9/11 Pentagon Attack Question

30,009 Views | 623 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by PA24
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My conspiracy theory is that truthers are actually agents of the US government running some kind of psyop. No way they believe what they say they believe.
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AggiEE said:

Most "truthers" base the foundation of their beliefs in the physical impossibility of the collapses, including WTC7.

The rest of the events surrounding 9/11 are extremely suspicious with plenty of unknowns. Everything from the flight paths, the hijackers themselves, the apparent discovery of a hijacker's passport in NYC, the lack of evidence at shanksville or the pentagon, to the numerous drills conducted by Norad that were extremely timely and beneficial to the alleged hijackings.

You can believe the 9/11 truther theories require so much complexity that they are implausible, but the government's narrative and the collapse of three buildings is impossible.

Don't ever speak again. I'm not joking. Because every time you do, the world becomes that much of a dumber place, and it's already in bad enough shape.

Because the bolded parts above is absolute garbage, and anybody that honestly believes that is among the bottom 1% in intelligence in the entire world. I'm not joking. if you believe that nonsense, you are without a doubt hopelessly stupid and honestly should go get a job bagging groceries with the other 47 chromosome people so you can fit in better.
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JJxvi said:

My conspiracy theory is that truthers are actually agents of the US government running some kind of psyop. No way they believe what they say they believe.
Unfortunately I honestly believe that they are so damned dumb, they do believe the stupidity that they read and spew.

I have more faith in my lab, who is absolutely dumb and borderline ******ed, to perform quantum physics than I do any of these truthers to have a functioning brain.
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schmellba99 said:

Brittmoore Car Club said:

schmellba99 said:

txrancher69 said:

All you guys abusing what you call "truthers" are pathetic. Your whole answer to everything is "muh gubment tells me so".

The answer to much of this, like everything, is somewhere in the middle. But you people cannot even see there might be a middle. From the first page of this thread and on some of you just relentlessly question the intelligence and motives of anyone who says, wait a minute my eyes are not seeing what you are seeing. My information sources are different from yours. My interpretation is not what yours is.

Grow up, learn to listen and don't be so dramatically dogmatic. Plus, you need to realize that your own credibility is shot once you start using "muh gubment" sources to bolster your arguments. That is tripping down the path of insanity, government agenices have never told you the truth about anything yet.
Imma let you in on a little hint vato - muh gubmint didn't tell me ***** I saw it with my own fuggin eyes and have the capacity for logical thought on how and why the buildings collapsed in the manner that they did.

I destroy truthers because, by in large, they are idiots that can't think and as shown on this thread, try to apply modern technology to 20 years ago in their quest to prove what cannot be proved. Sometimes...juuuuuussst sometimes.....you have to call a spade a spade. Or in cases like this, a dumbass a dumbass.
I don't think it makes someone a "dumbass" to think the most important buildings in the world likely had high-tech surveillance cameras littering the place in and out that most businesses and casinos didn't have at that time. Maybe they did maybe they didn't, but to think the government wouldn't have the money or means to have security cams in 2001 with quality on par with my dad's handheld Panasonic at that time, or the camcorder that caught the plane going into tower two...or in that ballpark...is crazy to me. Surely the White House did, right?

There is footage we haven't seen and will likely never seen. Most likely for very legitimate reasons, as I think you mentioned earlier.
No, it does.

Nobody is stating that there isn't other video out there, especially at the Pentagon. What has been stated, that truthers just don't want to comprehend or accept, is that the entire concept of both video technology and the focus of security in 2001 is absolutely different than today. I stated this in another post already.

In 2001 the major focuses of video and security were on access points - mostly vehicle access, but also some foot access. The technology for video was significantly behind where we are now - it literally took rooms of VCR's (that was still the main method of video recording back then) to capture video. There weren't as many cameras to begin with, the quality wasn't nearly as good, and they were pointed at the places security deemed highest level threat areas then. Remember we were coming off the WTC bombing in NY in 1993 that was a vehicle bomb detonated in the parking garage and the Sri Lanka WTC bombing in 1997 that was also a vehicle bomb. The focus was protecting from vehicular attacks, not airplane attacks, and those cameras had much slower frame rates to boot. So having dedicated cameras with the limited capabilities showing the exterior of the building wasn't going to happen.

