Jmiller said:
TxAgPreacher said:
Jmiller said:
TxAgPreacher said:
Jmiller said:
TxAgPreacher said:
Jmiller said:
TxAgPreacher said:
Jmiller said:
TxAgPreacher said:
Jmiller said:
TxAgPreacher said:
Artorias said:
As soon as you explain these...
Simple explanation to look-up for people who are critical thinkers and do not want to end up at their predetermined conclusions.
Michigan and Pennsylvania count in-person votes first, and only once all the Election Day votes have been tallied do they begin to count the mail-in votes.
FiveThirtyEight published a graph of the jump in votes in Wisconsin at 8:27 a.m. EST on Nov. 4 on its election live blog (here) alongside this explanation by reporter Maggie Koerth: "Biden was down in Wisconsin before the Milwaukee absentee results came in early this morning. The boost pushed him up past Trump, but the race in this state is still very, very tight."
Simplistic analysis shows you know nothing about statistics or auditing. That is statistically impossible, and even a simpleton can see that something is wrong there.
You're not as smart as you think you are.
Yeah, they are unsourced graphics on an internet chat forum. Not sure why people are having a problem seeing that fact. jk. I know why.
Can't argue the point, so attack the source...
I guess that is a win.
Yeah, that's not what that saying means. Your source is literally no source at all.
That graph was widely reported. Never has it been questioned until now. Months after the fact you pretend like it doesn't exist and it was made up. ok. sure you're being honest.
You have no argument. you're attacking the credibility of the info because you can't argue against it.
That is what you're saying. It is what it means. I understood your argument correctly. AGAIN, you're not levitating above the rest of us. You're not as smart as you think you are.
I have debunk several of the claims, and provided real sources, but sure you're being honest.
You don't want to provide specifics because you probably know they can be debunked like all the other accusations.
I'm glad you're conceding, and I know you won't be able to argue the point. Have a nice night.
No, go ahead and provide a specific example and I'll debunk it right now.
I already did. Explain how 1000's of votes all came in 100% for Biden. Go ahead. Explain a statistical impossibility. You can't.
Its like flipping a coin 1000's of times and getting heads every time. That what the straight line means....
What State and County? Go ahead. Be specific.
"You can't look up really fast where all the anomalies happened, and so even though the graph clearly shows that something impossible happened, you cant prove it really fast in an internet debate."
Lame tactic. Dems pull this all the time. 2+2=4? source?
Its called the obvious data shows that all at the exact same time 1000's of votes came in 100% for biden. That is impossible, and it doesn't matter where it happened. There are graphs exactly like that, and what do you know it only happened in swing states that Trump had huge leads in, and they all stopped counting at 3AM and then mysteriously Biden got 1000's of votes that went 100% for him.
The burden of proof is on you. The fraud is obvious .
You still don't have a point other than "nuh uh" or "prove it".
You cannot argue against the statistical impossibility. You have no argument.