to Ms. Jones and her lawyers. The officials, who asked that their names not be used, said that a little more than half of the money, $475,000, came from an insurance policy against civil liability the President held with Chubb Group Insurance.

Most, if not all, of the remainder, was withdrawn from a blind trust in the name of Mrs. Clinton, which officials said last year had assets of slightly more than $1 million.

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eric76 said:

FireAg said:

I sincerely hope it is…

Arresting a former POTUS is Lexington and Concord, it's Fort Sumter, it's Dealey Plaza…

We should NOT be doing things like this, on either side, unless we are prepared to live in a banana republic…
So if it were Hillary Clinton instead of Trump, would you still feel that it is the equivalent of an assassination?

Has HRC ever been elected President?


So (and stay with me here because you have a history of being a little slow)…

…wait for it…

…it's not the same…

Thank you for playing…
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And for the record…let me also say that I don't think there is a DA in America, no matter how insanely liberal, that would have the balls to try to arrest Donald Trump…
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rgag12 said:

The Dems are setting a trap for republicans and republicans are going to fall right in it.

4 more years of poopy pants and the great reset

I think Biden will be dead before the end of a second term if that is the case. The guy is already close to it.
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FireAg said:

And for the record…let me also say that I don't think there is a DA in America, no matter how insanely liberal, that would have the balls to try to arrest Donald Trump…
I think you are wrong.

But I know there isn't a DA in Ameria that would press for an indictment of any Biden.
Robert L. Peters
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FireAg said:

And for the record…let me also say that I don't think there is a DA in America, no matter how insanely liberal, that would have the balls to try to arrest Donald Trump…

Umm...what thread are you on?
What you say, Paper Champion? I'm gonna beat you like a dog, a dog, you hear me!
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aggiehawg said:


Although it may be politically popular, the case is legally pathetic. Bragg is struggling to twist state laws to effectively prosecute a federal case long ago rejected by the Justice Department against Trump over his payment of "hush money" to former stripper Stormy Daniels. In 2018 (yes, that is how long this theory has been around), I wrote how difficult such a federal case would be under existing election laws.

Now, six years later, the same theory may be shoehorned into a state claim.

It is extremely difficult to show that paying money to cover up an embarrassing affair was done for election purposes as opposed to an array of obvious other reasons, from protecting a celebrity's reputation to preserving a marriage. That was demonstrated by the failed federal prosecution of former presidential candidate John Edwards on a much stronger charge of using campaign funds to cover up an affair.

In this case, Trump reportedly paid Daniels $130,000 in the fall of 2016 to cut off or at least reduce any public scandal. The Southern District of New York's U.S. Attorney's office had no love lost for Trump, pursuing him and his associates in myriad investigations, but it ultimately rejected a prosecution based on the election law violations. It was not alone: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) chair also expressed doubts about the theory.

Prosecutors working under Bragg's predecessor, Cyrus Vance Jr., also reportedly rejected the viability of using a New York law to effectively charge a federal offense.

More importantly, Bragg himself previously expressed doubts about the case, effectively shutting it down soon after he took office. The two lead prosecutors, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned in protest. Pomerantz launched a very public campaign against Bragg's decision, including commenting on a still-pending investigation. He made it clear that Trump was guilty in his mind, even though his former office was still undecided and the grand jury investigation was ongoing.
Turley's take.
Interesting aside- Trump Special Prosecutor Jack Smith was the AUSA that prosecuted the John Edwards case.
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Guess we will find out…

Put Trump on display in handcuffs, and there will be a reckoning…

I wouldn't want that on my conscience…

Honestly, I think Trump is HOPING this is what happens…I think he wants to be martyred in this way, as it will rally many, many Americans behind him against the establishment…
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Interesting aside- Trump Special Prosecutor Jack Smith was the AUSA that prosecuted the John Edwards case.
Did not know that. He lost that one.
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It has been a long time coming, and now the final act appears to be in view. Donald Trump is about to be arrested, and the corrupt and politicized authorities who have brought matters to this point are preparing for the worst: the NYPD, the Secret Service, and even the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force are all busy making preparations for the big day, which indicates several things about what will happen and what they expect will happen, or want us to think they expect will happen.

This suggests that Trump will not just be arrested but handcuffed and perp-walked for maximum media effect. That's not really surprising, given that the arrest and the entire investigation of the alleged payments are designed to hurt Trump's chances for 2024 or disqualify him entirely from running. When the charges are a political show, it's no surprise that the arrest would be a media show. And so all these security agencies have to be involved, if only to keep the sheer mass of reporters from crushing Trump and the corrupt cops who will be arresting him.

"The agencies involved," says NBC, "include the NYPD, New York State Court Officers, the U.S. Secret Service, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, the officials said." This reveals the other aspect of what the officials who are engineering all this are thinking. The Joint Terrorism Task Force? Do they think that Trump has some army of partisans that is going to open fire when they see their hero being led off in handcuffs?

They may well think that, or want us to believe that they think that. After all, the officials who are investigating Trump for a seven-year-old hush money allegation are the friends and allies of those who have been pushing the Jan. 6 "insurrection" hoax on the American people for two years now, as well as fervent supporters of the president who said that "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic." They may want to claim now, in support of this wild and dangerous notion that Trump and his supporters threaten the very foundations of the republic, that Trump's supporters, and even those who are not so enchanted with him anymore but think that his arrest is a monstrous crime and a genuine blow to the foundations of our republic, constitute some sort of menacing terrorist force that has to be kept at bay while the terror leader is taken into custody.

Hence the massive display of firepower that is in the offing for the Trump arrest. It's unlikely that any actual Trump supporters will attempt to perpetrate any violence on the occasion of his arrest, but if any do, no one will be more delighted than those who have engineered Trump's arrest. Such violence would confirm everything they've been saying about Trump and those who have supported him for two years now.
All kabuki theater.

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The new humor I am seeing on Twitter is Trump supporters taking a short break from calling DeSantis a Globalist neocon Soros plant to say DeSantis must immediately go all in to protect Trump even before charges are filed. Actually he should just drop out now.

This prosecution is wrong on multiple levels but this isn't DeSantis' problem.
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Ag-Yoakum95 said:

rgag12 said:

The Dems are setting a trap for republicans and republicans are going to fall right in it.

4 more years of poopy pants and the great reset

I think Biden will be dead before the end of a second term if that is the case. The guy is already close to it.

What would lead one to believe Trumps health is any better?
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TheTruthsLastHope said:

Ag-Yoakum95 said:

rgag12 said:

The Dems are setting a trap for republicans and republicans are going to fall right in it.

4 more years of poopy pants and the great reset

I think Biden will be dead before the end of a second term if that is the case. The guy is already close to it.

What would lead one to believe Trumps health is any better?

A functioning brain and two eyeballs.
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What would lead one to believe Trumps health is any better?
Trump can walk and chew gum at the same time? Speak for hours at a rally and be coherent the entire time?
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Pookers said:

TheTruthsLastHope said:

Ag-Yoakum95 said:

rgag12 said:

The Dems are setting a trap for republicans and republicans are going to fall right in it.

4 more years of poopy pants and the great reset

I think Biden will be dead before the end of a second term if that is the case. The guy is already close to it.

What would lead one to believe Trumps health is any better?

A functioning brain and two eyeballs.

Didn't he almost die a few years ago while being president? He didn't seem to look as if he cares about his health in the slightest. I think you're confused on the definition of functioning.
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I voted for Trump and now am torn between Trump or Desantis for 2024. What is amazing to me is that anyone thinks either one will win.
We have major problems with our election process. I truly believe it was stolen in 2020 and I don't see anything being done to change that for 2024. No Republican politicians seem to be willing to stand up and make the changes needed to be made. I know some of the states have made changes but I don't think any of those are in states where the problems actually lie.
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Random thought here: Are the Dems/Libs trying to justify a crack down on Trump supporters and probably Republicans in general ? ? Tap all Repub phones/email ? ? Shut down Repub websites ? ? ? Block Repub fund raising ? ? ? Shut down Repub Rallies ? ? Round up strong conservative candidates ? ?
Ellis Wyatt
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eric76 said:

mwp02ag said:

Liberal playbook 101. **** on rule of law at every turn and tell us we don't support rule of law.
Tell me how a former President urging his supporters to riot against the government supports the rule of law.
When will you stop lying, eric?
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"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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