Russia/Ukraine from Another Perspective (Relaunch Part Deux)

477,030 Views | 9113 Replies | Last: 4 hrs ago by nortex97
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So what about the annexed regions?

What about reconstruction and the destruction?

Terrible, terrible, take all the way around.
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Teslag said:

Don't worry, he totally has no axe to grind with Ukraine and isn't pro Russian. He just doesn't want oru tax dollars sent there.
Same lie.
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Oh ya I forgot, you totally hate china too. Unless you need to use their twitter mouthpieces as "sources".
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wtmartinaggie said:

So what about the annexed regions?

What about reconstruction and the destruction?

Terrible, terrible, take all the way around.
The annexed regions are doing pretty well, outside of Bakhmut which Zelensky destroyed and some shelling the Ukrainians are doing. The territory controlled nominally by Kiev is more or less a fiefdom, vs. a real country.

Let China or Moscow pay for the 'reconstruction' (or Blackrock), the war has ended any hope for a separate/independent peoples in Ukraine anyway, to the extent there was a demographic hope pre-war. It's so bad the totalitarians have declared the remaining population a state secret.

Fighting with Russia over who gets to run power/gas lines in the Donbas for a trillion dollars is prima fascia absurd.
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Annexed regions are doing great. Zelenskyy destroyed Bakhmut, not Russia. Ukraine isn't a real country.

You're really putting in the work, comrade
J. Walter Weatherman
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nortex97 said:

Teslag said:

Don't worry, he totally has no axe to grind with Ukraine and isn't pro Russian. He just doesn't want oru tax dollars sent there.
Same lie.

Always amazing seeing someone call this "Xiden's war" when there's only one certain Russian dictator responsible for it, and who could end the war anytime he felt like it, even faster than trump's idiotic "24 hour" claim.
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Yep, it always has been.

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At this point his posts have to be a bit
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Update: no longer a myth?

Oh, look, even the NYT (fake news/propaganda disclaimer) has noticed the nazi symbology on the UFA front lines.


Nazi Symbols on Ukraine's Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

KYIV, Ukraine Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine last year, the Ukrainian government and NATO allies have posted, then quietly deleted, three seemingly innocuous photographs from their social media feeds: a soldier standing in a group, another resting in a trench and an emergency worker posing in front of a truck.

In each photograph, Ukrainians in uniform wore patches featuring symbols that were made notorious by Nazi Germany and have since become part of the iconography of far-right hate groups.

The photographs, and their deletions, highlight the Ukrainian military's complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II.

That relationship has become especially delicate because President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has falsely declared Ukraine to be a Nazi state, a claim he has used to justify his illegal invasion.
Supposedly the first ex-Wehrmacht tank operated by the somewhat-Nazi's has been taken out by the Russians. Whatever, more suffering/death for the poor proxy combatants is ahead, to the joy of Xi Jinping/some.
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Impossible. I was told the offensive was a myth. Assure of it even.
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No you weren't. I just wanted to know when you thought it would start.
I'm not sure if people genuinely believe someone is going to say, "Wow, if some people say I'm a moron for not believing this, it clearly must be true."

It's not much a persuasive argument. It really just sounds like a bunch of miniature dachshunds barking because the first one one barked when it thought it heard something.
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ex-Wehrmacht tank

A tank from 1945?
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nortex97 said:

I have no idea what you are talking about/what your point is, at all.
I know. I wasn't talking to you.
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GAC06 said:


ex-Wehrmacht tank

A tank from 1945?
Sorry, Bundeswehr, my bad (sincerely).

It's not clear that it was actually a Leopard 2 or not that was destroyed, might have been an AMX or something, perhaps propaganda. German armor has not historically faired well in "Ukraine" during the summer though.

Russian intelligence/surveillance I guess is improving (it had been relatively pathetic, down to a few outdated 'spy' sats):


On March 12, 2023, Russia's Proton-M rocket launched the Olymp-K-2 military satellite, also known as Luch-5X, from Site 200/39 at Baikonur Cosmodrome. The Olymp-K satellites are Russian geostationary satellites built for the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Russian intelligence agency FSB.

