9/11 Pentagon Attack Question

30,106 Views | 623 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by PA24
Old Army Ghost
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its fake and all evidence to the contrary is fake

Old Army has gone to hell.
The Kraken
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AggiEE said:

The Fife said:

AggiEE said:

the evidence at the scene is overwhelmingly lacking and inconsistent with a 757

How much experience do you have with commercial aircraft, or heavies on the military side for that matter? Design, fabrication, assembly, ops, quality, records, MRO, anything at all. I'm wrapping up my second decade in this exact line of work.

Any identifying mark containing at least the first four characters on parts found would make them immediately identifiable to anyone with Boeing commercial experience as being from a 757. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, and you don't know what that character is you should take the chance right now to exit this thread and try to save face. The claim I quoted is pure ignorance.

That would be great if there was any large and significant surviving and identifiable wreckage left consistent with a 757 striking the building. There wasn't. And what pieces were there is easy enough to be planted
Planted plane wreckage. Someone trucked in tons of plane wreckage, with parts that matched the 757 that was used for AA77, along with the black boxes and body parts of the passengers. Do you not realize how completely illogical that is ?

Who am I kidding, of course you don't.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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Old Army Ghost said:

glad you arent a real ee
you're logic is atrocious
he should turn in his degree.
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The Fife said:

AggiEE said:

the evidence at the scene is overwhelmingly lacking and inconsistent with a 757

How much experience do you have with commercial aircraft, or heavies on the military side for that matter? Design, fabrication, assembly, ops, quality, records, MRO, anything at all. I'm wrapping up my second decade in this exact line of work.

Any identifying mark containing at least the first four characters on parts found would make them immediately identifiable to anyone with Boeing commercial experience as being from a 757. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, and you don't know what that character is you should take the chance right now to exit this thread and try to save face. The claim I quoted is pure ignorance.
Poster you're quoting has been consistent with this on both 9/11 threads.
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agracer said:

The Fife said:

AggiEE said:

the evidence at the scene is overwhelmingly lacking and inconsistent with a 757

How much experience do you have with commercial aircraft, or heavies on the military side for that matter? Design, fabrication, assembly, ops, quality, records, MRO, anything at all. I'm wrapping up my second decade in this exact line of work.

Any identifying mark containing at least the first four characters on parts found would make them immediately identifiable to anyone with Boeing commercial experience as being from a 757. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, and you don't know what that character is you should take the chance right now to exit this thread and try to save face. The claim I quoted is pure ignorance.
Poster you're quoting has been consistent with this on both 9/11 threads.
G.K. Chesterton spoke directly about 911 Truthers:

Every one who has had the misfortune to talk with people in the heart or on the edge of mental disorder, knows that their most sinister quality is a horrible clarity of detail; a connecting of one thing with another in a map more elaborate than a maze. If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by the things that go with good judgment. He is not hampered by a sense of humour or by charity, or by the dumb certainties of experience. He is the more logical for losing certain sane affections. Indeed, the common phrase for insanity is in this respect a misleading one. The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.
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redcrayon said:

AgBandsman said:

Wow, the amount of people on here blindly trusting our government is insane. There's nothing wrong with questioning and it isn't a sign of low IQ.
Exactly what do you question about the Pentagon and 9/11?
SInce you obviously didn't read my other reply directly above this one, I'll share it. 9/11 Pentagon Attack Question - Page 2 | TexAgs "Thank you for confirming the plane crash."

Just this week, we've seen evidence that the CIA killed JFK and still we have sheep on here saying only low IQ individuals question the government. Completely idiotic.

You get the government you deserve.
Old Army Ghost
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dude you are letting them guide you thinking

think for yourself the truth will set you free and you will see when you put the pieces together thay is was al qaeda
Old Army has gone to hell.
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2%er/New Army said:

AgBandsman said:

Wow, the amount of people on here blindly trusting our government is insane. There's nothing wrong with questioning and it isn't a sign of low IQ.