The footage we will never likely see is going to be interior footage, and we won't see that because it will always be classified or never unsealed. Or it won't be until about 2060 or whatever year it becomes eligible for declassification.

A whole lot of how we view the world today through the security lense is a result of 9/11 and events since then.

So yes, it's dumb to think we had the same mentality and security measures in 2001 that we see routinely today in 2022.
Very true. But frankly, I don't even believe the pre-supposition there necessarily WAS heavy surveillance or cam coverage that day (outside). 2001 came at the end of the Peace Dividend. The difference in levels of alertness and precautions was the difference between Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th 1935 and Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th, 1942. Which actually just proves your point more, but a big part of this seems to be the strong supposition such an event would have been well documented even though it appeared with only really a half-hour's clear warning of the possibility. An most people though they had good cameras for vacations, didn't necessarily have them in the car driving on that freeway. Its not like the age of cell phones.

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snowdog90 said:

LMCane said:

The Fife said:

GAC06 said:

AggiEE said:

Yes, that's what we've been told happened. Doesn't make it so.

Where's the big engine damage? Why did the inner portion of the pentagon get so deeply penetrated by one of the relatively lightest parts of the aircraft? Why are eyewitness reports not consistent? Why is it that the claimed flight path is impossible to replicate by highly experienced 757 pilots? Why isn't there more discernible wreckage? Why won't they release all the camera footage?

Literally every one of those has been addressed in this thread, and you've been clubbed with facts. You've crawfished full circle back to the beginning. There's a reason 9/11 truthers are so widely regarded as morons.
Guapo here really seems to be looking for some kind of airplane-shaped hole (with engine holes too dammit!) like it's Wile-e-Coyote hitting a wall on a Roadrunner cartoon. Ignoring reality and pretending that only those two components can be traced back to that plane, even if he was presented with the part and serial number for every disc, blade, and whatever else it wouldn't work because now we want American's MX records for how the engine assemblies were installed on the plane

Providing that wouldn't be good enough because how'd those parts get on that S/N engine??? Give him Rolls' paper build records and he'd either point out where it looks like QA forgot to date a stamp halfway through and claim the whole thing invalid, or just say "well that's all fake anyway."
The 9/11 Truthers are not only stupid and a bit insane-

but fairly immoral as well. they are basically claiming WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE that the true American patriots who were murdered were actually murdered in a US government coverup.

it's a disservice to their memory, their families, and the memory of the 4000 US troops killed in Afghanistan

I've stayed out of this thread because these threads always devolve into name-calling and most people who believe the official story are so emotionally attached to it that they will never entertain questions about 911.

The post above calls Truthers stupid and insane, which is common - intellectually lazy and shortsighted, but common.

But the dumbest part of this post, and the part that annoys me the most is that somehow the Truther movement damages the memories of those lost due to 911.

The Truther movement was STARTED by family members of people who died on 911. They started the movement because they didn't believe the story their government was telling them. The same government that did no investigation until years later. The same government that basically convicted bin Laden within hours of the planes hitting the towers.

The same corrupt government arguably responsible for so many corrupt actions.

America is a great country, maybe the greatest ever, and it was founded on great principles. But over the 250+ years of it's existence, it has been greatly corrupted, culminating into the corrupt mess we have now with Biden.

I and many others believe that 911 was one of the many corrupt operations this government perpetrated. I believe this based on hundreds of hours of research. I admit, I could be wrong, but that does not make me stupid and insane. And I am not doing a disservice to anyone in looking for the truth of what happened on 911 - a truth, by the way, that can NEVER be fully proven because no investigation of the physical crime scene was ever done.

Americans are mostly great people and believe in this great country, but the truly insane people, sociopaths and pychopaths, are running the country. They don't care about you or me or the 3,000 lost on 911, or the soldiers lost in war, or the million dead Iraqis and Afghans. They care about their own money and power and the will do anything to gain more of both.

Good idea.

On this board you'll have maybe a small number of people willing to have a civil debate and the rest simply throw around insults and names.

