Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

484,157 Views | 9118 Replies | Last: 30 min ago by PlaneCrashGuy
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wtmartinaggie said:

Sorry for going dark there, campout with the kiddo this weekend....

My main question is two fold. First, why the veiled sense of satisfaction over the prospect of Ukraine losing? That seems odd from an emotional sense as an American. Second, I get you may not agree with the war, but I just can't grasp why anyone would want them to lose and see that as anything but a significant strategic setback for the West.

The Ukrainians are a pawn in the sense they are a geographical buffer zone, there's no debate there. I get hating that it's the case and wanting it to end. Losing ground and negotiating a stalemate just invites future conflict. The Russians have have made it pretty clear that their ambitions reach to Moldova and likely beyond. If 2008, 2014, 2018 and 2022's incursions along Russia's border territories are any indication for the future, they'll keep going until they are defeated. That means more leveled cities, more displaced people, and more mine-laden territory to reconstruct.

I guess the long/short of it is that I don't see this cycle stopping until:

1) The Russians are comprehensively pushed back by one of these independent states.
2) WW3 starts and East or West unconditionally surrenders.

We can start there.

I don't see any way out of stalemate without us going all-in on Ukraine which would essentially be WWIII. Ukraine is not getting their land back unless they can take it back on their own. Odds of that are extremely low. Odds for getting Crimea back don't exist. That ship sailed in 2014.

So, their options are to negotiate a settlement that somehow placates Russia or add Ukraine as the 51st state and fund them into perpetuity.
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A detached blood clot;

Peaceful Nato;

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I still think a lot of folks don't understand propaganda from Ukraine when they read/see it. A couple days ago, someone I believe was dumbfounded anyone would question oryx about battlefield losses/analyses. It's pretty funny, really, but also sad and reflective of the state of propaganda in this proxy war that this is seen so incredulously.

Again, I don't think we should be mad at the folks who fall for this pervasive online narrative/propaganda, and I do think it is reflective of the fact that there is a large crossover of folks who fell for/were duped by russiagate, Fauci flu/vaccines, and now Biden proxy war. Many now are also Trump Derangement sufferers.

A somber analyses of the French silliness;

This really does bring flashbacks to WW1 and questions about who would command what troops, where. Gen. French (Brit), Joffre, Pershing, etc. Anyway, more blathering at the link, I dunno, still thinking myself this is for the EC electorate voting for their parliament shortly/this June (?) but this is funny;


In the above Politico piece, former MI6 head Richard Dearlove warns:

"If you stopped anyone in the street here in the U.K. and asked them whether they thought Britain is at war, they'd look at you as if you were mad," Dearlove said. "But we are at war we're engaged in a gray war with Russia, and I am trying to remind people of that."
All the 'Loves' are such lovely folk, huh? Dearlove, Breedlove, Strangelove…

Again we come to this recurring question: why now?

If France was truly that concerned with Odessa, specifically, falling, then it certainly would not be militating toward an intervention any time soon, as Russia appears years away from threatening Odessalest there's some gigantic amphibious and air assault in the works we aren't aware of.

By logical deduction we can only assume that it's not the imminent fall of any one particular zone, like Odessa, that has them so worried, but presumably the disintegration of the AFU as a functioning military force itself. One of the clues to that was the French colonel's video, highlighting graphics of France's hypothetical deployment to the northern Ukrainian border regions or the Dnieper River zone with precisely the intention we broke here firstnamely, to alleviate Ukrainian rear units of their uneventful duties to allow them to replenish the depleted combat forces at the front.
My question is why would control of Odessa Ukraine really matter to a kid in Odessa, Texas? It doesn't, to my son, and I doubt it does to the parents of 18-24 year olds in places like Lyon or Nice, either.

But Europe is building up;

All a bunch of bravado/silliness, at this point, costing lives needlessly. More at the link, for my fan club members interested in disparate voices about the war for…Donbas or something.

Forever war, comrades!
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Polish foreign minister; Western troops in Ukraine an 'open secret.'

