Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

475,278 Views | 9105 Replies | Last: 4 hrs ago by PlaneCrashGuy
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And remember the heat we got for calling it as such? And now it's like "oh ya well we like always knew that brah".
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Sorry to interrupt, but there are more correct predictions about the last 2 years on his twitter account than there are in the tactical thread. Maybe where you get your news is the problem?
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Sorry to interrupt, but there are more correct predictions about the last 2 years on his twitter account than there are in the tactical thread. Maybe where you get your news is the problem?

Seriously? That clown droned on and on about how Russia would be in Kiev in weeks when it broke out. Then months. Then said no way Kharkiv and Kherson would fall. And now he's been predicting the end for Ukraine for 18 months and here we are, Russia still trying to take the same village they have been fighting for since 2014.

That guy is anything but right.
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Sorry to interrupt, but there are more correct predictions about the last 2 years on his twitter account than there are in the tactical thread. Maybe where you get your news is the problem?

Seriously? That clown droned on and on about how Russia would be in Kiev in weeks when it broke out. Then months. Then said no way Kharkiv and Kherson would fall. And now he's been predicting the end for Ukraine for 18 months and here we are, Russia still trying to take the same village they have been fighting for since 2014.

That guy is anything but right.
Yeah, seriously. For everything he's missed on he's mathematically better than the other. Don't take my word for it, just count.
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Everything he's missed on? He's missed the entire war.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Weren't people saying at the start of this Ukraine deal that it would eventually spill into Israel?

Could've sworn I read where crazy conspiracy people were saying that a few years ago.

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Teslag said:

Everything he's missed on? He's missed the entire war.
Sure thing. I didn't expect you to check but it's there if you want to.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Weren't people saying at the start of this Ukraine deal that it would eventually spill into Israel?

Could've sworn I read where crazy conspiracy people were saying that a few years ago.

Yes. Hamas and Israel were in total peace and harmony for decades and then Russia/Ukraine caused Hamas terrorists to randomly kill thousands of Jews.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Everything he's missed on? He's missed the entire war.
Sure thing. I didn't expect you to check but it's there if you want to.

Translation: "sure he's missed literally everything from the start of this war until now, by if you just look past that you'll see that's he's been dead on"

Simplicious is a meme. Literally. He's the one who gave us the 200 T-90's a month gem.
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Teslag said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Weren't people saying at the start of this Ukraine deal that it would eventually spill into Israel?

Could've sworn I read where crazy conspiracy people were saying that a few years ago.

Yes. Hamas and Israel were in total peace and harmony for decades and then Russia/Ukraine caused Hamas terrorists to randomly kill thousands of Jews.
This is a deflection away from the point that the "conspiracy theorists" were right. You've lost your objectivity.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Weren't people saying at the start of this Ukraine deal that it would eventually spill into Israel?

Could've sworn I read where crazy conspiracy people were saying that a few years ago.

Yes. Hamas and Israel were in total peace and harmony for decades and then Russia/Ukraine caused Hamas terrorists to randomly kill thousands of Jews.
This is a deflection away from the point that the "conspiracy theorists" were right. You've lost your objectivity.

Right about what? There's no correlation between Hamas/Israel and Russia/Ukraine.

Ag with kids
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Everything he's missed on? He's missed the entire war.
Sure thing. I didn't expect you to check but it's there if you want to.

Translation: "sure he's missed literally everything from the start of this war until now, by if you just look past that you'll see that's he's been dead on"

Simplicious is a meme. Literally. He's the one who gave us the 200 T-90's a month gem.

If they were doing 200 a month a year ago they've got to be up to 400 a month by now. Their economy and military is the strongest it's ever been since this war has started.
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Weren't people saying at the start of this Ukraine deal that it would eventually spill into Israel?

Could've sworn I read where crazy conspiracy people were saying that a few years ago.

Yes. Hamas and Israel were in total peace and harmony for decades and then Russia/Ukraine caused Hamas terrorists to randomly kill thousands of Jews.
This is a deflection away from the point that the "conspiracy theorists" were right. You've lost your objectivity.