I also answer the same redundant questions only to get asked them again, and nobody bothers to even click a few links or watch timestamped sections of videos. Not worth the time. If your mind isn't open you aren't going to have good faith arguments.
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schmellba99 said:

You have a problem with the facts of why the feds wouldn't release footage from inside the Pentagon (assuming it exists, which i think most believe it does - I certainly do) even though I've told you why based on actual real world experience at various military installations regarding taking pictures and how the feds and .mil handle what pictures can and cannot leave the installation due to security risks.

But hey...whatever works for you I guess.

Those facts being what? The ones that may or may not exist? If no footage actually exists then reasons to not release it can't exist, so not facts at all.

You're either as important as you think you are and have Top Secret clearance or a clown. Anyone who knows your posting history knows you're a clown.
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"The second bolded part is utter crap, but you dont have the internal fortitude to actually acknowledge that. Unless you think that because some of the results weren't published until past whatever arbitrary date you have in your head, that automatically means that investigations didn't start until way past whatever arbitrary date in your head they should have."

No investigation was done until NIST put out their report years later. That's not debatable. All the debris was immediately gathered up and shipped out. Whatever happened and whoever was behind it will always be speculation.

I've done this 911 dance for years on many threads. I've posted many videos and debated them all and been called all the usual names. None of those videos can be found on YouTube anymore unless you go through duckduckgo. I guess they're too dangerous for people to see, kinda like ivermectin videos.

I'll say what I said on the last thread...

It doesn't really matter anymore. I believe what I believe based on the evidence I've seen. This knowledge led me to distrust our government completely about covid, which also led me to not get the covid vaccine. I'm very happy about that decision, so my beliefs at least had 1 good outcome.

Other than that, it doesn't matter anymore. These threads are mostly a waste of time. Many ask for theories from truthers about what happened. I've responded with my answer many times. It's not worth the time or the headache.

It doesn't matter anymore. This government is as corrupt as it's ever been. It's been that way for decades and it will continue to get worse. The blatant, open corruption and propaganda of the American government today is possible because they have gotten away with so much corruption in the past. JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, Iran Contra, CIA running drugs in Arkansas for Bush and Clinton, Iraq 1 with Gulf War Syndrome, Waco, Oklahoma City, all the Clinton and Obama corruption... and 911. They have been emboldened time after time. They always get away with it.

So much so that the ones in power were able to start a pandemic and steal an election. This country is so far from the republic it started out as that it's hardly recognizable anymore. The consequences of all the corruption are upon us.

You no doubt disagree with my list of government corruption, definitely 911, but you surely can't disagree that the government is massively corrupt today?

Do you think that corruption just happened overnight? They just hoped they would get away with stealing an election? No. They knew they would get away with it. They always do.
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Loons like the last 3 posts are a good reminder that even though you and I might hate the Fed or don't trust 'em at all, it doesn't mean reflexively disagreeing with ANY/every position they take is a good one.

You come off as a blithering idiot at times.

Don't reject the obvious just because it conforms to narrative. Sometimes they're not wrong.
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snowdog90 said:

Many ask for theories from truthers about what happened. I've responded with my answer many times.

If you've ever given a theory on what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, supported by evidence, I've missed it.

Usually what I see is a word salad containing some combination of JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, Iran Contra, CIA running drugs in Arkansas for Bush and Clinton, Iraq 1 with Gulf War Syndrome, Waco, Oklahoma City, all the Clinton and Obama corruption, ivermectin, stolen election.....

If you'll post your theory here, along with your supporting evidence, I promise I'll bookmark it and never ask you again.

AggiEE has already admitted he doesn't know what happened. It's okay for you to say that as well.
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p_bubel said:

Loons like the last 3 posts are a good reminder that even though you and I might hate the Fed or don't trust 'em at all, it doesn't mean reflexively disagreeing with ANY/every position they take is a good one.

You come off as a blithering idiot at times.

Don't reject the obvious just because it conforms to narrative. Sometimes they're not wrong.

Last 3 includes mine. What part of any of my posts on this thread makes me a loon?
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Duckhook said:

snowdog90 said:

Many ask for theories from truthers about what happened. I've responded with my answer many times.