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CIA and other various training elements have been there since the beginning which isn't a secret. Question is how close to the front lines are they?
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To try to convince me that we are not participating is asking me to suspend all my senses and that "this time" is really different.
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japantiger said:

To try to convince me that we are not participating is asking me to suspend all my senses and that "this time" is really different.
It's just more confirmation that Russia's concerns about the 'purely defensive Nato alliance' are well founded. As the Serbs, and Libyans can attest, as well as the Ukrainians now, Nato is a body that has undergone tremendous mission creep through the years, and poses a real threat to Russia, both within and external to Ukraine today.
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nortex97 said:

japantiger said:

To try to convince me that we are not participating is asking me to suspend all my senses and that "this time" is really different.
It's just more confirmation that Russia's concerns about the 'purely defensive Nato alliance' are well founded. As the Serbs, and Libyans can attest, as well as the Ukrainians now, Nato is a body that has undergone tremendous mission creep through the years, and poses a real threat to Russia, both within and external to Ukraine today.

These soldiers are there at the behest of the Ukrainian government. Their presence, like NATO, is voluntary on the part of Ukraine.

You know which soldiers aren't welcome in Ukraine right now by the government and the people?
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If Russia stays within their borders then NATO is zero threat to them.
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Agreed. Unfortunately, I think all roads lead to an expanded conflict.
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Do you really believe that? We didn't need him dead to know the election was rigged. That's laughable.
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He was going to break out of the gulag and win the election so obviously we had him killed
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wtmartinaggie said:

Do you really believe that? We didn't need him dead to know the election was rigged. That's laughable.
It's more plausible than not that he was killed by western intel. Folks than Russian ones, imho. He posed no threat to Putin, and his death was a convenient story for the war supporters to rally behind, obviously.

Putin didn't…need to rig the election. At all. And the people running against him know/knew that. The people staging fake videos of Russians being abused in a polling location are the ones who desperately want to convince folks that…happened.
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Love seeing Texans explain the nuances of Russian politics that they learned from their TV streaming CNN.
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We aren't helping our allies in this war, to the extent the big economies of the EU are really allies at this point.

The good guys;

LOL. But it is sad this is why well north of 600K men have lost their lives;

Just over there minding his own business, loving freedom and democracy…"grab more conscripts!!!"

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Just remember that this wasn't *because* of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but because of *our response* to it.

If Putin had not invaded there would have been no response. The fault, as always, lies with him alone.
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Teslag said:


Just remember that this wasn't *because* of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but because of *our response* to it.

If Putin had not invaded there would have been no response. The fault, as always, lies with him alone.

Even for Bakmut? You keep flip flopping on that town.
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Yes. Had the Russians not invaded they'd have never needed to contract a PMC to do something they could not:
J. Walter Weatherman
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Love seeing Texans explain the nuances of Russian politics that they learned from their TV streaming CNN.

As opposed to Texans who invent nuance out of thin air (or based on Russian trolls) because it fits with their political views?
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Love seeing Texans explain the nuances of Russian politics that they learned from their TV streaming CNN.

As opposed to Texans who invent nuance out of thin air (or based on Russian trolls) because it fits with their political views?

Disagreeing with you isn't trolling. HTH.
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"Putins big mistake"
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What would Trump have done? His followers want him to hand Ukraine over on a silver platter.
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No one should be fired for who they voted for
Mongolian Christmas
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Teslag said:

What would Trump have done? His followers want him to hand Ukraine over on a silver platter.

He wouldn't have spent 100s of billions of dollars in a losing effort.
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That's interesting. I visited Munich in 2023 and they had large Ukranian flags on one of the government buildings alongside the German flags. And every German I spoke with was in full support of helping Ukraine.
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Mongolian Christmas said:

Teslag said:

What would Trump have done? His followers want him to hand Ukraine over on a silver platter.

He wouldn't have spent 100s of billions of dollars in a losing effort.