Right about what? There's no correlation between Hamas/Israel and Russia/Ukraine.
When you're done deflecting I'll be here.
Ag with kids
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Weren't people saying at the start of this Ukraine deal that it would eventually spill into Israel?

Could've sworn I read where crazy conspiracy people were saying that a few years ago.

Yes. Hamas and Israel were in total peace and harmony for decades and then Russia/Ukraine caused Hamas terrorists to randomly kill thousands of Jews.
This is a deflection away from the point that the "conspiracy theorists" were right. You've lost your objectivity.

Right about what? There's no correlation between Hamas/Israel and Russia/Ukraine.

Russia attacked Ukraine.

Then, Hamas attacked Israel.

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
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Ag with kids said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Everything he's missed on? He's missed the entire war.
Sure thing. I didn't expect you to check but it's there if you want to.

Translation: "sure he's missed literally everything from the start of this war until now, by if you just look past that you'll see that's he's been dead on"

Simplicious is a meme. Literally. He's the one who gave us the 200 T-90's a month gem.

If they were doing 200 a month a year ago they've got to be up to 400 a month by now. Their economy and military is the strongest it's ever been since this war has started.
How delusional do you have to be to sarcastically posts an accurate observation
Ag with kids
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ag with kids said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Everything he's missed on? He's missed the entire war.
Sure thing. I didn't expect you to check but it's there if you want to.

Translation: "sure he's missed literally everything from the start of this war until now, by if you just look past that you'll see that's he's been dead on"

Simplicious is a meme. Literally. He's the one who gave us the 200 T-90's a month gem.

If they were doing 200 a month a year ago they've got to be up to 400 a month by now. Their economy and military is the strongest it's ever been since this war has started.
How delusional do you have to be to sarcastically posts an accurate observation
Not as delusional as you have to be to think it's an accurate observation...
Stat Monitor Repairman
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We coming up on 24-months of this with no resolution in sight.

It's about to be 2024 and we still doing trench warfare in Europe.

Crazy to think about how much the world has destabilized in a very short amount of time.

We a long way from 2019.
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Ag with kids said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ag with kids said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Everything he's missed on? He's missed the entire war.
Sure thing. I didn't expect you to check but it's there if you want to.

Translation: "sure he's missed literally everything from the start of this war until now, by if you just look past that you'll see that's he's been dead on"

Simplicious is a meme. Literally. He's the one who gave us the 200 T-90's a month gem.

If they were doing 200 a month a year ago they've got to be up to 400 a month by now. Their economy and military is the strongest it's ever been since this war has started.
How delusional do you have to be to sarcastically posts an accurate observation
Not as delusional as you have to be to think it's an accurate observation...

Wow he really believes they produced 200 T90's a month. And he tells us to be objective.
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Ag with kids said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ag with kids said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

Everything he's missed on? He's missed the entire war.
Sure thing. I didn't expect you to check but it's there if you want to.

Translation: "sure he's missed literally everything from the start of this war until now, by if you just look past that you'll see that's he's been dead on"

Simplicious is a meme. Literally. He's the one who gave us the 200 T-90's a month gem.

If they were doing 200 a month a year ago they've got to be up to 400 a month by now. Their economy and military is the strongest it's ever been since this war has started.
How delusional do you have to be to sarcastically posts an accurate observation
Not as delusional as you have to be to think it's an accurate observation...

Then you're not paying attention. Leaders in NATO countries aren't being sarcastic but saying the same thing as you. Check into the UK. You probably wont, but at least I tried.
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Which "nato leader" is saying Russia is now stronger than they were in February of 2022?
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You can't really discuss things with a brick wall with a keyboard.

It's just gonna be snark and lies directed back to you, I think everyone knows that.

Yes, 'some' of us warned that the Biden proxy war and weakness exemplified by actions in Ukraine would both extend the war into a meat grinder (check), lead to a stronger Russian military (check), grow the Sino-Russian alliance (BRICS, check), and provide an opportunistic window for further war in other BRICS theaters including the Middle East (check, clearly). Make no mistake, Biden's Suez crisis is also related, quite directly, to his disastrous quagmire of Ukrainian 'investments' in war and death.