On November 2, 2022, Russia launched a Soyuz rocket carrying a military satellite into space, also with 3 inspector satellites.

On August 1, 2022, a Russian satellite, dubbed Kosmos 2558, was launched on a Russian Soyuz-2.1v rocket. It is apparently destined for life as a spy satellite, and its current orbital path could soon place it in proximity to what is reported to be the spy satellite designated USA-326.

On October 21, 2022, Russia launched two more classified military satellites to orbit. Also, there are 4 other satellites aimed at Earth observation that could be of a dual-use.

Ag with kids
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nortex97 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

nortex97 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

Lol perfect, another wonderful completely unbiased source. You're not even trying anymore.

Trying what? I certainly don't look to 'unbiased' sources as there essentially are none. I do try to stay away from propaganda outfits like CNN/Moscow Times/WaPo/Russia Today/CBS News etc. It's interesting that some folks seem unaware of propaganda when it is consumed.

You posted an article from a random blogger who thinks Ukraine was never a real country and wants to destroy Russia. Doesn't seem like you're doing a very good job of "trying to stay away from propaganda."
It's not a real country, it's a money laundering operation. Ukrainian is also just a dialect of Russian, not a real language. Likewise, I don't think you do a very solid job staying away from propaganda, but I don't think you claim to make an effort as such, to be fair.
Or maybe it's not...


How similar are Ukrainian and Russian?
The misconception that Russian and Ukrainian are the same sometimes stems from the fact that Russian is widely spoken in Ukraine. The numbers can differ slightly according to various sources, but it's generally agreed that 60% of Ukrainians consider Ukrainian their native language, while 15% consider Russian to be their native language. Moreover, 22% consider both to be their native languages.
It's also worth noting that most Ukrainian speakers can also speak Russian, even if it's as a second language. To an untrained ear, that may sound like Ukrainian when it is in fact, Russian. On top of that, some people use a mixture of Ukrainian and Russian called Surzhyk.
So how similar are Ukrainian and Russian? They share about 62% lexical similarity. What many people don't know is that Ukrainian has a higher lexical similarity with Polish, Slovak and Belarusian, than it does with Russian especially with Belarusian.
Ag with kids
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nortex97 said:

Teslag said:

shiftyandquick said:

what is to prevent Russia from violating any treaty it agrees to? Answer: nothing. They already did so with their current invasion.

So will the US allies continue to bolster the defense of Ukraine after a treaty is signed? That costs money, a lot of money. And then Russia regroups and invades again? After all what is to stop them? Since the West was unwilling to stop them this time (in your scenario). The West holding back key technologies that would have allowed Ukraine to win.

It's imperative that once a peace is attainted, weather by Uke victory or ceding crimea and some lands in the east to Russia, that Ukraine becomes part of NATO and we have a permanent presence there like we do in Romania and Poland.
No, it is imperative that something like the opposite of all that happen, after your opening note acknowledging that conceptually a peace be attained is a good thing vs. a forever war with Russia, a large concession I guess given your joy for war. Goodness…


This war could be ended in 24 hours.

(1) stop all money going to Ukraine,
(2) threaten to freeze all their assets,
(3) threaten to remove Ukraine from SWIFT,
(4) Order Ukraine to honor the Minsk Agreement.

To Russia:

(1) Lift all sanctions
(2) No NATO training or weapons for Ukraine
(3) Ukraine will not be part of NATO
(4) Agree to pay for the damage to Nord Stream

That would be a vastly preferable outcome in 2024 (or this afternoon). Sigh, word is continuing to get out as to 'other perspectives' though.
So, if you give Russia everything it wants and punish Ukraine for daring to not just let Russia roll over them, then the war can be over?

Great plan...
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Will be interesting to see what the response here is.
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Well someone blew it up.

I guess the response will be similar to when Russia blew up Nordstream. Nothing.
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"it is generally agreed" is carrying that whole post

I'm not sure if people genuinely believe someone is going to say, "Wow, if some people say I'm a moron for not believing this, it clearly must be true."

It's not much a persuasive argument. It really just sounds like a bunch of miniature dachshunds barking because the first one one barked when it thought it heard something.
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The mythological counter offensive seems so far to have involves some cannon fodder and possibly blowing up a damn. Some expendable light armor (AMX10's) and a kilometer or few hundred meters.


Keep in mind, I'm still skeptical of any 'real' offensive. I'll call whatever they're doing an 'offensive' as shorthand, simply so I don't have to keep qualifying it each time. But in reality, I'm still of the mind that whatever they're going to be doing over the next few weeks will be a series of abortive stop-start psyops with the intention of making a big splash on social media and the yellow press.

And now that such things are kicking off, I intend to more closely track the actual participating units at a more granular level. Before it didn't matter as much, but now particularly it will shed light on the level of escalations if we can pin down if and when Ukraine actually commits the much-vaunted 'Western-trained' brigades which were the subject of the Pentagon leaks.

For now, it appears that a newly created Ukrainian 31st mechanized brigade of likely cannonfodder was employed as the frontal meat assault towards the Novodonetsk direction. I say this not out of derision but because they are a newly created force likely thrown together from new mobilized plus the dregs of other units destroyed in Bakhmut, etc.

There are a number of other units assisting them like the 23rd, and supposedly, the 37th marines which is the one unit from today's operations that appeared in the elite list of the Pentagon lists. In the Pentagon leaks, their TO&E was written as comprising 14 x French AMX-10 tanks:

I've been doubting Ukraine would really have the guts to go all out with their new Western gear. It's all they have, so if they fail and lose most of it, it could be over for them. On top of which, what Western country would want to send them MORE of their precious arms if Ukraine proves that these prestige weapons don't work on the real battlefield, and humiliates them by getting them destroyed by Russia? I doubt Germany would want to send more Leopards, or France Leclercs, UK Challengers, etc., once they see these tanks destroyed. It would be too embarrassing to keep sending them and proving their inefficacy on the world stage.

So my point is, the new idea for their 'offensive' I came up with, is it seems to me they want to probe Russian lines as much as possible with their 'fodder' and expendable brigades. And if they should find a weak spot that they can push through, they'll pour in as much of their secondary units as possible. And only then, if the victory looks clearly tangible, and they've pushed Russian troops very far back, they'll allow the special brigades with the Western armor to roll into the captured towns to basically take the credit, steal the limelight, and sell the victory as one achieved by the 'miraculous' wunderwaffen of Western armor.

This will allow them to lobby for much more arms, as they will have definitive "proof" for the Western Eurocrats that their tanks and arms are so special and effective. So this is all to say that, personally, I don't expect to see these "special brigades" and their much-vaunted Western armor unless the frontal meat-shield vanguard makes serious breakthroughs somewhere on the Russian line. The 'prestige' weapons hiding in the rear will only be rolled up to the 'parade' to pretend that it was them doing the work all along, and that mighty Leopards/Challengers/Abrams/etc. were the ones that actually destroyed the Russian legions, including their tank equivalents.

But since I don't expect the meat assault units to make such miraculous breakthroughs, that means I continue to stick to what I said in the older pasted article above, that I don't think we'll see this Western gear actually used. There's very little chance Ukraine or their handlers have the pluck and balls to actually put up their best gear against Russian forces. This is why we continue to hear these rumors about 'phantom Leopard sightings' like it's some kind of Bigfoot skulking around in the rear. I think it's likely true, they have a few driving around in the rear simply as a sort of morale booster for the meat fodder sent into the assaults. They flash one of these Leopards around to basically say "see, we've got your back! Now go get 'em, Tiger!" then they hide the tank back in the forest.

But what does that mean for Russian MOD's report today that 8 Leopards were destroyed? Who knows, they could have destroyed them in the rear somewhere by way of long range strikes, or MOD is simply mistaken just like we all were this morning when the AMX-10 photos first surfaced and looked really like Leo 2A4s from the top.
Long post with maps etc. at the link above. I dunno who actually 'blew' the damn, and it's also notable it had been structurally weakened over the past couple weeks by intentional flooding from up-river by the Ukrainians.

