University of Idaho - 4 college students murdered

539,553 Views | 3700 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by aggiehawg
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BadMoonRisin said:

I was wondering the same thing. It looks like he took an indirect path to PA, taking IH70 through Indianapolis instead of going through Chicago.

And his dad was in his car and on the traffic stop he had his phone plugged in and google maps up on his leg...wondering how he was convinced to go such an odd way home instead of the fastest route.
Could be weather, could be there was something they wanted to drive past/through in Colorado. Maybe make the trip enjoyable together by sightseeing. It's not like he was on the run from cops at the time. He was headed home with his dad for the Christmas holidays.
not hedge
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And the knife used is a big effing knife. 7 inch blade and sharp. I can't imagine the pain from one of those
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I believe someone posted before that the two main routes were almost the exact same length if driven straight through, something like 1 day 15hrs
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not hedge said:

And the knife used is a big effing knife. 7 inch blade and sharp. I can't imagine the pain from one of those

I can't imagine the abject fear that coursed through the minds of the victims when they saw that knife, it is chilling to think about. One second you are with your best friend or boyfriend in your bedroom with a sense of security and normalcy and then a second later a strange guy dressed in black walks in with a gigantic knife designed to kill Japanese in a war. It's a pity this guy will meet his maker without being subjected to the same shock and horror, best case scenario he dies by lethal injection in a controlled environment unless some Soros funded DA gets involved.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this post reflect the opinions of Texags user bonfarr and are not to be accepted as facts or to be accepted at face value.
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WhoopRAB said:

Why drive south thru Loma, Colorado? Weather and road conditions too poor thru the Dakotas?

lnvestigators believe that Kohberger is still driving the 2015 white Elanta because his vehicle was captured on December 13,2022,by a license plate reader in Loma, Colorado (inforruation provided by a query to a database). Kohberger's Elanta was then queried on December 15,2022 by law enforcement in Hancock County, Indiana- On December 16,2022 at approximately 2:26 p.m., surveillance video showed Kohberger's Elantra in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania"
To me that December 13th date raises the question of when did his Dad arrive and when did they depart Pullman for the roadtrip? Day before, on the 12th or even earlier? Long ass trip.
not hedge
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Yep, I've been pretty paranoid myself about locking my doors at night. Even got a couple of security bars and such…

I remember at back at A&M (14-19) we would get emails from CSPD about men watching girls while they sleep, these girls never locked their doors at night and they woke up to a man staring at them while they slept.

I think many people are sheltered and don't realize how many sick *******s there are waiting for people to slip up.

Heck even at my brothers college apartment, he was up at 1am and had some guy coming by trying to open the door (the doors automatically lock themselves) but it's still frightening to think about
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Given the circuitous route he took after the murders to get back home, maybe he was turning phone on for GPS reasons?
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Further analysis of the cellular data provided showed the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources on November 13, 2022 consistent with the Phone travelling from Pullman, Washington to Lewiston, Idaho via US Highway 195. At approximately 12:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that would provide coverage to Kate's Cup of Joe coffee stand located at 8 l0 L6 Port Drive, Clarkston, WA. Surveillance footage from the US Chefs Store located at 811 Port Drive, Clarkson, WA and adjacent to Kate's Cup of Joe showed and a white Elantra, consistent with Suspect Vehicle 1, drive past Kate's Cup of Joe at a time consistent with the cellular data from the 8548 Phone.

At approximately 12:45 p.m., the 8458 Phone then utilized cellular data in the area of the Albertson's grocery store at 400 Bridge Street in Clarkston, Washington. Surveillance footage obtained from the Albertson's showed Kohberger exit the white Elantra, consistent with Suspect Vehicle 1, at approximately 12:49 p.m. Interior surveillance cameras showed Kohboger walk through the store, purchased unknown items at the checkout and leave at approximately 1:04 p.m.

Additional analysis of records for the 8458 Phone indicated that between approximately 5:32 p.m. and 5:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to Johnson, ID. The 8458 Phone then stops reporting to the network from approximately 5:36 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. That is consistent with the 8458 Phone being in the area that the 8458 Phone traveled in the hours immediately following the suspected time the homicides occurred.

Can we get back to this part of the affidavit?