So he wouldn't have stood up to Putin at all. Thanks! We are in agreement then.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

No one should be fired for who they voted for

Publicly supporting a violent foreign dictator that is an enemy to your host country is bad for business and has consequences.

I would fire anyone working for me that supported Hamas, Al Queda, Russia, the CCP, the North Koreans, Mexican cartels, and every other form of human garbage on this planet.
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docb said:

That's interesting. I visited Munich in 2023 and they had large Ukranian flags on one of the government buildings alongside the German flags. And every German I spoke with was in full support of helping Ukraine.
That's just not the situation in Germany now, but I am of course not surprised you would claim this, given your observation bias. Debate about the huge number of refugees, who receive more than 500 euro's a month and mostly don't hold a job but want to stay permanently, and tremendous 'aid' demands from saint zelensky threaten to upend their politics domestically. It's helping to fuel the AfD quite a bit. Further, they are going to cut (domestic) aid by half next year, even as the prospect of 10 million more Ukrainians pouring out if/as Russia takes the remainder remains pressing/real;

The dismal economic situation across the EU has led to member states cutting state funding earmarked for Ukrainian refugees. An unidentified official at the German Finance Ministry was quoted on September 25 by Reuters as saying that Berlin is planning next year to halve federal aid to states to cover expenses related to receiving and integrating refugees.

The only country to outspend Germany is Poland, which allocated 15.4 billion euros ($16.6 billion) for refugees over the same period, providing free access to education, health care, and family benefits.

But like Germany, Poland has announced it could cut outlays for Ukrainian refugees next year. Polish government spokesman Piotr Muller told Polsat News on September 18 that aid for refugees may not be prolonged into 2024, or at least maintained at the current level.
Also, keep in mind how utterly abysmal and denuded the German military of today really is. (Translated):

Pistorius is verbally rearming. Until now, it was said that the Bundeswehr had to be ready to defend itself. Even that was an unattainable goal. Now the minister is using the term "ready for war" to define a military dimension for which he can neither find the necessary money nor enough personnel and equipment.

Together with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Pistorius is recklessly promising NATO strong divisions that do not exist, and is boldly deploying a brigade to Lithuania that does not even exist yet. The two percent pledge to the defense alliance is only achieved by the coalition itself with accounting tricks, billions in debt and cloudy promises for the future by declaring pensions for soldiers of the GDR People's Army, interest payments for the debt and the like as "defense spending". In the actual budget, however, there is a shortfall of around 25 billion euros per year to achieve the target. Even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Bundeswehr's depots were barely sufficient to equip a single brigade "fit for war". In order to provide such a unit with around 5,000 soldiers for the NATO rapid reaction force (VJTF), the commanders had to borrow thousands of vehicles and pieces of equipment from the entire army. Afterwards, politicians promised: "It won't happen again! But it will. The army also had to be scoured for the current VJTF. It took around three years until the complex loan procedure was bureaucratically bagged and the unit was ready for deployment.

This is a far cry from the "cold-start capability" of the Bundeswehr that everyone is now calling for. The then Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) had already announced "trend reversals" after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. Unfortunately, it has to be said: Over the past nine years, the Bundeswehr has become neither operational nor even fit for war, despite strong budget growth. There has been a lack of bold reforms, tough cuts and fundamental structural changes. Money alone is not enough. Pistorius likes to appear as if he is the tough guy for this. After years of forced disarmament and shrinking of the force by CDU/CSU ministers, the traffic light coalition agreed to take stock of the Bundeswehr and then formulate goals for the armed forces. Nothing came of this under either Christine Lambrecht or Pistorius. So it remains a case of muddling through and nasty surprises, such as the recent digital radios that don't fit in the vehicles. Another modernization that takes a year and a half longer than the ten years it is late. Consequences? Nothing.

One thing is certain, however: since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Chancellor Scholz's watershed speech, the situation of the armed forces has not improved, but has continued to deteriorate rapidly. Tanks, artillery and hundreds of other vehicles have been handed over to Ukraine from already depleted battalions. For good reasons. What is bad, however, is that almost none of it has been replaced.