He ends quoting this post/analyst which sounds stupefyingly believable for the Xiden war hawk brain trust:


Information coming from various sources allows us to conclude that the Ukrainian command can no longer delay the offensive and is moving from cautious probing of the front to attempts to break through it. Three weeks of "movement to contact" battles - reconnaissance in force (according to American combat regulations) - did not reveal an area where it would be possible to launch an offensive with a high probability of breaking through the front and developing success with minimal losses, and now we have to move on to a methodical build-up the power of attacks, counting on the "break" of the front using the classical offensive scheme - creating overwhelming fire and numerical superiority over the enemy at the place of the alleged breakthrough.

Such a tactic is capable of bringing success, but is characterized by the "burning" of reserves. the units brought into battle can no longer be pulled back and are used until their offensive potential is completely used up. According to reports from Kyiv, the mood in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is pessimistic. The losses suffered during the month, primarily material - the destroyed ammunition depots and fuel and lubricants, as well as heavy losses in the top military leadership, seriously disrupted the supply system of the troops and combat command and control.

Obviously, the "attack" will not give any strategic success, at best, it will be possible to advance two or three dozen kilometers in some directions, and then at the cost of huge losses and "wasted" reserves.

On Friday, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine turned to Zelensky with a request to stop the "offensive" and ask Western curators for an additional 21 days to restore the combat command and control system, accumulate supplies and weapons. With the same request, it went through operational channels to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Milli, but in response received an order to continue the offensive. this is the demand of the US president himself, who needs a result from the Ukrainians - a military defeat of the Russians , and not an explanation of the reasons for the failures.

The only person in the Biden administration who supported the Ukrainians' request was security adviser Sullivan, who is in charge and oversees the entire Ukrainian project - "the main hawk of Biden's nest," as he was dubbed in the administration. For him, the failure of the current "offensive" can be a personal collapse, because. Sullivan put everything on him, hoping to win his way to the very top of the US Democratic Party and the American political Olympus by defeating Russia. And Sullivan is worried that the failure of the offensive will dramatically weaken his position in the White House.

Therefore, in the coming days, we can expect an increase in the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the introduction of the main reserves into battle. We must be aware that under the circumstances, the stakes for the Ukrainians and their Western curators are so high that they will throw all their strength into the battle and will fight with all the bitterness of people who have nothing to lose. After all, they really have nothing to lose! An unsuccessful "general offensive" will turn the whole war onto a completely different development track!
A pathetic waste of humanity and only Jake Sullivan objected as he is concerned the imminent failure might hurt his political status within the administration. LOL, weep for what was once America.
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Do Mariupol next.

I'd insult your intelligence, but you're doing a pretty good job of that yourself.
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More perspective (caution, dangerous link badmouths CNN propaganda):


Why was the functioning of the reservoir crippled now and who was responsible, the Russians or the Ukrainians? CNN this morning puts on a mien of objective journalism by saying that both sides are pointing the finger at the other, and perhaps we will never know who is the guilty party. However, that feigned objectivity is phony from the get-go.

To understand unfailingly who unleashed the Kakhovka reservoir to flood the nearby region you have to look further afield to other news of the day coming from the battlefield and that, in turn, directs us to the PR Department of the Ukrainian armed forces. The Kakhovka blow-out was surely meant to divert attention from the results of yesterday's first Ukrainian attempt at massive attack on the battlefield in southern Donetsk. According to Russian reports, their own Vostok units with assistance from air cover and artillery "destroyed" (the current euphemism for "slaughtered")1500 Ukrainian "live personnel" (current euphemism for "troops") and destroyed 17 tanks, including 7 German Leopards, as well as armored personnel carriers and other vehicles and field weapons. This was a scandalous defeat and loss of human life in a hopeless offensive being waged only for the purpose of shaking out more money and arms from the Western sponsors of the Kiev regime. As the stories of flooding near Kakhovka and further downstream are amplified by our media, there is the hope that no one will notice the military defeat.