Yes, it is. Lol. Very low IQ
Which takes more IQ:

1) blindly trusting everything a proven tyrannical government tells you, or...

2) thinking for yourself and questioning the BS they tell you.

P.S. keep in mind, this same government has been shown to have killed JFK this week.

P.P.S. if you read the reply directly above the one you quoted, you'd see where I'm not denying the pentagon plane crash, but low IQ gonna Low IQ. 9/11 Pentagon Attack Question - Page 2 | TexAgs
Old Army Ghost
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AgBandsman said:

2%er/New Army said:

AgBandsman said:

Wow, the amount of people on here blindly trusting our government is insane. There's nothing wrong with questioning and it isn't a sign of low IQ.

Yes, it is. Lol. Very low IQ
Which takes more IQ:

1) blindly trusting everything a proven tyrannical government tells you, or...

2) thinking for yourself and questioning the BS they tell you.

P.S. keep in mind, this same government has been shown to have killed JFK this week.

P.P.S. if you read the reply directly above the one you quoted, you'd see where I'm not denying the pentagon plane crash, but low IQ gonna Low IQ. 9/11 Pentagon Attack Question - Page 2 | TexAgs

you dont trust the government but trust that they give you the evidence they killed jfk?

you are no free thinker they are controlling your thinking and you are thinking exactly what those three letter agencies want you to think

think about it. you believe cia killed jfk because the government gave you the evidence that they did. they gave you the evidence that west was working for them and you believed it. you believes the government
Old Army has gone to hell.
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Anyone who thinks the US government is capable of such a widespread, thousand layers-deep coverup has more faith in the government than I ever will.
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Why hasn't a government agent shown up with all the 757 parts and shown me all the part numbers? They are hiding the truth!
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Old Army Ghost said:

AgBandsman said:

2%er/New Army said:

AgBandsman said:

Wow, the amount of people on here blindly trusting our government is insane. There's nothing wrong with questioning and it isn't a sign of low IQ.

Yes, it is. Lol. Very low IQ
Which takes more IQ:

1) blindly trusting everything a proven tyrannical government tells you, or...

2) thinking for yourself and questioning the BS they tell you.

P.S. keep in mind, this same government has been shown to have killed JFK this week.

P.P.S. if you read the reply directly above the one you quoted, you'd see where I'm not denying the pentagon plane crash, but low IQ gonna Low IQ. 9/11 Pentagon Attack Question - Page 2 | TexAgs

you dont trust the government but trust that they give you the evidence they killed jfk?

you are no free thinker they are controlling your thinking and you are thinking exactly what those three letter agencies want you to think

think about it. you believe cia killed jfk because the government gave you the evidence that they did. they gave you the evidence that west was working for them and you believed it. you believes the government
The government actually did not admit to killing JFK. They withheld information that should have been public in 2017 and was further delayed to this week and still not released this week. FYI, the innocent have nothing to hide.

S.3006 - 102nd Congress (1991-1992): President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress "Requires that each assassination record be publicly disclosed in full, and be available in the Collection no later than the date that is 25 years after the date of enactment of this Act" 10/26/92

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AggiEE said:

clearly airports don't have very good security cameras so we can't manage to trace a significant portion of the hijackers

Airport TSA check points before 9/11 didn't look like what they look like today. They look that way today BECAUSE of 9/11. *facepalm*
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Noblemen06 said:

Anyone who thinks the US government is capable of such a widespread, thousand layers-deep coverup has more faith in the government than I ever will.
And then covid happened.
2%er/New Army
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New World Ag said:

AggiEE said:

The Fife said:

AggiEE said:

the evidence at the scene is overwhelmingly lacking and inconsistent with a 757

How much experience do you have with commercial aircraft, or heavies on the military side for that matter? Design, fabrication, assembly, ops, quality, records, MRO, anything at all. I'm wrapping up my second decade in this exact line of work.

Any identifying mark containing at least the first four characters on parts found would make them immediately identifiable to anyone with Boeing commercial experience as being from a 757. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, and you don't know what that character is you should take the chance right now to exit this thread and try to save face. The claim I quoted is pure ignorance.