If you've ever given a theory on what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, supported by evidence, I've missed it.

Usually what I see is a word salad containing some combination of JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, Iran Contra, CIA running drugs in Arkansas for Bush and Clinton, Iraq 1 with Gulf War Syndrome, Waco, Oklahoma City, all the Clinton and Obama corruption, ivermectin, stolen election.....

If you'll post your theory here, along with your supporting evidence, I promise I'll bookmark it and never ask you again.

I'll think about it. As my above post attests, I can be long-winded. My last post was supposed to be a couple paragraphs at most.

Does it really matter anyway? You will call me insane. Your mind is made up, as is mine. It will accomplish nothing. I still may provide it if I get inspired, but again...

It doesn't matter. It's been 21 years. We are where we are. I believe what I believe. You believe what you believe. Who's right? Doesn't matter. Psychopaths are in charge and have been for a long time, and we can't do a damn thing about it.
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Found this photo today, offer it for those folks who think it was such a hard little target to hit.

Each wall is 921 feet long.

Each side wall is 7.5 times the width of a 757 wing span

The USS Arizona was 2/3 the length of one side wall, and only 100 feet wide. Somehow, Japanese pilots were able to find it and bomb it, flying 350mph fighters, while being shot at, using 1930s technology
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snowdog90 said:

Duckhook said:

snowdog90 said:

Many ask for theories from truthers about what happened. I've responded with my answer many times.

If you've ever given a theory on what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, supported by evidence, I've missed it.

Usually what I see is a word salad containing some combination of JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, Iran Contra, CIA running drugs in Arkansas for Bush and Clinton, Iraq 1 with Gulf War Syndrome, Waco, Oklahoma City, all the Clinton and Obama corruption, ivermectin, stolen election.....

If you'll post your theory here, along with your supporting evidence, I promise I'll bookmark it and never ask you again.

I'll think about it. As my above post attests, I can be long-winded. My last post was supposed to be a couple paragraphs at most.

Does it really matter anyway? You will call me insane. Your mind is made up, as is mine. It will accomplish nothing. I still may provide it if I get inspired, but again...

It doesn't matter. It's been 21 years. We are where we are. I believe what I believe. You believe what you believe. Who's right? Doesn't matter. Psychopaths are in charge and have been for a long time, and we can't do a damn thing about it.

Then I guess I really can't understand why you come to threads like this if you don't want to actively engage by posting your theory along with supporting evidence.

Did not expect you to be a Hillary Clinton acolyte...
J. Walter Weatherman
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snowdog90 said:

Duckhook said:

snowdog90 said:

Many ask for theories from truthers about what happened. I've responded with my answer many times.

If you've ever given a theory on what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, supported by evidence, I've missed it.

Usually what I see is a word salad containing some combination of JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, Iran Contra, CIA running drugs in Arkansas for Bush and Clinton, Iraq 1 with Gulf War Syndrome, Waco, Oklahoma City, all the Clinton and Obama corruption, ivermectin, stolen election.....

If you'll post your theory here, along with your supporting evidence, I promise I'll bookmark it and never ask you again.

I'll think about it. As my above post attests, I can be long-winded. My last post was supposed to be a couple paragraphs at most.

Does it really matter anyway? You will call me insane. Your mind is made up, as is mine. It will accomplish nothing. I still may provide it if I get inspired, but again...

It doesn't matter. It's been 21 years. We are where we are. I believe what I believe. You believe what you believe. Who's right? Doesn't matter. Psychopaths are in charge and have been for a long time, and we can't do a damn thing about it.

You're right it doesn't matter since clearly your mind is made up and you refuse to actually accept any of the massive amounts of evidence to the contrary. But let's not pretend we're debating something subjective like whether Arby's tastes good or replay is beneficial for football.

One side has facts backed by literally thousands of eye witnesses and mountains of evidence. The other side has a few anomalies that would simultaneously require a massive multi level conspiracy to murder thousands of American citizens, ignoring those eye witnesses and mountains of evidence, and generally believing in something that is logistically impossible. These aren't equal sides to the debate.
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

snowdog90 said:

Duckhook said:

snowdog90 said:

Many ask for theories from truthers about what happened. I've responded with my answer many times.

