Get Off My Lawn said:
nortex97 said:
Pumpkinhead said:
People advocating to just do nothing and let Russia take Ukraine have no facts to guarantee that approach would have been safer/better in the long term for Europe and us than what is presently going on.
So…it comes down to politics.
Not sure who "people" are retroactively advocating what you state, absent facts, but yes this is a politics board/forum, I believe.
Yep. A lot of us simply aren't convinced that Joe the Plumber is getting a good ROI out of a border war on the other side of the globe.
This thing is far more complex than who is in the WH right now in the U.S..
IMHO, the West IS partly to blame for this. After the fall of the Soviet Union up into the early 2000's there seemed to be a real opportunity for Russia to not 'join' but at least a real political shift of that country towards the West with stability and peace.
But the West kept pushing NATO expansion and Putin was an old guard KGB guy perfectly happy to feed his Cold War nostalgia.
Then 2014 Russia invasion of Crimea when this current Ukraine business really got started and now into this next phase of escalation.
Since Fall of USSR Clinton to Bush to Obama to Trump to now Biden. And I will be shocked if this isn't still a major headache for whoever follows Biden.
Given the cat is long out of the bag at that point, in Feb 2022 when they went right for Kiev clearly showing intent to take the whole country, many of your NATO allies looking at you for leadership…cut off support? Just some toothless sanctions? Finland and Sweden asking now to join NATO cause they are freaked out and you say no? Because…Russia is saying 'give us what we want or will use nukes'?
It is a screwed up situation but personally I do think something is being gained here. NATO is now being further strengthened adding Finland and eventually Sweden, since expansion is already out of the bag for a long time now might as well own it and just carry it through.
And it is forcing Europe to wean itself more off Russian energy which will reduce Russia's influence in Europe down the road (such as with Germany).
Now…there is a fine line to walk here though. Russia gets the bloody nose and is taken down a few pegs but it is hard to see us actually allowing Ukraine to take back everything since 2014…particularly Crimea…because that is an existential crisis to Russia/Putin. So…you just let things play out…keep feeding the war machine for now since it isn't your troops dying and Ukraine is highly motivated to fight, but not TOO much support actually risking Ukraine taking back something like Crimea truly forcing Russia to make an existential decision. IMO still way too early to fold our hand here yet and start pushing for negotiations.
I am not a fan of Biden but I personally don't have an issue of how this Ukraine stuff has been handled thus far given the hand that was dealt. We have been trying to thread a fine needle here.