That would be great if there was any large and significant surviving and identifiable wreckage left consistent with a 757 striking the building. There wasn't. And what pieces were there is easy enough to be planted
Planted plane wreckage. Someone trucked in tons of plane wreckage, with parts that matched the 757 that was used for AA77, along with the black boxes and body parts of the passengers. Do you not realize how completely illogical that is ?

Who am I kidding, of course you don't.

AggiEE aka Dale Gribble needs to back away from the keyboard and go throw his BS against the wall at the gun club and not around here anymore hoping it sticks.
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AgBandsman said:

Just this week, we've seen evidence that the CIA killed JFK and still we have sheep on here saying only low IQ individuals question the government. Completely idiotic.


No such evidence was released
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RWWilson said:

I am still waiting for the first conspiracy theorist to come up with a detailed, complete summary of the alleged plot -- not the bits and pieces, but the whole story, put together -- that would not make any fifth grader anywhere burst out in convulsive laughter. I'm pleased to see that most of low IQ conspiracy theorists don't have an AgTag. It gives me hope Aggies are still of above-average intelligence.
I would bet that 95% of these insane 9/11 Truther conspiracy theorists are also

Always Trumpers and/or Bernie Bros
The Fife
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AggiEE said:

The Fife said:

AggiEE said:

the evidence at the scene is overwhelmingly lacking and inconsistent with a 757

How much experience do you have with commercial aircraft, or heavies on the military side for that matter? Design, fabrication, assembly, ops, quality, records, MRO, anything at all. I'm wrapping up my second decade in this exact line of work.

Any identifying mark containing at least the first four characters on parts found would make them immediately identifiable to anyone with Boeing commercial experience as being from a 757. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, and you don't know what that character is you should take the chance right now to exit this thread and try to save face. The claim I quoted is pure ignorance.

That would be great if there was any large and significant surviving and identifiable wreckage left consistent with a 757 striking the building. There wasn't. And what pieces were there is easy enough to be planted
You just said it yourself, you have absolutely no idea how aerospace supply chain, manufacturing, ops, and maintenance work. Last go around the merry go round for me, I'll explain it like I was talking to my 1st grader.

Take that piece in the picture from page 1 showing part of the AA livery or these three others that are easily obtainable online.




The livery itself and fastener pattern on the skin will be unique to the 757.
Any of the pieces attached to skin panels (or possibly the panel itself, depending) will have part numbers attached. Anything larger than standards will have a part mark. on it.If it's bigger than a clip, angle, or bracket (and sometimes those too) it will have a lot or batch number. These are traceable back to the original vendor because if it flies it must be fully documented and certified. I know because I've had to do this exact task working notice of escapements. Go find part number X, check it for lot number 123, and initiate and disposition a tag on the plane it was found to document its removal and replacement. Go back and update the original escapement document with references to the removal and replacement tag number to tie it all together.

So just with the parts attached to the skin you're easily at 100+ opportunities to do exactly that. That link or brace that's burned up will have data stamped into the metal. Assuming it's a landing gear part that's definitely identifiable and traceable because now you're getting into life limited parts (remove at X cycles or days, replace with new or overhauled assembly). That engine core, same thing and if the stuff behind it are parts of a thrust reverser or fan cowling you have even more traceable parts. Anything other than that specific plane would require an actual worldwide conspiracy involving the FAA, a major carrier and OEM, and easily a couple hundred suppliers and service providers scattered across the globe. This is completely infeasible and illogical.

Planting parts requires Brooks (GROUNZ!) level of delusion. That's a lot of trucks to sneak in and intermingle with debris inside an actively burning Pentagon without being noticed. Can't do it later or burns would be inconsistent and you'll need to sneak in equipment along with because you are NOT going to move gear and engine parts even with a whole team of hands. Be sure to bring a crane because they won't fit through doorways or corridors anyway. There's also the small problem that scrapped airplane parts look obviously different from crashed ones but at this point it's only a minor detail.
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CanyonAg77 said:

AgBandsman said:

Just this week, we've seen evidence that the CIA killed JFK and still we have sheep on here saying only low IQ individuals question the government. Completely idiotic.