If you've ever given a theory on what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, supported by evidence, I've missed it.

Usually what I see is a word salad containing some combination of JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, Iran Contra, CIA running drugs in Arkansas for Bush and Clinton, Iraq 1 with Gulf War Syndrome, Waco, Oklahoma City, all the Clinton and Obama corruption, ivermectin, stolen election.....

If you'll post your theory here, along with your supporting evidence, I promise I'll bookmark it and never ask you again.

I'll think about it. As my above post attests, I can be long-winded. My last post was supposed to be a couple paragraphs at most.

Does it really matter anyway? You will call me insane. Your mind is made up, as is mine. It will accomplish nothing. I still may provide it if I get inspired, but again...

It doesn't matter. It's been 21 years. We are where we are. I believe what I believe. You believe what you believe. Who's right? Doesn't matter. Psychopaths are in charge and have been for a long time, and we can't do a damn thing about it.

You're right it doesn't matter since clearly your mind is made up and you refuse to actually accept any of the massive amounts of evidence to the contrary. But let's not pretend we're debating something subjective like whether Arby's tastes good or replay is beneficial for football.

One side has facts backed by literally thousands of eye witnesses and mountains of evidence. The other side has a few anomalies that would simultaneously require a massive multi level conspiracy to murder thousands of American citizens, ignoring those eye witnesses and mountains of evidence, and generally believing in something that is logistically impossible. These aren't equal sides to the debate.

Yes. Keep shoveling that ***** A few anomalies? No. Massive, major anomalies. Hundreds, if not thousands. Eyewitnesses? Like the hundreds that heard explosions in New York? Like the janitor in North Tower who said a bomb went off in the basement before the first plane hit? Like the other eyewitness who reported a bomb going off in tower 7 before the towers fell. He was trapped in a stairwell in tower 7 for hours.

Eyewitnesses. Many eyewitnesses reported that feds were on scene around the Pentagon within minutes confiscating video from all surrounding businesses.

Are these the eyewitnesses you're referring to? No, these are the eyewitnesses you will discredit or call them wrong or stupid.

It doesn't matter.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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I've made some snarky replies, but I never attacked anyone. I've also tried to ask legit questions and got no answers so I revert to snark. Answer my question: why do you dismiss eye witnesses about seeing some type of plane and being confused when it goes against your belief, yet you hold janitor/maintenance guy in such High regard in The WTC7 collapse when it fits your narrative?

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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It certainly can't be doubted you are at least right about what the govt has metastasized into as of this date, whatever may or may not have occured in the 1960's with the alphabets. Having reviewed the scenarios, while none particularly compelling with the Pentagon, can you at least say which one you think rings true. To understand your position.

All anomalies are not created equal. Some are easier to explain than others, some really give pause. The Engineering Damage survey not getting to inspect the site till Oct 4 when somewhat cleared (you have cited a similar issue at the NY site) is more disturbing than the nature of wreckage left behind from an extraordinary impact. Etc.

If nothing else, what most doubting about Pentagon, which scenario lean to?

Charles Hickson Knows
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Farsight Institute out of Atlanta, GA, did a project on the 9/11 events using a technique developed by Stanford Res Inst. and our CIA for military espionage purposes.

Here is the trailer for the data collected:

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titan said:


It certainly can't be doubted you are at least right about what the govt has metastasized into as of this date, whatever may or may not have occured in the 1960's with the alphabets. Having reviewed the scenarios, while none particularly compelling with the Pentagon, can you at least say which one you think rings true. To understand your position.

All anomalies are not created equal. Some are easier to explain than others, some really give pause. The Engineering Damage survey not getting to inspect the site till Oct 4 when somewhat cleared (you have cited a similar issue at the NY site) is more disturbing than the nature of wreckage left behind from an extraordinary impact. Etc.

If nothing else, what most doubting about Pentagon, which scenario lean to?

