Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

475,395 Views | 9106 Replies | Last: 31 min ago by nortex97
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First, there isn't a real stalemate.

When neither side can gain significant ground in their offensives it is literally the very definition of a stalemate.
J. Walter Weatherman
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nortex97 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

nortex97 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

It feels good to feel good- this damn sure aint a stalemate.

It seems strange to be gleefully rooting for the country who launched an unprovoked invasion of their neighbor and has spent the last couple of years destroying cities and murdering thousands of civilians, but if that makes you happy then more power to you I guess. Kind of just makes you seem like a bad person though.
To my mind the 'bad people' are the ones who provoked the proxy war (and it's attendant conflagration in Israel), and the commanders (at least civilian leadership, though both sides have committed plenty of war crimes too) on both sides driving it, as well as those who have giddily eaten up (cheered, even) 'war porn' images and 'wonder weapons,' and as well cheered ethnic deaths/bodies of one side or the other due to their hatred(s).

Seeing a perceived 'stalemate' broken where both sides are losing hundreds per day, at least, so the war might be resolved/ended sooner is a moral positive/net good, imho.

And to my mind the "bad people" are the ones (or one) who ordered the invasion and could end the war and all of the ongoing deaths associated with it whenever he wanted to. If you were really interested in the stalemate ending it seems like you would also be highlighting that there's only one person who could end this today.

If you want to pass the blame off on a bunch of other parties you're more than welcome to, I was mostly commenting on PCG's weird somewhat gleeful cheering for a murdering dictator. Maybe he'll start rooting for Hamas and North Korea next.
First, there isn't a real stalemate. Second, the person whose actions (at least, nominally his administration's) today could end the war very quickly (by publicly exclaiming Ukrainian corruption, and disclaiming any further support for aid/draw downs due to their criminality/actions including in Trump's impeachment and the Ukrainian genocide in the Biden proxy war, while demanding swift and fair elections and negotiations for peace), is this guy's father (no nudity, but not real safe for work images with kids):

Putin and Xi have compromising information on the Bidens obviously (though a lot is also public, yet suppressed), and know they can get him to support stretching the war out for their aims until they see fit to end it.

Never, ever vote for a democrat. It could end like/lead to this for Americans too:

But make no mistake, the war pimps like Haley/Graham on the GOP side also just want a rapidly conflating/escalating war:

Even pro-nato propagandists note it's 'not a stalemate:'

That's a lot of words and continued use questionable links to continue to pass the blame someone besides the one person who is responsible for this entire conflict. It's a 100% fact that Putin could literally end this right now. The rest of your post is just conjecture.
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Teslag said:


First, there isn't a real stalemate.

When neither side can gain significant ground in their offensives it is literally the very definition of a stalemate.
that assumes that Russia hasn't already secured its objective and is now just playing defense.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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US war with Iran is imminent, imo.

China will come to the defense of Iran.

2024 about to be a rough ride.

Who knows what we are likely to see.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

US war with Iran is imminent, imo.

China will come to the defense of Iran.

2024 about to be a rough ride.

Who knows what we are likely to see.
nm wrong thread
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Seamaster said:

Teslag said:


First, there isn't a real stalemate.

When neither side can gain significant ground in their offensives it is literally the very definition of a stalemate.
that assumes that Russia hasn't already secured its objective and is now just playing defense.

Any attempt to frame what Russia has now is directly opposed to the objectives Putin laid out in his February 2022 speech and the alignment from his state media outlets and voices on social media. Russia absolutely wants significantly more of Ukraine then they have now.
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

nortex97 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

nortex97 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

It feels good to feel good- this damn sure aint a stalemate.

It seems strange to be gleefully rooting for the country who launched an unprovoked invasion of their neighbor and has spent the last couple of years destroying cities and murdering thousands of civilians, but if that makes you happy then more power to you I guess. Kind of just makes you seem like a bad person though.
To my mind the 'bad people' are the ones who provoked the proxy war (and it's attendant conflagration in Israel), and the commanders (at least civilian leadership, though both sides have committed plenty of war crimes too) on both sides driving it, as well as those who have giddily eaten up (cheered, even) 'war porn' images and 'wonder weapons,' and as well cheered ethnic deaths/bodies of one side or the other due to their hatred(s).