  • On the day of the murders, this shows him driving from Pulllman to Clarkston, WA/Lewiston, ID; which is about a 45 minute drive. While there he purchases a few items at Albertson's around 1pm.
  • THEN, we skip all the way to 5:30pm, where he is now near Johnson, ID. This is only a 1.5 hour drive, what was he doing for 4.5 hours?
  • At this point his phone goes dark for 3 hours. What is he doing in this 3 hour period, and where does his phone ping next? What was he doing all this afternoon/evening? Hiding the murder weapon/clothes/evidence in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest?
  • Also, why does the last line say that, "That is consistent with the 8458 Phone being in the area that the 8458 Phone traveled in the hours immediately following the suspected time the homicides occurred.?" Did they mean to say it's consistent with the 8458 Phone being in the same area the suspected vehicle traveled? Also, why no further details? It just seems like a weird set of facts to add to the affidavit/timeline without more details to tie it to the crime. What are they holding back? Why was he traveling to Johnson, ID, over 2 hours from Pullman, WA, and what does it have to do with the crime?

With the details above, and the longer than normal trip from Lewiston to Johnson, what was he doing for 6 hours on the road that afternoon/evening? Seems he had to be looking for somewhere to hide evidence.
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Also, the traffic stop happened on one of the occasions wherein he was scoping out the house for an hour on August 21, 2022. He was at one location near the house from 10:24 to 11:25pm and was then stopped a few miles away as he was leaving the location.
Sid Farkas
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best case scenario he dies by lethal injection in a controlled environment unless some Soros funded DA gets involved.

1. There aren't any Soros DA's in Idaho. And
2. Soros DA's don't intervene on behalf of whipeepo.
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I don't think he will survive long enough in prison to receive the death penalty
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neAGle96 said:

I don't think he will survive long enough in prison to receive the death penalty
And that is really the best case scenario.
not hedge
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He won't be in gen pop for that reason
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bonfarr said:

not hedge said:

And the knife used is a big effing knife. 7 inch blade and sharp. I can't imagine the pain from one of those

I can't imagine the abject fear that coursed through the minds of the victims when they saw that knife, it is chilling to think about. One second you are with your best friend or boyfriend in your bedroom with a sense of security and normalcy and then a second later a strange guy dressed in black walks in with a gigantic knife designed to kill Japanese in a war. It's a pity this guy will meet his maker without being subjected to the same shock and horror, best case scenario he dies by lethal injection in a controlled environment unless some Soros funded DA gets involved.
Same. I was saddened to read the document today describing crying and Kernodle (sp?) being awake at that time. I was really hoping they were all **** faced and passed out and there was little fear/pain.
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neAGle96 said:

I don't think he will survive long enough in prison to receive the death penalty

They don't keep Death Row inmates together with everyone… Or anyone really.
Whoop Delecto
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WhoopRAB said:

Maybe weather is the reason for driving thru Loma, Colorado. Today it is 6 hour longer route. 2844 miles vs 2539 miles.

Can someone explain the below statement? Is the phone connected to the tower but the phone was not in the area. What does this mean and why important? Did Kohberger call into Moscow from outside the city?

"Investigation found that the 8458 Phone did connect to a cell phone tower that provides service to Moscow on November 14, 2022, but investigators do not believe the 8458 Phone was in Moscow on that date.. The 8458 Phone has not connected to any towers that provide service to Moscow since that date"
They have the complete log of all incoming and outgoing calls and texts.
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This was his route leaving the crime scene.

Whoop Delecto
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Rodney Ruxin
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not hedge said:

He won't be in gen pop for that reason

Padron my ignorance, but has the rule changed? Depends on state? I ask because wasn't Dahmer killed in gen pop? Could be mistaken.
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Rodney Ruxin said:

not hedge said:

He won't be in gen pop for that reason

Padron my ignorance, but has the rule changed? Depends on state? I ask because wasn't Dahmer killed in gen pop? Could be mistaken.
As I recall, he was being moved within the prison and protocol was not followed allowing another prisoner to have access to him. I think it was orchestrated from within.
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WhoopRAB said:

Sorry to be dense, does this just mean he called Moscow from another town?
Called or sent a text message most likely.
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Glad this has the attention of our SME.

That route is incriminating for the little spineless jellyfish coward scumbag POS who will burn in hell.
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Emily's take.

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Total route that night. Black line is where cell phone is not pinging.

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To summarize where this case is right now. In Magistrate Court to a state District Court. Kohberger advised of his rights and the charges against him including potential sentence of death. He has a right to a preliiminary hearing a/k/a a probable cause hearing within 14 days of arrest, again before this Magistrate Court. That would be a full evidentiary hearing with the defense able to cross and call witnesses of their own.