I'll answer tomorrow.
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snowdog90 said:

titan said:


It certainly can't be doubted you are at least right about what the govt has metastasized into as of this date, whatever may or may not have occured in the 1960's with the alphabets. Having reviewed the scenarios, while none particularly compelling with the Pentagon, can you at least say which one you think rings true. To understand your position.

All anomalies are not created equal. Some are easier to explain than others, some really give pause. The Engineering Damage survey not getting to inspect the site till Oct 4 when somewhat cleared (you have cited a similar issue at the NY site) is more disturbing than the nature of wreckage left behind from an extraordinary impact. Etc.

If nothing else, what most doubting about Pentagon, which scenario lean to?

I'll answer tomorrow.
I will read.
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Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:

I've made some snarky replies, but I never attacked anyone. I've also tried to ask legit questions and got no answers so I revert to snark. Answer my question: why do you dismiss eye witnesses about seeing some type of plane and being confused when it goes against your belief, yet you hold janitor/maintenance guy in such High regard in The WTC7 collapse when it fits your narrative?

I don't dismiss the eye witnesses. You misinterpreted what I said. I simply said the eye witness reports at the pentagon were conflicting. You have some that say it was a commercial airliner, some that say it was a military aircraft. It doesn't seem to be a definitive consensus and it happened all so fast I'm sure there was quite a bit of confusion all around. Secondly, just because someone saw a plane doesn't mean it was the 757 that was claimed.

As far as I'm aware, William Rodriguez accounts of explosions in the basement has only been corroborated not only with eyewitness testimony but also Timestamps of when the two distinct explosion / aircraft impact hit from seismic data records. So there's not the conflicting reports that there are from other witnesses around 9/11

Additionally, William Rodriguez is not foundational to why I believe 9/11 was an inside job. I was convinced primarily by the science of the collapse. Other aspects of the 9/11 story become more interesting in that context when you believe 9/11 was a false flag.
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The challenge is with hitting the pentagon face directly and using the flight path that was recorded
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It didn't hit it directly. It hit the ground first and hit the face at an angle. Crashing a plane isn't hard.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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AggiEE said:

I think that eye witnesses can be unreliable. More so when dealing with a quickly moving event like this.

1. Just because they saw a plane doesn't mean they saw a 757

2. After the official narrative has been announced, psychologically they are more likely to admit to the official narrative even if they don't truly recall the exact aircraft details that would suggest a 757

3. Some are probably straight up government disinfo
OK I guess. It just seems to me that there is belief of some witnesses and dismissal of others when convenien. As far as time stamps of explosions go, no way am I going to get down to the level to verify. Rodriguez is looking at his watch and noting the exact time and seconds to "explosions" all the while trying to save himself and others while "dealing with a quickly moving event"?

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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If you go back and watch 9/11 live news broadcasts in New York prior to the second crash, you will see that almost everybody interviewed by news reporters or calling in to the studios to talk about what they saw about the first tower hit underestimated the size of the airplane and gave really bad descriptions. People aren't good at identifying aircraft generally.
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As far as I'm aware, William Rodriguez accounts of explosions in the basement has only been corroborated not only with eyewitness testimony but also Timestamps of when the two distinct explosion / aircraft impact hit from seismic data records. So there's not the conflicting reports that there are from other witnesses around 9/11

Yet, you willfully ignore and attempt to explain away any corroborating evidence that the plane that hit the Pentagon was flight UA 77.

This includes:

1.) Eyewitness from the air, with a C-130 pilot identifying the plane as a 757 or 767 and it being silver therefore likely an American Airlines plane. According to you, this pilot and his entire crew from the Minnesota Air National Guard are also in on this false flag operation.
2.) Eyewitness from the ground by multiple people.
3.) Remains of the people who were on the plane that perished when it crashed.
4.) Personal belongings of the people that were on the plane.
5.) Pieces of the plane itself. Of course, you claim this evidence was planted. Excluding the logistical impossibility of this happening, there is zero evidence at all to support a claim that parts of the plane were planted.

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AggiEE said:

The challenge is with hitting the pentagon face directly and using the flight path that was recorded

They didn't hit directly, you have offered no evidence on the flight path
B-1 83
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Pages later, and we still don't know what island the passengers were shipped off to……..
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
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You misinterpreted what I said. I simply said the eye witness reports at the pentagon were conflicting. You have some that say it was a commercial airliner, some that say it was a military aircraft.

The irony here is that these conflicting hurt your argument. Eyewitness reports that have little or no variance in detail are often fabricated.

Eyewitness reports that vary in detail yet reach the same conclusion are typically reliable and truthful.

In this case, the eyewitnesses all reach the same conclusion. A plane crashed into the Pentagon. Not a missile, not a rocket. A plane.

What plane was it? Physical evidence which includes human remains, personal belongings, and pieces of the plane definitively prove it was a Boeing 757, American Airlines Flight 77.

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9/11 attacks were no hoax.... but our intelligence officials knew the terrorists who did it were here and did not work together to stop it.

"The Kingdom is for HE that can TAKE IT!" - Alexander
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but our intelligence officials knew the terrorists who did it were here and did not work together to stop it.

This is the more mature conversation around the events of that day.
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AggiEE said:

snowdog90 said:

LMCane said:

The Fife said:

GAC06 said:

AggiEE said:

Yes, that's what we've been told happened. Doesn't make it so.

Where's the big engine damage? Why did the inner portion of the pentagon get so deeply penetrated by one of the relatively lightest parts of the aircraft? Why are eyewitness reports not consistent? Why is it that the claimed flight path is impossible to replicate by highly experienced 757 pilots? Why isn't there more discernible wreckage? Why won't they release all the camera footage?

Literally every one of those has been addressed in this thread, and you've been clubbed with facts. You've crawfished full circle back to the beginning. There's a reason 9/11 truthers are so widely regarded as morons.
Guapo here really seems to be looking for some kind of airplane-shaped hole (with engine holes too dammit!) like it's Wile-e-Coyote hitting a wall on a Roadrunner cartoon. Ignoring reality and pretending that only those two components can be traced back to that plane, even if he was presented with the part and serial number for every disc, blade, and whatever else it wouldn't work because now we want American's MX records for how the engine assemblies were installed on the plane

Providing that wouldn't be good enough because how'd those parts get on that S/N engine??? Give him Rolls' paper build records and he'd either point out where it looks like QA forgot to date a stamp halfway through and claim the whole thing invalid, or just say "well that's all fake anyway."
The 9/11 Truthers are not only stupid and a bit insane-

but fairly immoral as well. they are basically claiming WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE that the true American patriots who were murdered were actually murdered in a US government coverup.

it's a disservice to their memory, their families, and the memory of the 4000 US troops killed in Afghanistan

I've stayed out of this thread because these threads always devolve into name-calling and most people who believe the official story are so emotionally attached to it that they will never entertain questions about 911.

The post above calls Truthers stupid and insane, which is common - intellectually lazy and shortsighted, but common.

But the dumbest part of this post, and the part that annoys me the most is that somehow the Truther movement damages the memories of those lost due to 911.

The Truther movement was STARTED by family members of people who died on 911. They started the movement because they didn't believe the story their government was telling them. The same government that did no investigation until years later. The same government that basically convicted bin Laden within hours of the planes hitting the towers.

The same corrupt government arguably responsible for so many corrupt actions.

America is a great country, maybe the greatest ever, and it was founded on great principles. But over the 250+ years of it's existence, it has been greatly corrupted, culminating into the corrupt mess we have now with Biden.

I and many others believe that 911 was one of the many corrupt operations this government perpetrated. I believe this based on hundreds of hours of research. I admit, I could be wrong, but that does not make me stupid and insane. And I am not doing a disservice to anyone in looking for the truth of what happened on 911 - a truth, by the way, that can NEVER be fully proven because no investigation of the physical crime scene was ever done.

Americans are mostly great people and believe in this great country, but the truly insane people, sociopaths and pychopaths, are running the country. They don't care about you or me or the 3,000 lost on 911, or the soldiers lost in war, or the million dead Iraqis and Afghans. They care about their own money and power and the will do anything to gain more of both.

Good idea.

On this board you'll have maybe a small number of people willing to have a civil debate and the rest simply throw around insults and names.