Seeing a perceived 'stalemate' broken where both sides are losing hundreds per day, at least, so the war might be resolved/ended sooner is a moral positive/net good, imho.

And to my mind the "bad people" are the ones (or one) who ordered the invasion and could end the war and all of the ongoing deaths associated with it whenever he wanted to. If you were really interested in the stalemate ending it seems like you would also be highlighting that there's only one person who could end this today.

If you want to pass the blame off on a bunch of other parties you're more than welcome to, I was mostly commenting on PCG's weird somewhat gleeful cheering for a murdering dictator. Maybe he'll start rooting for Hamas and North Korea next.
First, there isn't a real stalemate. Second, the person whose actions (at least, nominally his administration's) today could end the war very quickly (by publicly exclaiming Ukrainian corruption, and disclaiming any further support for aid/draw downs due to their criminality/actions including in Trump's impeachment and the Ukrainian genocide in the Biden proxy war, while demanding swift and fair elections and negotiations for peace), is this guy's father (no nudity, but not real safe for work images with kids):

Putin and Xi have compromising information on the Bidens obviously (though a lot is also public, yet suppressed), and know they can get him to support stretching the war out for their aims until they see fit to end it.

Never, ever vote for a democrat. It could end like/lead to this for Americans too:

But make no mistake, the war pimps like Haley/Graham on the GOP side also just want a rapidly conflating/escalating war:

Even pro-nato propagandists note it's 'not a stalemate:'

That's a lot of words and continued use questionable links to continue to pass the blame someone besides the one person who is responsible for this entire conflict. It's a 100% fact that Putin could literally end this right now. The rest of your post is just conjecture.
That's a few words to say "I don't like your links so I will disparage what you have provided without factual or evidentiary support of my own because I don't like it, and revert to a middle school level analyses that a dictator in Russia might just opt to abdicate/surrender and resign."

It's a fact the Bidens have been paid millions by the CCP, Ukrainian and Russian oligarchs (the latter of which strangely seem to be exempt from sanctions). The laptop isn't "Russian disinformation" though GCF's (and FBI's) use of the "Steele Russian dossier" was.

The Dutch and German and Belgian military leadership is also misinformed vs. the war champion side of F16:


De Telegraaf: Russia is getting stronger!

The Netherlands should not think that safety is guaranteed with us because we are 1,500 kilometers away. Russia is getting stronger. There is only one language that Russia understands: that of a robust armed forces.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that his country must prepare for war and that conscription must return.

The highest commander of the Belgian army, who emphasized that Europe must urgently prepare for a conflict with Russia

Commander of the Army Martin Wijnen does not yet want to argue for a new Dutch conscription. But something urgently needs to be done to strengthen the armed forces. This year, the Defense Department started its brand new 'service year', a way of involving young people in the armed forces, copied from Sweden. It started with six hundred volunteers.

The resilience of the Dutch population must be improved across the board, Wijnen believes. "That means, for example: supplies, food and drinking water in the basement, so that you can absorb a blow if society is disrupted.

For the Finns and the Balts this is all self-evident, because they are close to the threat.

Meanwhile, as the conflagration continues, Iraq's PM just called for an end to coalition forces in Iraq, and stuff like this is being under-reported:

Make no mistake, an Iranian-Iraqi-Syrian-Israeli broader war is absolutely on the table, and it's a conflict China and Russia will take an opposition/enemy position vs. US forces, if/when it happens. The horribly dangerous and treasonous Biden presidency shows no sign of 'going quietly.'
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The German defense minister was not quoted as saying Russia is stronger. That was what the author of the article you didn't link said.
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Make no mistake, an Iranian-Iraqi-Syrian-Israeli broader war is absolutely on the table, and it's a conflict China and Russia will take an opposition/enemy position vs. US forces, if/when it happens. The horribly dangerous and treasonous Biden presidency shows no sign of 'going quietly.'

I was in Erbil/Syria for most of 2021 and 2020. What you described was happening then. Under Trump. Russian PMC's even attacked US positions in Syria under Trump.

And those flares are common. We would regularly launch them by default between Al Hasakah and Erbil in 2020. When Trump occupied the white house.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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No question that war with Iran been on the docket and it's about to come to fruition.

They've been talking about this for decades.

