Aggie4Life02 said:
Griner is an idiot, but should not be in jail for a victimless crime.
Some people have to learn lessons the hard way. For Griner she acted as though she was oppressed and disrespected her country that allowed her to live her life how she wanted to and say what she wanted to as she got a free college education and was paid well to play a game. After that game she would no doubt still have many opportunities to work and live a well based on that time playing. Yet she decried her country and disrespected our flag and national anthem.
So she went to Russia to make extra money and decided to break their law in regards to drugs and was so brazen she had drugs getting on a plane. She likely assumed her celebrity status would protect her if she got caught and the opposite occurred. That's what happens in places like Russia that DGAF about individual freedom.
I don't like to see any person suffer but unfortunately suffering to learn a lesson is part of growth. She is going to face a crossroads. She can either shrivel up and be filled with anger or she can accept the consequences of her actions and learn to appreciate life and freedom so that when she is released she will live her life differently. Up to her but I sincerely hope she chooses the latter. Maybe spending some time with people that can't even fathom the life she had in the US (and will have again whereas they never will) might change her perspective.
Life is hard and unfair and Griner has had far more than her share of good fortune and God given gifts. I don't wish her pain but every challenge creates an opportunity should we choose to learn from it.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan