RGV AG said:
I think the keyboard warriors in/from the Valley are the funniest..."I go all the time, I'm not scared, y'all don't know what you're talking about, it's not that bad". You may feel fine cruising through Juarez or Piedras or Matamoros as someone who looks indistinguishable from most of the residents of those towns, but I can almost guarantee you'd feel like a fish out of water as a white or black person.
I am white, cross everyday, and sometimes stay over night, into a town that is considered a lot hotter and rougher than Matamoros. It isn't a big thing, as the lookouts know me and know what I do. If someone looks out of place and or acts suspicious or, which is sad and terrifying, catches the eye of the wrong person something terrible like this can happen.
The crime groups run the border towns and are present through all walks of life and society.
Juarez I'm guessing? Regardless, this is kind of what I'm talking about...proves our point. This indicates that it is dangerous AF to the common whitey just trying to visit or pass through.
Mexico is a god awful neighbor, let's face it. I am totally on board with droning all of the major cartel bosses and their families...and then the next cockroaches to crop up here and there. No troops, no clean up. Drone drone drone. Make it such a terrifying line of work only a complete drooling drugged out idiot with zero business skills would be dumb enough to pursue it.
I know several people who have accidentally OD'd on fent. It's become a huge killer out of nowhere. I am sick of these sub-80-IQ santa muerte worshiping savages. A la verga putos, nosotros te vamos a matar, valle con diablo maricons.