First it was the 'war-mongering neocons'

But surprise surprise. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

Liberals who raged post-911 now twisting themselves into a pretzel on this and nobody says boo.
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Ukelele is rounding up fighters like they're animal control finding strays
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According to?
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How confident are you in Russia to stop the hostilities if/when Ukraine decides its time to negotiate? Could you see a world where Putin and Co. ignore Ukrainian attempts at diplomacy in favor of more violence?

Starting to see some worry about this from nearby NATO allies
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Putin and Russia would only accept peace now with terms that would make it favorable for them to resume hostilities at a later date.

They want Ukraine. And if they can't have it today they'll try to take it tomorrow.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

How confident are you in Russia to stop the hostilities if/when Ukraine decides its time to negotiate? Could you see a world where Putin and Co. ignore Ukrainian attempts at diplomacy in favor of more violence?

Starting to see some worry about this from nearby NATO allies
Yeah I really dunno. Propaganda and banter here aside, I am not sure Putin (et al.) see a benefit now to what would amount to a truce/ceasefire.

With the conflagration pending in Iran/Iraq, I doubt the Russians (while facing relatively positive battlefield conditions) want to really negotiate some sort of status quo agreement with the Nuland Kiev regime.

The only nominal benefit would be that such a 'pax biden' might benefit democrats, but even if nominally so it wouldn't work unless 'sprung' toward the late summer/early fall.
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If Ukraine offered peace along current lines and Russia refused would you still blame Ukraine for continuing the war?
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Todays update from the frontline: someone 2,000 miles away fell out of a window.
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About right. But everyone needs to worry about who is in charge of the Donbas oblast because that's what we all learnt in elementary school, right?
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Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.
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Funding for Ukraine is only a matter of time. Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, etc will get their way.
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Teslag said:

Funding for Ukraine is only a matter of time. Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, etc will get their way.

The war machine usually does.
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Also the reason it's said that Putin can end this anytime is because this is not just his war, but it highlights the ludicrous notion that this war could be ended if the Ukrainians would simply be good sports and surrender their nation.
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YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Cutting off funding will be a slow bleed out not a sudden death. It's not like the troops will no longer be able to fire a gun because of a lack of support. It is an erosion of capability.

Funding Ukraine is critical for American interests long term and this 30 minute video does a good job walking you through the global situation and their potential outcomes. Otherwise we are ignorning the key fundamental lesson of the prior world wars. Isolationism does not shield us from the imperialistic desires of evil autocrats. It only entrenches and enables them - raising the costs.

J. Walter Weatherman
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YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Sometimes things are actually that simple. And something so obvious wouldn't need to be said if so many posters on this thread weren't so desperate to blame literally anyone but Putin for what is happening.
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Gordo14 said:

YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Cutting off funding will be a slow bleed out not a sudden death. It's not like the troops will no longer be able to fire a gun because of a lack of support. It is an erosion of capability.

Funding Ukraine is critical for American interests long term and this 30 minute video does a good job walking you through the global situation and their potential outcomes. Otherwise we are ignorning the key fundamental lesson of the prior world wars. Isolationism does not shield us from the imperialistic desires of evil autocrats. It only entrenches and enables them - raising the costs.

I get that but Gen pop doesn't. It was all over the air waves in week one of December but I've seen no more talk of it since. Either the situation is not as dire as were told or funding was found and I missed the headlines which was why I asked.

I simply do not care about Ukraine nor us defending it and it's not critical to our interests. That makes me pretty callous on this event. I admire their fortitude and defense of their country which they have every right to do, obviously. I just don't think we need to be a part of it.

And I find it to be a unique situation where the normal rules of ignoring the fundamentals you mention do not apply. Why? Because Putin's advance stops at the eastern NATO border. He won't and can't go any further. He might try and take some of the -stans and other steppe countries not in NATO. My response to that is: WGAS. They would probably be better off under Putin, anyway.

And Taiwan is a wholly different animal than Ukraine. The entire world has a critical, strategic interest in protecting Taiwan whereas Ukraine does not remotely rise to the same level of relevance. There is a reason the UK publicly said they would nuke China if they attacked Taiwan and said no such thing about Ukraine because the latter doesn't matter on the world stage.
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Sometimes things are actually that simple. And something so obvious wouldn't need to be said if so many posters on this thread weren't so desperate to blame literally anyone but Putin for what is happening.

