texagbeliever said:
Ag with kids said:
texagbeliever said:
Ag with kids said:
texagbeliever said:
Ag with kids said:
texagbeliever said:
Ag with kids said:
texagbeliever said:
Ag with kids said:
texagbeliever said:
Ag with kids said:
texagbeliever said:
nortex97 said:
In Kiev, Major General Volodymyr Oleinik, who commanded the territorial defense units, was shot dead near his home."
Rumors this was about forcing those Ukrainians conscripted into military service to go to Bakhmut to the meat grinder. who knows though…Ukrainian media wouldn't be allowed to report on that.
Conscription. Because nothing says I want to die for my cause then being told you have to die for our cause. Doesn't that fly in the face of the this is just what the Ukrainians want argument?
Doesn't that work the other way with the Russians?
No. Because im not trying to justify supporting the Russian side. All the Ukraine war hawks have said this is what the people want. If they don't want to die today for the cause it will be prudent to work on a peace that allows them to have the best opportunity of freedom in the future. That is the other side to this.
Do you think maybe that Russia have 3 times the population might mean they have more warm bodies than just pure recruitment by Ukraine can counter?
Again this is not relevant to anything I have said.
Yes Russia has advantages in the war. That doesn't mean it is right to support the war against them.
They invaded another country. Does THAT count?
If Mexico invaded the US (not the way they're doing it - but using the military) would the US have to acquiesce because Mexico has a lot of Mexicans in Texas/New Mexico/Arizona/California and so they have the right to try to get it back? Or at least those areas in the southwest (aka brown Donbas)?
No because America could decisively win that war. Ukraine, at least to this point, has shown no ability to decisively win the war. The MEANS is far more important than any feelings. You can want an outcome but not allowing reality of the actual ability to get that outcome to factor into your decision making is wrong.
I can want to be a professional football player. Since I lack all the physical aspects necessary I should put 0 effort in pursuing that outcome.
Oh ok. So since Russia has nukes, they could decisively win war against pretty much every single former SSR. And using your logic, those SSRs, should just, in the (un)wise words of Claytie Williams, "lie back and take it"...
Cool to know that it's only right to support a war against someone if you know they'll lose...
No because using nukes would escalate the issue globally and lead to international intervention beyond money laundering, sorry financial support.
Ok...even without nukes, Russia could win against those SSRs...so, all the SSRs would need to suck it up and be assimilated by the Russian Borg...
I know you think attacking a small part of my argument negates everything, but you're wrong there...
Well if Russia has the means then yes they can take them over. I dont want them to but if they can that is reality. If America and western Europe wasnt in such a shambolic state Russia could try this because we would have the means to prevent it. But that doesn't appear to be the case presently.
If a UFC guy can beat you up, you wanting to beat him up won't stop him. But knowing you have a powerful force (law) behind you can protect you. But if that law is weak and corrupt you are no longer protected. That is Ukraine, Russia, and USA/West at the moment.
So...if a 300 pound guy starts beating the **** out of a 120 pound chick, everyone should just accept it and not support the chick, since it's obvious the 300 pound guy can easily win?
Also, what does the outcome have to do with whether or not you support someone?
The more apt comparison would be you handing the woman a couple of knives that someone else paid for. The USA is not physically intervening. We are saying "you go girl you can do this" as she gets pummeled. But the posters here get to feel self righteous that they "did their part". In typical liberal fashion doing their part means demanding other people pay to do what they "feel" is right while someone else takes the brunt of the damage.
But it's actually much worse than that.
The war has guaranteed t
here will be no Ukraine within 10-20 years. Zero chance now, due to demographics/depopulation. Younger women with any ability had already left largely, and had been doing so for over 10 years. Now it is just the elderly/desperate poor or very rich remaining.
It's not a free country by any metric. Forced conscription of the non-elite to go die in Bakhmut etc. is not helping the people of Ukraine, nor are billions to their government/military. It's an absurdity.
Finally, huge amounts of people have faced starvation/death and massive economic disruption/inflation due to the war in Ukraine, once the breadbasket of Europe. Energy and food inflation are directly related to this war.
It's helped China, unquestionably.
Weird to see some of the folks who like to say things as I saw yesterday posted on this site/forum/thread 'Yay, another $300 million approved today for Ukraine defense aide. More dead Russians." That nymph-like sentiment to feel good about money to go kill people of an ethnicity/country one may hate is pathetic. Maybe it got deleted, I dunno, but no one should get 'credit' for thinking they are just 'helping the little guy' somehow by championing Zelensky et al. The 'little guy' may be Ukrainians, but they have been doomed as a demographic by this. There's nothing to cheerlead here, it's not a video game.