In fact the war would have either not started or been over quickly but for team Biden's efforts:

But the war is going great! Another drawdown of US inventories authorized by the proxy commander in chief! Meanwhile, Ukraine has come up with some creative new ways to backfill ongoing deaths and destruction among it's remnant of 'manpower' that are all so excited to go stack Russian bodies:


People are now fully eligible for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are in "Disability Group III," comprising people who:
1. Are missing or blind in one eye
2. Are partially deaf
3. Have a tracheotomy
4. Have jaw defects that prevent normal chewing
5. Suffer from dwarfism (<130cm for men)
6. Have a missing or nonfunctional arm
7. Have an amputated leg up to the thigh
8. Are missing fingers
9. Are missing both feet
10. Have a pacemaker implanted
11. Have only one working kidney
12. Have only one working lung
13. Have suffered from "traumatic castration"
14. Have a brain abscess (!)
15. Have a substantial skull defect
16. Have Parkinson's (!)
17. Have extreme scoliosis
18. Have severe chest deformities
19. Have "severe adrenal insufficiency" (it's a war eh?)
20. Have no bladder.
Once more, the evolution in Chinese-Russian relations has only benefited/happened in such a way due to the Biden Ukraine project, and that evolution is precisely why Xi let Biden know he will be taking Taiwan next;


The social involvement is classic Russian/Soviet. Prior to Yeltsin, Gazprom was a 100% public utility but was subjected to partial privatization. Some of the story is at the link in the opener. As you read Pepe's essay, recall what you've been reading over the last several months about Russia's plans and motivation. When you're done, allow yourself to contemplate. Here's Pepe:

2023 may be defined for posterity as The Year of the Russia-China Strategic Partnership. This wonder of wonders could easily sway under a groove by who else Stevie Wonder: "Here I am baby/ signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours."

In the first 11 months of 2023, trade between Russia and China exceeded $200 billion; they did not expect to achieve that until 2024.

Now surely that's One Partnership Under a Groove. Once again signed, sealed and delivered during the visit of a large delegation to Beijing last week, led by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, who met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and revisited and upgraded the whole spectrum of the comprehensive partnership/strategic cooperation, complete with an array of new, major joint projects.

Simultaneously, on the Great Game 2.0 front, everything that need to be reaffirmed was touched by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's detailed interview to Dimitri Simes on his Great Game show.
Add to it the carefully structured breakdown written by head of the SVR Sergey Naryshkin, defining 2024 as "the year of geopolitical awakening", and coming up with arguably the key formulation following the upcoming, cosmic NATO humiliation in the steppes of Donbass: "In 2024, the Arab world will remain the main space in the struggle for the establishment of a new order."

Confronted with such detailed geopolitical fine-tuning, it's no wonder the imperial reaction was apoplexy revealed epidermically in long, tortuous "analyses" trying to explain why President Putin turned out to be the "geopolitical victor" of 2023, seducing vast swathes of the Arab world and the Global South, solidifying BRICS side by side with China, and propelling the EU further into a black void of its own and the Hegemon's making.

Putin even allowed himself, half in jest, to offer Russian support for the potential "re-annexation" of country 404 border regions once annexed by Stalin, eventually to be returned to former owners Poland, Hungary & Romania. He added that he is 100% certain this is what residents of those still Ukrainian borders want.

Were that to happen, we would have Transcarpathia back to Hungary; Galicia and Volyn back to Poland; and Bukovina back to Romania. Can you feel the house already rocking to the break of dawn in Budapest, Warsaw and Bucharest?

Then there's the possibility of the Hegemon ordering NATO's junior punks to harass Russian oil tankers in the Baltic Sea and "isolate" St. Petersburg. It goes without saying that the Russian response would be to just take out Command & Control centers (hacking might be enough); burn electronics across the spectrum; and blockade the Baltic at the entrance by running a "Freedom of Navigation" exercise so everyone becomes familiar with the new groove.

That China-Russian Far East symbiosis

One of the most impressive features of the expanded Russia-China partnership is what is being planned for the Chinese northeastern province of Heilongjiang.