No such evidence was released
how many lies can be in TWO SENTENCES?!!

there is no evidence that the CIA killed JFK.

"questioning the government" is NOT THE SAME -

as claiming there are thousands of Americans in on a vast conspiracy to murder other Americans on national television.

and yet somehow the New York Times, the Washington Post and every other media and journalist are all covering up the "truth of 9/11" for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

a rational 11 year old can see how insane these people are.
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notice how these maniacs literally claim that some action that would have taken THOUSANDS OF conspirators months of work-

(with absolutely zero evidence provided by them proving any of this)

is more likely than 4 Al Qaeda terrorists who took credit for the operation hijacking a plane and crashing it.
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30+ years in aerospace and every word of this explanation is true. Things like gear and engine cores are even serialized.
The Fife
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agracer said:

The Fife said:

AggiEE said:

the evidence at the scene is overwhelmingly lacking and inconsistent with a 757

How much experience do you have with commercial aircraft, or heavies on the military side for that matter? Design, fabrication, assembly, ops, quality, records, MRO, anything at all. I'm wrapping up my second decade in this exact line of work.

Any identifying mark containing at least the first four characters on parts found would make them immediately identifiable to anyone with Boeing commercial experience as being from a 757. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, and you don't know what that character is you should take the chance right now to exit this thread and try to save face. The claim I quoted is pure ignorance.
Poster you're quoting has been consistent with this on both 9/11 threads.
Oh yeah I'm pretty much done with this one. The idea that assemblies from any 757 could be hidden and intermixed within the Pentagon after the fact is something that makes sense only to someone who has never stood next to any of this stuff. Or handled any of them, MLG and NLG assemblies are crane lift levels of heavy.
2%er/New Army
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Get Pwned AggieEE
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AggiEE said:

The Fife said:

AggiEE said:

the evidence at the scene is overwhelmingly lacking and inconsistent with a 757

How much experience do you have with commercial aircraft, or heavies on the military side for that matter? Design, fabrication, assembly, ops, quality, records, MRO, anything at all. I'm wrapping up my second decade in this exact line of work.

Any identifying mark containing at least the first four characters on parts found would make them immediately identifiable to anyone with Boeing commercial experience as being from a 757. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, and you don't know what that character is you should take the chance right now to exit this thread and try to save face. The claim I quoted is pure ignorance.

That would be great if there was any large and significant surviving and identifiable wreckage left consistent with a 757 striking the building. There wasn't. And what pieces were there is easy enough to be planted

Typical truther idiocy. Look at what you said. "There's no large identifiable wreckage. What was there was planted." Two totally contradicting statements in back to back sentences. So which is it, is the no wreckage or is the wreckage planted?? It can't be both.
You sound like a ****ing moron.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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What gets people madder than questioning 9-11?
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

What gets people madder than questioning 9-11?
Maybe questioning covid, but that seems to have died off some lately,
The Fife
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wbt5845 said:

30+ years in aerospace and every word of this explanation is true. Things like gear and engine cores are even serialized.
I knew about as much as that guy when I started and was a lot younger than the rest of my group, but I sat down and listened to the retired SNCOs instead of arguing with them. They still had to have been at least a little frustrated.
2%er/New Army
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

What gets people madder than questioning 9-11?
Dumbasses who won't give it up, when experts in their respective fields prove different portions of your "theories" inaccurate.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Same caliber of experts we've seen the past 2-years?

Or some different experts?
Dimebag Darrell
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AgBandsman said:

redcrayon said:

AgBandsman said:

Wow, the amount of people on here blindly trusting our government is insane. There's nothing wrong with questioning and it isn't a sign of low IQ.
Exactly what do you question about the Pentagon and 9/11?
SInce you obviously didn't read my other reply directly above this one, I'll share it. 9/11 Pentagon Attack Question - Page 2 | TexAgs "Thank you for confirming the plane crash."