Pistorius may be making an effort. But when it comes to reordering Patriot systems, a standard product of the American arms industry, the paperwork alone takes a year and a half. After that, the months-long assembly process begins. Pistorius swears the population in for tougher and possibly very tough times. Germany needs a Bundeswehr that "can fight, is operational and can hold out". The benchmark for this, according to the minister's new defense policy guidelines, is "readiness to fight at all times".

This makes a mockery of the conditions and the tough everyday shortages in German barracks. For example, the Bundeswehr only has around 50,000 assault rifles because no new G36s have been procured for almost ten years for purely political reasons. The Ministry of Defense has only ordered a third of the number of the new model that was previously considered sufficient for defense readiness. In the event of defense, not even every second soldier in the army would have a rifle.

Pistorius would do well to place his own political fighting power more at the service of the armed forces of a defensible democracy. His talk of being ready for war helps no one. Especially not the ailing Bundeswehr.
Anyway, some war updates on the big happy war for freedom and 'democracy' critical to American national security interests;


Russian forces repel two Ukrainian counterattacks in Kupyansk area over past day

Russian forces improved their frontline positions and repelled two Ukrainian army attacks in the Kupyansk area over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, units of the Western Battlegroup improved their forward edge positions in active operations and inflicted damage on the enemy near the settlements of Sinkovka, Kislovka, Yagodnoye and Timkovka in the Kharkov Region. Near the settlement of Terny in the Donetsk People's Republic, they repelled two counterattacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian 18th National Guard brigade," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army's losses in the Kupyansk direction over the past 24 hours amounted to 85 personnel, 3 motor vehicles and a US-made M777 artillery system, it specified.

Russian forces fully clear borderline Kozinka community of Ukrainian militants

Russian forces have fully cleared the community of Kozinka of the remnants of Ukrainian militants in the borderline Belgorod Region, the ministry reported.

"In the Belgorod direction, Russian units have fully cleared the settlement of Kozinka of the remnants of Ukrainian militants and continue measures to prevent Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance groups from penetrating the border area," the ministry said.

Ukraine's army loses 650 troops, 2 rocket launchers in Belgorod area

The Ukrainian military lost roughly 650 militants and 2 Czech-made rocket launchers in the Belgorod direction, the ministry reported.

"The enemy lost as many as 650 militants, two armored combat vehicles and two Czech-made Vampire multiple launch rocket systems as a result of air strikes and artillery fire," the ministry said.

Russian forces take better positions in Donetsk area over past day

Russian forces took advantageous positions in the Donetsk area, eliminating roughly 420 enemy troops over the past day, the ministry reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, units of the Southern Battlegroup took more advantageous sites and positions as a result of their successful operations and inflicted damage on formations of the Ukrainian army's 79th air assault and 46th airmobile brigades near the settlements of Krasnoye, Andreyevka, Kleshcheyevka, Novomikhailovka and Georgiyevka in the Donetsk People's Republic. Near the settlement of Belogorovka in the Lugansk People's Republic, they repulsed a counterattack by formations of the Ukrainian army's 81st airmobile brigade," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army's losses in the Donetsk direction over the past 24 hours amounted to 420 personnel, a tank, 2 armored combat vehicles and 8 motor vehicles, it specified.

In counter-battery fire, Russian forces destroyed a D-20 howitzer, a US-made M119 howitzer and a British L119 howitzer, a Grad multiple rocket launcher, an aerial target illumination and guidance radar of an S-300 surface-to-air missile system, a US-manufactured AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar station, two Anklav-N electronic warfare stations, a Strela-10 air defense system and four field ammunition depots, it said.
I sure hope there's no pretext for Russians interfering in our elections. Oh, wait

The West spent more than $20 billion to interfere in Russian politics during the election campaign , the Central Election Commission said.

"I'm just wondering if Western voters know what purposes their taxes are being spent on," asked Central Election Commission member Igor Borisov.