The idea is to turn it into an economic, scientific development and national defense mega-hub, centered on the provincial capital Harbin, complete with a new, sprawling Special Economic Zone (SEZ).

The key vector is that this mega-hub would also coordinate the development of the immense Russian Far East. This was discussed in detail at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok last September.

In a unique, startling arrangement, the Chinese may be allowed to manage selected latitudes of the Russian Far East for the next 100 years.

As Hong Kong-based analyst Thomas Polin detailed, Beijing is budgeting no less than 10 trillion yuan ($1.4 trillion) for the whole thing. Half of it would be absorbed by Harbin. The blueprint will reach the National People's Congress next March, and is expected to be approved. It has already been approved by the lower house of the Duma in Moscow.


Danila Krylov, researcher with the Department of the Middle East and Post-Soviet Asia at the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, offers a straightforward insight:

"I view the fact that the Americans are getting involved in Yemen as part of a great game [scenario]; there is more to it than just a desire to punish the Houthis or Iran, as it is more likely driven by a desire to prevent the monopolization of the market and hinder Chinese export deliveries to Europe. The Americans need an operational Suez Canal and a corridor between India and Europe, while the Chinese don't want it because these are two direct competitors."
It's not that the Chinese don't want it: with the Northern Sea Route up and running, they don't need it.

Now freeze!

In sum: in the ongoing, ever more fractious War of Economic Corridors, the initiative is with Russia-China.

In desperation, and no more than an option-deprived, headless chicken victim in the War of Economic Corridors, the Hegemon's EU vassals are resorting to twisting the Follow the Money playbook.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has defined the freezing of Russian assets not only private, but also state-owned by the EU as pure theft. Now Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov is making it very clear that Moscow will react symmetrically to the possible use of income from these frozen Russian assets.

Paraphrasing Lavrov: you confiscate, we confiscate. We all confiscate.

The repercussions will be cataclysmic for the Hegemon. No Global South nation, outside of NATOstan, will be "encouraged" to park its foreign currency/reserves in the West. That may lead, in a flash, to the whole Global South ditching the U.S.-led international financial system and joining a Russia-China-led alternative.

The peer-competitor Russia-China strategic partnership is already directly challenging the "rules-based international order" on all fronts improving their historical spheres of influence while actively developing vast, interconnected connectivity corridors bypassing said "order". That precludes, as much as possible, direct Hot War with the Hegemon.

Or to put it on Silk Road terms: while the dogs of war bark, lie and steal, the Russia-China caravan strolls on.
Yes, Russia's aim is to confiscate the Outlaw US Empire 's abilityits freedomto act unilaterally and foment chaos globally. That aim is shared by the vast majority of nations, and they are finally acting together to attain that goal. 2024 promises to be an important if not pivotal year. So, as you relax with friends and family as we approach the new year, take comfort that although peace doesn't seem close the Big Picture shows Humanity is actually advancing as it's closer than ever before.
None of this of course has been in American interests, let alone Ukrainian. The point of fact should be made that Biden has long been a compromised sell out (treasonous) leader whose administration has acted consistently in Beijing and Moscow's interests, which makes sense since he's been getting the familia paid by them for 20 plus years.

What's comical is that even Russian history books are more accurate than our own nowadays, and poke fun at Joe Biden;


The collective West, having wasted almost all of its weapons, starts to push the Kiev regime to engage in talks in 2024. Is that possible?

What about the talks in 2024? It's all perfectly clear.

1. The special military operation will continue, with its aim still being the disarmament of the Ukrainian forces, and abandonment of neo-nazi ideology by the present-day state of Ukraine.
2. Displacement of the ruling bandera regime is, though not openly stated, the most important and inevitable goal which must, and will be achieved.
3. Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Nikolaev, Kiev, as well as many others are Russian cities, temporarily occupied. All of them are still marked by the colours of yellow and blue on the maps and pads.

And so, yes. The "talks" are possible, of course. Russia never rejected them unlike the mad authorities of Ukraine. Such "talks" have no time limits. They can go on till full defeat and surrender of the North Atlantic Alliance's bandera forces.

And, by the way, I'd like to inform you that since January 1, 2023, the Armed Forces of Russian Federation have accepted half a million people as servicemen under contract.