I also answer the same redundant questions only to get asked them again, and nobody bothers to even click a few links or watch timestamped sections of videos. Not worth the time. If your mind isn't open you aren't going to have good faith arguments.
Posters have repeatedly shown where you're assumptions are wrong and some of your conclusions are flat out physically impossible. They've also shown your inconsistencies and hypocrisy on both 9/11 threads. Yet you continue to post the same garbage over and over.

Turn in your degree.
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snowdog90 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

snowdog90 said:

Duckhook said:

snowdog90 said:

Many ask for theories from truthers about what happened. I've responded with my answer many times.

If you've ever given a theory on what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, supported by evidence, I've missed it.

Usually what I see is a word salad containing some combination of JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam, Iran Contra, CIA running drugs in Arkansas for Bush and Clinton, Iraq 1 with Gulf War Syndrome, Waco, Oklahoma City, all the Clinton and Obama corruption, ivermectin, stolen election.....

If you'll post your theory here, along with your supporting evidence, I promise I'll bookmark it and never ask you again.

I'll think about it. As my above post attests, I can be long-winded. My last post was supposed to be a couple paragraphs at most.

Does it really matter anyway? You will call me insane. Your mind is made up, as is mine. It will accomplish nothing. I still may provide it if I get inspired, but again...

It doesn't matter. It's been 21 years. We are where we are. I believe what I believe. You believe what you believe. Who's right? Doesn't matter. Psychopaths are in charge and have been for a long time, and we can't do a damn thing about it.

You're right it doesn't matter since clearly your mind is made up and you refuse to actually accept any of the massive amounts of evidence to the contrary. But let's not pretend we're debating something subjective like whether Arby's tastes good or replay is beneficial for football.

One side has facts backed by literally thousands of eye witnesses and mountains of evidence. The other side has a few anomalies that would simultaneously require a massive multi level conspiracy to murder thousands of American citizens, ignoring those eye witnesses and mountains of evidence, and generally believing in something that is logistically impossible. These aren't equal sides to the debate.

Yes. Keep shoveling that ***** A few anomalies? No. Massive, major anomalies. Hundreds, if not thousands. Eyewitnesses? Like the hundreds that heard explosions in New York? Like the janitor in North Tower who said a bomb went off in the basement before the first plane hit? Like the other eyewitness who reported a bomb going off in tower 7 before the towers fell. He was trapped in a stairwell in tower 7 for hours.

Eyewitnesses. Many eyewitnesses reported that feds were on scene around the Pentagon within minutes confiscating video from all surrounding businesses.

Are these the eyewitnesses you're referring to? No, these are the eyewitnesses you will discredit or call them wrong or stupid.

It doesn't matter.
The North tower janitor and Bldg 7 guy were shown in the last thread to be confused and flat out wrong about what they heard and saw that day. The B7 guy couldn't even get the timeline correct about where he was at what time that day.

And the 100's who heard explosions heard the planes hitting the buildings. Even we hear the 'explosions' on video's on YouTube and it's pretty clear those are the planes hitting the buildings, debris falling off the towers and bodies hitting the pavement as people jumped from the towers.

And as was pointed out in the other thread, you don't just put explosives on a building and it comes down. It takes A LOT of work by A LOT of people (there's that 100's involved in the conspiracy again who all have remained silent) to get a building ready to fall down. Also, it was NOT "controlled". Both the North and South towers damaged the buildings around them and DID NOT FALL AT FREE FALL SPEED despite the elementary education student stating it repeatedly.
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B-1 83 said:

Pages later, and we still don't know what island the passengers were shipped off to……..
They were taken to an Air Force base and murdered. It was on the other thread about this.
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JJxvi said:

If you go back and watch 9/11 live news broadcasts in New York prior to the second crash, you will see that almost everybody interviewed by news reporters or calling in to the studios to talk about what they saw about the first tower hit underestimated the size of the airplane and gave really bad descriptions. People aren't good at identifying aircraft generally.

I'm guessing people around the Pentagon might be better at identifying aircraft. The plane was much lower than the NY crashes.

Not to mention, an ATC at the Pentagon helipad saw the plane hit the building. I bet he's pretty good at identifying aircraft.
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