Earlier it became known that more than 4.6 million cyber attacks were carried out on the Moscow early e-voting system during the elections.
Well, at least Nuland is gone, for now.

Democrats want to run…against Putin. Again. So we will yet again be fed more and more of this propaganda which some will gobble up;

Sorry proxy war proponents/fans but this has made Russia militarily/economically stronger and us weaker, here is a data point restating this yet again;

Forever war, comrades!
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Dude I'm not claiming anything. Just a direct observation from inside Germany versus your internet research from God knows where your information comes from.
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Ok, sure. But if you don't think the Germans know who blew up the nordstream pipeline and why their living standards collapsed starting in 2022…well 'my sources' would argue otherwise;


In a joint paper designed to underline the depth of the economic crisis in Europe's erstwhile powerhouse, two former economic advisers to the German government have said that real wages in the country slumped further in 2022 than in any year since 1950.

A failure to protect German industry from the energy price spike may turn the 2020s into "a lost decade for Germany" and further fuel the rise of the populist far-right Alternative fr Deutschland (AfD), the authors warned in a working paper published by the Forum for a New Economy.

LOL, the size of her Ukraine virtue signaling ribbon;

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docb said:

That's interesting. I visited Munich in 2023 and they had large Ukranian flags on one of the government buildings alongside the German flags. And every German I spoke with was in full support of helping Ukraine.

Can echo this. Was in Octoberfedt last September and the pro Ukraine / anti Russia sentiment was overwhelming. Same when I was in France in January. Europe's reaction, and increased support, for NATO and resolve against this aggression has been nothing short of impressive.
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Anecdotes from euro-vacationer posters who favor the righteous proxy war at all costs aside, actual data shows that only 1 in 10 Euro's think Ukraine can win and greatly dropping support. Germany;


Ukraine course: decreased support for German financial aid

German citizens are taking a largely similar position on Germany's Ukraine course as they did recently. Support for a more comprehensive provision of military equipment to Ukraine has increased again in recent months (21 percent; +7). However, the number of those for whom the deliveries of German weapons go too far is still much larger and, at just over a third, is effectively the same as in the summer of the previous year.

Attitudes towards the sanctions measures taken against Russia, which four out of ten (43 percent; +1) see as something that could be improved, are also rather stable, as are attitudes towards Germany's diplomatic efforts to end the war, which one in two considers to be inadequate (51 percent). ; -4 to June 2023). However, the duration of the war and the growing local budget problems left their mark on the support of German financial aid. At 41 percent (+21 as of April 2022), twice as many German citizens now consider Germany's financial support for Ukraine to be too extensive than at the start of the war. At the same time, 80 percent have doubts that any lack of American aid to Ukraine could be compensated for by Germany and other EU states.

Ukraine's EU and NATO membership is viewed more cautiously

At the end of last year, the European Union decided to start EU accession negotiations with Ukraine. However, the country's long-term EU membership is viewed somewhat more cautiously than before. After 58 percent in February last year, 53 percent currently express their approval. Support for Ukraine's long-term NATO membership is also declining, which is currently supported by less than one in two (44 percent; -7).

Europeans are generally pessimistic about the outcome of the war in Ukraine, with only 10% believing
Ukraine will win, compared to twice as many expecting a Russian victory...

In France, 20% of respondents support France increasing its military and strategic support for Ukraine, with 39% preferring a reduction or an end to this assistance and 26% think support should be continued at current levels, see source.

In Estonia, 61% support military help, see source.

In Hungary 74% oppose the idea of EU Member States providing an additional funding for
military equipment to Ukraine, while only 22% find it acceptable, see source.

In Italy, 47% of respondents supported Hungary's decision within the European Union to block the approval of new military aid for Ukraine, while 33% opposed it,
Euro's are prone to accept their propaganda and free speech of course is limited in the EU now (as covid showed), but there is certainly a growing share that are 'suffering from Ukraine fatigue.'
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Euro-vacationers versus dark web weird website partaker
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