My bad, sarcasm doesn't show through all the time when reading posts.
We feel ya bro.
That said, the state is constitutionally required since 1876 to provide a free public education system, and I propose is a statewide sales/consumption/VAT to pay for public education. The money has got to come from somewhere.
Those with kids in school
That is who should pay.
Yes, you are correct about the Texas constitution that was written so Texans cannot tell other Texans what to do, but it does make them pay for it.
Town of 32,000 in debt for a $500,000 video board?
WTH? This is how the government owned sports spend money.
You bring up an excellent point about dedicated statewide funding.
I would bet it would work very well after some ISD consolidation.
Texans make the best songwriters because they are the best liars.-Rodney Crowell
We will never give up our guns Steve, we don't care if there is a mass shooting every day of the week.
A man with experience is not at the mercy of another man with an opinion.