It's also irrelevant.
J. Walter Weatherman
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YouBet said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Sometimes things are actually that simple. And something so obvious wouldn't need to be said if so many posters on this thread weren't so desperate to blame literally anyone but Putin for what is happening.

It's also irrelevant.

It becomes relevant when a certain high volume "other perspective" poster tries to act like they nobly want the war to be over to stop more people from needlessly dying but only seem to blame the side currently being invaded for the war continuing.
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Sometimes things are actually that simple. And something so obvious wouldn't need to be said if so many posters on this thread weren't so desperate to blame literally anyone but Putin for what is happening.

It's also irrelevant.

It becomes relevant when a certain high volume "other perspective" poster tries to act like they nobly want the war to be over to stop more people from needlessly dying but only seem to blame the side currently being invaded for the war continuing.

Imagine thinking not wanting people to die is an act for internet points on TexAgs. You should reflect on what you think is important.
Ag with kids
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Sometimes things are actually that simple. And something so obvious wouldn't need to be said if so many posters on this thread weren't so desperate to blame literally anyone but Putin for what is happening.

It's also irrelevant.

It becomes relevant when a certain high volume "other perspective" poster tries to act like they nobly want the war to be over to stop more people from needlessly dying but only seem to blame the side currently being invaded for the war continuing.

Imagine thinking not wanting people to die is an act for internet points on TexAgs. You should reflect on what you think is important.
Then you should be rooting for Putin to stop his war now and back off.

If you get YOUR wish and Russia wins, they'll kill a lot more Ukrainians after they take over. Retribution for them daring to fight back...
J. Walter Weatherman
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Sometimes things are actually that simple. And something so obvious wouldn't need to be said if so many posters on this thread weren't so desperate to blame literally anyone but Putin for what is happening.

It's also irrelevant.

It becomes relevant when a certain high volume "other perspective" poster tries to act like they nobly want the war to be over to stop more people from needlessly dying but only seem to blame the side currently being invaded for the war continuing.

Imagine thinking not wanting people to die is an act for internet points on TexAgs. You should reflect on what you think is important.

Coming from the poster who is openly cheering for the murdering dictator directly responsible for every death in this war, it might be time for you to take your own advice.
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It is the noble man who knows when he has been defeated.

Multiple leaders in NATO countries are starting to come out and own up to their government's mistakes. You should too.
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Sometimes things are actually that simple. And something so obvious wouldn't need to be said if so many posters on this thread weren't so desperate to blame literally anyone but Putin for what is happening.

It's also irrelevant.

It becomes relevant when a certain high volume "other perspective" poster tries to act like they nobly want the war to be over to stop more people from needlessly dying but only seem to blame the side currently being invaded for the war continuing.

Imagine thinking not wanting people to die is an act for internet points on TexAgs. You should reflect on what you think is important.

Coming from the poster who is openly cheering for the murdering dictator directly responsible for every death in this war, it might be time for you to take your own advice.

When you've lost, lie. A Ukrainian tale as old as the country, which is actually pretty young.
J. Walter Weatherman
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

YouBet said:

Continue to shake my head at the kindergarten comment of "Putin can end this conflict today". It's a worthless, throwaway comment bereft of any thought or consideration of reality.

At the beginning of December, the daily refrain was that funding runs out for them around now. And they would be screwed if we didn't give them more. I may have missed it but I don't think we have approved any more funding for them.

Sometimes things are actually that simple. And something so obvious wouldn't need to be said if so many posters on this thread weren't so desperate to blame literally anyone but Putin for what is happening.

It's also irrelevant.

It becomes relevant when a certain high volume "other perspective" poster tries to act like they nobly want the war to be over to stop more people from needlessly dying but only seem to blame the side currently being invaded for the war continuing.

Imagine thinking not wanting people to die is an act for internet points on TexAgs. You should reflect on what you think is important.

Coming from the poster who is openly cheering for the murdering dictator directly responsible for every death in this war, it might be time for you to take your own advice.

When you've lost, lie. A Ukrainian tale as old as the country, which is actually pretty young.

Feel free to point out the lie. Or you can go back to gleefully posting pro Russian accounts of the invasion.
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Have they asked Zaluzhny? He seemed to confirm.

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PlaneCrashGuy said:

It is the noble man who knows when he has been defeated.

Multiple leaders in NATO countries are starting to come out and own up to their government's mistakes. You should too.

Which nato leaders? Quote them directly with context.
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