And what are the practical consequences of a military campaign run by the PR Department? The answer is the shocking loss of Ukrainian men at arms. Yesterday Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who is campaigning against Joe Biden for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party in the 2024 U.S. elections publicly announced that approximately 350,000 Ukrainian combatants have died in the area of Russia's Special Military Operation so far. Judging by yesterday's massacre during the first big attack by the Ukrainians in the southern Donetsk oblast, the death toll will accelerate in the days ahead. Are any people of conscience listening in Europe or the USA?
J. Walter Weatherman
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nortex97 said:


The mythological counter offensive seems so far to have involves some cannon fodder and possibly blowing up a damn. Some expendable light armor (AMX10's) and a kilometer or few hundred meters.


Keep in mind, I'm still skeptical of any 'real' offensive. I'll call whatever they're doing an 'offensive' as shorthand, simply so I don't have to keep qualifying it each time. But in reality, I'm still of the mind that whatever they're going to be doing over the next few weeks will be a series of abortive stop-start psyops with the intention of making a big splash on social media and the yellow press.

And now that such things are kicking off, I intend to more closely track the actual participating units at a more granular level. Before it didn't matter as much, but now particularly it will shed light on the level of escalations if we can pin down if and when Ukraine actually commits the much-vaunted 'Western-trained' brigades which were the subject of the Pentagon leaks.

For now, it appears that a newly created Ukrainian 31st mechanized brigade of likely cannonfodder was employed as the frontal meat assault towards the Novodonetsk direction. I say this not out of derision but because they are a newly created force likely thrown together from new mobilized plus the dregs of other units destroyed in Bakhmut, etc.

There are a number of other units assisting them like the 23rd, and supposedly, the 37th marines which is the one unit from today's operations that appeared in the elite list of the Pentagon lists. In the Pentagon leaks, their TO&E was written as comprising 14 x French AMX-10 tanks:

I've been doubting Ukraine would really have the guts to go all out with their new Western gear. It's all they have, so if they fail and lose most of it, it could be over for them. On top of which, what Western country would want to send them MORE of their precious arms if Ukraine proves that these prestige weapons don't work on the real battlefield, and humiliates them by getting them destroyed by Russia? I doubt Germany would want to send more Leopards, or France Leclercs, UK Challengers, etc., once they see these tanks destroyed. It would be too embarrassing to keep sending them and proving their inefficacy on the world stage.

So my point is, the new idea for their 'offensive' I came up with, is it seems to me they want to probe Russian lines as much as possible with their 'fodder' and expendable brigades. And if they should find a weak spot that they can push through, they'll pour in as much of their secondary units as possible. And only then, if the victory looks clearly tangible, and they've pushed Russian troops very far back, they'll allow the special brigades with the Western armor to roll into the captured towns to basically take the credit, steal the limelight, and sell the victory as one achieved by the 'miraculous' wunderwaffen of Western armor.

This will allow them to lobby for much more arms, as they will have definitive "proof" for the Western Eurocrats that their tanks and arms are so special and effective. So this is all to say that, personally, I don't expect to see these "special brigades" and their much-vaunted Western armor unless the frontal meat-shield vanguard makes serious breakthroughs somewhere on the Russian line. The 'prestige' weapons hiding in the rear will only be rolled up to the 'parade' to pretend that it was them doing the work all along, and that mighty Leopards/Challengers/Abrams/etc. were the ones that actually destroyed the Russian legions, including their tank equivalents.

But since I don't expect the meat assault units to make such miraculous breakthroughs, that means I continue to stick to what I said in the older pasted article above, that I don't think we'll see this Western gear actually used. There's very little chance Ukraine or their handlers have the pluck and balls to actually put up their best gear against Russian forces. This is why we continue to hear these rumors about 'phantom Leopard sightings' like it's some kind of Bigfoot skulking around in the rear. I think it's likely true, they have a few driving around in the rear simply as a sort of morale booster for the meat fodder sent into the assaults. They flash one of these Leopards around to basically say "see, we've got your back! Now go get 'em, Tiger!" then they hide the tank back in the forest.

But what does that mean for Russian MOD's report today that 8 Leopards were destroyed? Who knows, they could have destroyed them in the rear somewhere by way of long range strikes, or MOD is simply mistaken just like we all were this morning when the AMX-10 photos first surfaced and looked really like Leo 2A4s from the top.
Long post with maps etc. at the link above. I dunno who actually 'blew' the damn, and it's also notable it had been structurally weakened over the past couple weeks by intentional flooding from up-river by the Ukrainians.