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It feels good to feel good- this damn sure aint a stalemate.
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The fight going so well for Uke they are posting pictures of dead Ukes and just pretending they're Russians.

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These replies are incredible. Happy Friday eve to all, point and laugh at these lemmings. You know you want to.

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Here's also a Ukrainian take on the Russian surge in tank production this year. 2,100 includes all the old refurbs too but many are just left in the rear or used as fixed position platforms/as artillery etc.

Rostec reported positively looking forward as well, just yesterday:


The head of Russia's Rostec Corp. said its arms unit has boosted output of tanks and armored vehicles for the military as the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine approaches its third year.

Tank production increased seven-fold in two years, Rostec Chief Executive Officer Sergey Chemezov told President Vladimir Putin on Thursday in televised comments, without giving figures.

Output of armored vehicles grew more than five fold, and production of ammunition ranging from small arms to artillery shells grew as much as 50 times, said Chemezov, who's under US and European sanctions for his role in the war.

Russia plans a sharp increase in defense spending next year to 10.8 trillion rubles ($119.8 billion), up by almost 70% compared with this year. The nation's coffers have sufficient funds to meet all the needs of Russia's armed forces in the war, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said Wednesday.
Brits agree as to who is 'winning' the artillery battle that matters;


Artillery barrage

A key ingredient to victory for either side will be building enough shells to break through the front lines, said Gen Barrons, a former Royal Artillery officer.

It is estimated that Russia fired between 10 and 12 million rounds in the first year of the war on occasion using an astonishing 60,000 shells a day.

While its stocks have depleted, one million shells from North Korea will help tide Moscow over until its manufacturing base ramps up production to two million a year by the end of 2024.

By contrast, the US should be able to produce about 600,000 155mm rounds next year and the EU might get to 300,000 with Britain's BAE Systems up to another 100,000.

But Russia, whose industry is on a war footing, will still be outproducing the West by two-to-one.
Without massed artillery fire, and lacking a sizeable air force, Ukraine is unlikely to succeed and could itself be subject to a Russian offensive opened with a huge bombardment.

The Israel-Gaza war has seen a further depletion of western stocks, with munitions sent to Israel that may otherwise have gone to Kyiv.

"Putin will be rubbing his hands with glee at the distraction of Gaza particularly with artillery ammunition that was going to go to Ukraine now being fired at Palestinians," said the veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

More push back on the sponsored Ukrainian genocide:

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Yes, 'some' of us warned that the Biden proxy war and weakness exemplified by actions in Ukraine would both extend the war into a meat grinder (check), lead to a stronger Russian military (check),

Remember, this poster doesn't let Russian state media frame their opinion and just shares information.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

It feels good to feel good- this damn sure aint a stalemate.

Why do you take that Twitter account as gospel?

Russia is "advancing" ln a village they've tried to take since 2014 while they are still 100's of miles from Kiev but it's totally not a stalemate folks.
J. Walter Weatherman
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

It feels good to feel good- this damn sure aint a stalemate.

It seems strange to be gleefully rooting for the country who launched an unprovoked invasion of their neighbor and has spent the last couple of years destroying cities and murdering thousands of civilians, but if that makes you happy then more power to you I guess. Kind of just makes you seem like a bad person though.
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Careful, they will now tell you how they definitely aren't rooting for Russia and just want peace. And by peace they mean the complete surrender of Ukraine.
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

It feels good to feel good- this damn sure aint a stalemate.

It seems strange to be gleefully rooting for the country who launched an unprovoked invasion of their neighbor and has spent the last couple of years destroying cities and murdering thousands of civilians, but if that makes you happy then more power to you I guess. Kind of just makes you seem like a bad person though.
To my mind the 'bad people' are the ones who provoked the proxy war (and it's attendant conflagration in Israel), and the commanders (at least civilian leadership, though both sides have committed plenty of war crimes too) on both sides driving it, as well as those who have giddily eaten up (cheered, even) 'war porn' images and 'wonder weapons,' and as well cheered ethnic deaths/bodies of one side or the other due to their hatred(s).