Just this week, we've seen evidence that the CIA killed JFK and still we have sheep on here saying only low IQ individuals question the government. Completely idiotic.

You get the government you deserve.
Our government has conducted some pretty crazy and elaborate (and evil) conspiracies. There is ZERO debating that. I challenge anyone to convince me otherwise.

That being said, this would just be too crazy of an OP...I could see planting wreckage in some foreign country that is less developed or something as part of an op, but right there in the open at the grounds of the Pentagon...LOL, no way.
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I'd have thought proof that the CIA killed JFK might have garnered pretty big headlines. Guess I just missed it.
Old Army Ghost
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AgBandsman said:

Old Army Ghost said:

AgBandsman said:

2%er/New Army said:

AgBandsman said:

Wow, the amount of people on here blindly trusting our government is insane. There's nothing wrong with questioning and it isn't a sign of low IQ.

Yes, it is. Lol. Very low IQ
Which takes more IQ:

1) blindly trusting everything a proven tyrannical government tells you, or...

2) thinking for yourself and questioning the BS they tell you.

P.S. keep in mind, this same government has been shown to have killed JFK this week.

P.P.S. if you read the reply directly above the one you quoted, you'd see where I'm not denying the pentagon plane crash, but low IQ gonna Low IQ. 9/11 Pentagon Attack Question - Page 2 | TexAgs

you dont trust the government but trust that they give you the evidence they killed jfk?

you are no free thinker they are controlling your thinking and you are thinking exactly what those three letter agencies want you to think

think about it. you believe cia killed jfk because the government gave you the evidence that they did. they gave you the evidence that west was working for them and you believed it. you believes the government
The government actually did not admit to killing JFK. They withheld information that should have been public in 2017 and was further delayed to this week and still not released this week. FYI, the innocent have nothing to hide.

S.3006 - 102nd Congress (1991-1992): President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress "Requires that each assassination record be publicly disclosed in full, and be available in the Collection no later than the date that is 25 years after the date of enactment of this Act" 10/26/92

i thinj you got mkultraed

they did that in 2017 and this past week so that you would think k they did kill jfk

why do that? so you also believe they did 9/11

why would they want you to believe they did these things they didnt? so you would be against the government and support globalization and the one world governemtn.

classic new world order psyops and you are falling for it
Old Army has gone to hell.
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No, I understand all of it.

There was never a full investigation of the WTC steel as it was shipped off to China… and you expect them to uniquely match parts on the wreckage of the pentagon? Due to the collision and damage, a significant portion would not be able to be uniquely matched, for one.

Two, there wasn't much of any wreckage to begin with, and what was looks to be planted and most certainly could be made with markings tied to the aircraft they intended to be used for the narrative. Question - where are the vast majority of the engine parts? They are not there
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YellowPot_97 said:

AggiEE said:

The Fife said:

AggiEE said:

the evidence at the scene is overwhelmingly lacking and inconsistent with a 757

How much experience do you have with commercial aircraft, or heavies on the military side for that matter? Design, fabrication, assembly, ops, quality, records, MRO, anything at all. I'm wrapping up my second decade in this exact line of work.

Any identifying mark containing at least the first four characters on parts found would make them immediately identifiable to anyone with Boeing commercial experience as being from a 757. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, and you don't know what that character is you should take the chance right now to exit this thread and try to save face. The claim I quoted is pure ignorance.

That would be great if there was any large and significant surviving and identifiable wreckage left consistent with a 757 striking the building. There wasn't. And what pieces were there is easy enough to be planted

Typical truther idiocy. Look at what you said. "There's no large identifiable wreckage. What was there was planted." Two totally contradicting statements in back to back sentences. So which is it, is the no wreckage or is the wreckage planted?? It can't be both.
You sound like a ****ing moron.

Not contradicting, you just can't read
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Why do you think the wreckage looks "planted"?
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