He ends quoting this post/analyst which sounds stupefyingly believable for the Xiden war hawk brain trust:


Information coming from various sources allows us to conclude that the Ukrainian command can no longer delay the offensive and is moving from cautious probing of the front to attempts to break through it. Three weeks of "movement to contact" battles - reconnaissance in force (according to American combat regulations) - did not reveal an area where it would be possible to launch an offensive with a high probability of breaking through the front and developing success with minimal losses, and now we have to move on to a methodical build-up the power of attacks, counting on the "break" of the front using the classical offensive scheme - creating overwhelming fire and numerical superiority over the enemy at the place of the alleged breakthrough.

Such a tactic is capable of bringing success, but is characterized by the "burning" of reserves. the units brought into battle can no longer be pulled back and are used until their offensive potential is completely used up. According to reports from Kyiv, the mood in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is pessimistic. The losses suffered during the month, primarily material - the destroyed ammunition depots and fuel and lubricants, as well as heavy losses in the top military leadership, seriously disrupted the supply system of the troops and combat command and control.

Obviously, the "attack" will not give any strategic success, at best, it will be possible to advance two or three dozen kilometers in some directions, and then at the cost of huge losses and "wasted" reserves.

On Friday, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine turned to Zelensky with a request to stop the "offensive" and ask Western curators for an additional 21 days to restore the combat command and control system, accumulate supplies and weapons. With the same request, it went through operational channels to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Milli, but in response received an order to continue the offensive. this is the demand of the US president himself, who needs a result from the Ukrainians - a military defeat of the Russians , and not an explanation of the reasons for the failures.

The only person in the Biden administration who supported the Ukrainians' request was security adviser Sullivan, who is in charge and oversees the entire Ukrainian project - "the main hawk of Biden's nest," as he was dubbed in the administration. For him, the failure of the current "offensive" can be a personal collapse, because. Sullivan put everything on him, hoping to win his way to the very top of the US Democratic Party and the American political Olympus by defeating Russia. And Sullivan is worried that the failure of the offensive will dramatically weaken his position in the White House.

Therefore, in the coming days, we can expect an increase in the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the introduction of the main reserves into battle. We must be aware that under the circumstances, the stakes for the Ukrainians and their Western curators are so high that they will throw all their strength into the battle and will fight with all the bitterness of people who have nothing to lose. After all, they really have nothing to lose! An unsuccessful "general offensive" will turn the whole war onto a completely different development track!
A pathetic waste of humanity and only Jake Sullivan objected as he is concerned the imminent failure might hurt his political status within the administration. LOL, weep for what was once America.

Is there an actual source for either of these reports? Or are we expected to believe a random internet blogger has access to the highest levels of both the Ukrainian and the US government?
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Random bloggers are the "oThEr PeRsPeCtIvE"
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Teslag said:

Random bloggers are the "oThEr PeRsPeCtIvE"

And the pro-Ukrainian bloggers are 100% reliable, no propaganda!

Don't kid yourself. Both sides are telling half-truths so you need both to form a better picture of the real situation.
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Sounds like the canon fodder troops pulled back after a day of the great myth:


And here comes the good news:

"Unable to break through our defenses, the enemy considered his position unfavorable and began to crawl away from the captured positions. Yesterday, at the end of the day, Novodonetskoye was almost completely in his hands, with the exception of a few streets - at the moment we have restored control over the settlement. Losses on our part turned out to be much smaller than they could have been with such an aggressive onslaught. Domestic communications worked reliably, imports were put down immediately.

Today, the situation is at the level of the usual background - apparently, there is a regrouping."
Judging by what Alexander Khodakovsky wrote, the enemy was unable to put pressure on the situation in the settlement. in their favor (I remind you that ours were able to stay on the farms and the adjacent street), and assessing the scale of the losses, while holding the bridgehead, decided to leave the village.