Seeing a perceived 'stalemate' broken where both sides are losing hundreds per day, at least, so the war might be resolved/ended sooner is a moral positive/net good, imho.
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To my mind the 'bad people' are the ones who provoked the proxy war

Yet you completely give Putin a pass, the one who is solely responsible for starting this war.


(and it's attendant conflagration in Israel)

That war is 100% on the shoulders of Hamas and Iran

You have a really bad habit of giving passes to really evil people.
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Never rhought I'd live to see the day they're unboxing children's toys for use in war

J. Walter Weatherman
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nortex97 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

It feels good to feel good- this damn sure aint a stalemate.

It seems strange to be gleefully rooting for the country who launched an unprovoked invasion of their neighbor and has spent the last couple of years destroying cities and murdering thousands of civilians, but if that makes you happy then more power to you I guess. Kind of just makes you seem like a bad person though.
To my mind the 'bad people' are the ones who provoked the proxy war (and it's attendant conflagration in Israel), and the commanders (at least civilian leadership, though both sides have committed plenty of war crimes too) on both sides driving it, as well as those who have giddily eaten up (cheered, even) 'war porn' images and 'wonder weapons,' and as well cheered ethnic deaths/bodies of one side or the other due to their hatred(s).

Seeing a perceived 'stalemate' broken where both sides are losing hundreds per day, at least, so the war might be resolved/ended sooner is a moral positive/net good, imho.

And to my mind the "bad people" are the ones (or one) who ordered the invasion and could end the war and all of the ongoing deaths associated with it whenever he wanted to. If you were really interested in the stalemate ending it seems like you would also be highlighting that there's only one person who could end this today.

If you want to pass the blame off on a bunch of other parties you're more than welcome to, I was mostly commenting on PCG's weird somewhat gleeful cheering for a murdering dictator. Maybe he'll start rooting for Hamas and North Korea next.
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White House admitting what I and others said on the 1st day. (Politico article)

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J. Walter Weatherman said:

nortex97 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

It feels good to feel good- this damn sure aint a stalemate.

It seems strange to be gleefully rooting for the country who launched an unprovoked invasion of their neighbor and has spent the last couple of years destroying cities and murdering thousands of civilians, but if that makes you happy then more power to you I guess. Kind of just makes you seem like a bad person though.
To my mind the 'bad people' are the ones who provoked the proxy war (and it's attendant conflagration in Israel), and the commanders (at least civilian leadership, though both sides have committed plenty of war crimes too) on both sides driving it, as well as those who have giddily eaten up (cheered, even) 'war porn' images and 'wonder weapons,' and as well cheered ethnic deaths/bodies of one side or the other due to their hatred(s).

Seeing a perceived 'stalemate' broken where both sides are losing hundreds per day, at least, so the war might be resolved/ended sooner is a moral positive/net good, imho.

And to my mind the "bad people" are the ones (or one) who ordered the invasion and could end the war and all of the ongoing deaths associated with it whenever he wanted to. If you were really interested in the stalemate ending it seems like you would also be highlighting that there's only one person who could end this today.

If you want to pass the blame off on a bunch of other parties you're more than welcome to, I was mostly commenting on PCG's weird somewhat gleeful cheering for a murdering dictator. Maybe he'll start rooting for Hamas and North Korea next.
First, there isn't a real stalemate. Second, the person whose actions (at least, nominally his administration's) today could end the war very quickly (by publicly exclaiming Ukrainian corruption, and disclaiming any further support for aid/draw downs due to their criminality/actions including in Trump's impeachment and the Ukrainian genocide in the Biden proxy war, while demanding swift and fair elections and negotiations for peace), is this guy's father (no nudity, but not real safe for work images with kids):

Putin and Xi have compromising information on the Bidens obviously (though a lot is also public, yet suppressed), and know they can get him to support stretching the war out for their aims until they see fit to end it.

Never, ever vote for a democrat. It could end like/lead to this for Americans too:

But make no mistake, the war pimps like Haley/Graham on the GOP side also just want a rapidly conflating/escalating war:

Even pro-nato propagandists note it's 'not a stalemate:'

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