Also advised of right to speedy trial within six months, should the preliminary hearing result in him being held over for trial. At that point, his case then goes to a different judge, a state district court judge for trial.

Kohberger has not entered a plea of not guilty nor guilty at this point where we are today. Public Defender says they have just been assigned the case and requests some time to assess and requests a status hearing soon. Judge sets a date for that status hearing for next week. At that time they will either request a prelim or not and enter a plea if they don't want a prelim.

I don't see any value in defense demanding a prelim other than searching for possible holes in the investigation to exploit at trial because there is enough for him certainly being bound over for trial.

ETA: To clarify about this particular PD, she is qualified for death penalty cases whereas the PDs in Moscow are contract lawyers and not so qualified for a death penalty case. BUT we do not know for sure that the prosecution will be seeking the death penalty...yet.
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Bag said:

agracer said:

aggiehawg said:


If he had not used his own car and left behind the knife sheath (really the biggest link) they'd have a lot of trouble finding him and pinning it on him.
They were onto the white Elantra pretty quickly but that is a popular color and type of car for college students and there were apparently 90 such cars registered in the area including parking passes for campus at ID U and WSU.

Had he used a burner phone or left his phone at home during the incidents of casing out the house, they would still be looking for a DNA match on an unidentified single source make DNA. In the process of running all of the white Elantras in the area, his pops up because of the registration in Washington state a few days after the murder. They now have a name to conduct more searching. The traffic stop pops up. They now have bodycam video of him in the car and with a specific cell phone number being told to the cop.

Now they have a specific cell phone connected to his name and car, time for a broader warrant on the activity on the cell phone. And the geolocation using cell phone towers and the pings.

So car ID>change in registration provides name>search of name provides traffic stop video>provides specific cell phone number>provides cell phone tower geolocation>provides large number of times car was in the area of the house>provides enough for a pen register on the use of that cell phone going back to when he first got it in June 2022>provides the location of the parents home>take the trash from the home>Idaho State Police lab matches DNA from trash to that of a paternal relation to the suspect DNA from the knife sheath> provides probable cause for a search of BK's person by buckle swab>matches Suspect DNA from the knife sheath.
Understand and good summary.

So the phone was also a huge screw up.

So don't use your own stuff when committing a murder and it's a lot harder to catch you.
dont use your car, dont bring your phone anywhere close the location ever, not just during the act, dont leave DNA good starting place

Guess those points weren't covered in his Fall classes. Maybe part of the Spring curriculum.
not hedge
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So now it's the waiting game?
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Guess those points weren't covered in his Fall classes. Maybe part of the Spring curriculum.
I am unsure. Guy is not that stupid but made critical mistakes. Was the impulse to kill a later manifestation of his growing obsession with Maddie and/or Xana? His first stalking of the house was apparently August 21, 2022. Or was it?

We don't know yet. The PCA says that "one of those occasions" where cell phone pings occurred was that date because it coincided with the traffic stop that gave PD his cell phone number. Thus establishing the probable cause for the subsequent more extensive search warrants.

Classic instruction on how to build a criminal case.
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not hedge said:

So now it's the waiting game?
See what happens at the status hearing next week.
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This makes zero sense to me. A Greek vegan menu restaurant?


MOSCOW, Idaho A restaurant in Moscow, Idaho posted a loving tribute to two of the University of Idaho students killed in an attack this week.
Mad Greek said Madison Mogen and Xana Kernodle had been servers at the restaurant for several years.
The students were found dead on Sunday in what police have called an isolated and targeted attack. Kaylee Goncalves and Ethan Chapin were also killed. Police have not shared details about a suspect but said they are looking for one.

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Read the probable cause affidavit, that's what everyone is talking about right now. It came out at 11am this morning.
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It's not fully vegan. They just have vegan dishes.
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redcrayon said:

It's not fully vegan. They just have vegan dishes.
OK. That is not consistent with the family member saying he forced his aunt and uncle to buy new pots and pans that never touched meat. Like it is a Kosher kitchen or something. Must have been a troll.
Rodney Ruxin
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aggiepanic95 said:

Rodney Ruxin said:

not hedge said:

He won't be in gen pop for that reason

Padron my ignorance, but has the rule changed? Depends on state? I ask because wasn't Dahmer killed in gen pop? Could be mistaken.
As I recall, he was being moved within the prison and protocol was not followed allowing another prisoner to have access to him. I think it was orchestrated from within.

Ahh, that makes much more sense. Similar thing happened to Whitey.
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