The fate of the bridgehead on the southern bank of the river is still unclear. Shaitanka. But I think by the evening everything will be clear here.

P.S. Glory to our fighters who did not flinch (did not abandon their positions and held the eastern part of the village) and withstood this blow. Which predetermined the end result. This is your victory. You are real heroes.

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P.S. Glory to our fighters who did not flinch (did not abandon their positions and held the eastern part of the village) and withstood this blow. Which predetermined the end result. This is your victory. You are real heroes.

This totally doesn't sound like Russian propaganda. At all. Not one bit.
fka ftc
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Teslag said:


P.S. Glory to our fighters who did not flinch (did not abandon their positions and held the eastern part of the village) and withstood this blow. Which predetermined the end result. This is your victory. You are real heroes.

This totally doesn't sound like Russian propaganda. At all. Not one bit.
Americans celebrating Ukraine advances is Patriotism by Proxy. Reporting Russian take on their advances is Russian propaganda. Just making it clear you only support on narrative and not any others, which is in itself the truest form of propoganda.
"The absence of the word accountability is not the same as wanting no accountability" -unknown

"You can never go wrong by staying silent if there is nothing apt to say" -Walter Isaacson
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I don't care about narratives. I care about fields of dead and bleeding Russians.
J. Walter Weatherman
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fka ftc said:

Teslag said:


P.S. Glory to our fighters who did not flinch (did not abandon their positions and held the eastern part of the village) and withstood this blow. Which predetermined the end result. This is your victory. You are real heroes.

This totally doesn't sound like Russian propaganda. At all. Not one bit.
Americans celebrating Ukraine advances is Patriotism by Proxy. Reporting Russian take on their advances is Russian propaganda. Just making it clear you only support on narrative and not any others, which is in itself the truest form of propoganda.

One narrative is from the country that started the war and could end it whenever they want to by going home, but instead chooses to bomb civilians and destroy cities. The other is from the one that's being invaded. So yea, if I have to pick sides I'll the side of narrative from the country that's not currently invading. You're free to choose the other.
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Staff - are we allowed to continue the discussion of the now locked thread from earlier today on this thread?

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I would think it's relevant since this is the political take thread of the war. Staff is probably just wanting to condense discussion to two threads.
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I really have no idea at all which side might have finished off the dam. The Ukrainians had released headwaters to weaken it and reports of floating demolition mines hitting it, as well as RPG's but none of them look credible. The UN Security Council meeting will pit Russia vs. all comers I suppose as 'you did it' though I'd speculate China will play it generally neutral.


UN chief says Ukraine dam burst 'a consequence' of Russia's invasion

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations does not have any independent information on how a Ukrainian dam burst, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday, describing it as "another devastating consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine."

"Attacks against civilians and critical civilian infrastructure must stop. We must act to ensure accountability and respect for international humanitarian law," Guterres told reporters.

A torrent of water burst through a massive dam on the Dnipro River that separates Russian and Ukrainian forces in southern Ukraine, flooding a swathe of the war zone and forcing villagers to flee.

Ukraine and Russia have both asked the U.N. Security Council to meet to discuss the dam. Ukraine accused Russia of an "ecological and technological act of terrorism", while Russia described it as an "act of sabotage carried out by Ukraine", according to the requests seen by Reuters.

Guterres said it was a "monumental humanitarian, economic and ecological catastrophe."

"At least 16,000 people have already lost their homes - with safe and clean drinking water supplies at risk for many thousands more," he said, adding that the United Nations was coordinating with the Ukrainian government to send support including drinking water and water purification tablets. .
The wild card would be demands in Moscow now that Russians go forward with substantially wiping out the Ukrainian power grid (and distribution lines to Eastern Europe they nominally export energy via).

None of this is good/fun news, imho.
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Ok, this one I am just putting here because it's funny. That's it, no ulterior/sinister motive.

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nortex97 said:

Ok, this one I am just putting here because it's funny. That's it, no ulterior/sinister motive.

Translation - It's going really badly for us in covering up our own clandestine US operations.... and it's going badly in Ukraine itself..... so time to start blaming our eternal allies..... The Ukrainians.
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