***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,558,386 Views | 47738 Replies | Last: 7 hrs ago by AtticusMatlock
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Gordo14 said:

Great post.


Much has been said regarding the Russian defense network, and when you check them then there is no doubt that Russians have put a vast amount of effort to create them. At this point I can wholeheartedly recommend the maps which
has created to document them. But what many forget is that those are purely tactical elements which - detached from a overarching strategy - offer little.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive has been going on for almost 3 months and over this period of time the Ukrainian onslaught has created some gaping wounds in the Russian defense network. It started Velyka Novosilka which was culminating in the devastating Russian defeat and costly withdrawal in Urozhaine.

Far more dangerous, however, for the Russian war effort are the Ukrainian operations south of Orikhiv. Russians have specifically fortified this area. Especially, Robotyne was vital for the Russian defense sector. It also explains also why Russians continue to counter attack this area, knowing their weakness in the hinterlands.

But this is not even the worst for the Russians. Far worse is that this whole battle has evolved in an open tug-of-war. Both sides know more less the strengths and weaknesses of each other. The open terrain makes sneak attacks and counterattacks virtually impossible. This is only emphasized by the usage of drones. Some might argue that this point might be favorable for Russians but even that Russians squandered long ago.

The biggest thinking error many, especially Russians, are making is to make this about trench networks. The trenches are delaying the advance, there is no doubt about that. But the most crucial aspect of this battle is logistics, as always. And here Russians made absolutely decisive mistakes, by not targeting Ukrainians logistic lines in the same way than the other way around. Ukrainians masterfully and since day one of this operation targeted all the logistics hubs and HQs from Melitopol to Tokmak.

It is also those Russian logistics lines which get increasingly compromised. I have added Screenshot 1 where some of the Russian trenchlines are marked, including the far more vital and primary logistic lines. Most of them are in range of Ukrainian tubed artillery.

Another aspect which Russians have not employed as much as Ukrainians is the usage of drones. The occasional lancet strike is published, of course, but the drone warfare is a matter of quantities. The Ukrainian FPV strikes are far more numerous. To put that into perspective: Magyar birds alone have destroyed Russian equipment worth a billion USD (!), while using drones which do not exceed in price of 10,000 USD, and most of them being even below 1,000 USD. The flow of new drones is not only exceeding, but also being supported by a vast Ukrainian drone industry, which comes up with more intriguing and even cost-effective drones. This comes parallel with the long-range drones which increasingly strike vital Russian bases far away from Ukraine.

The bulk of the drones at the front have a range of 5km and when you overlay this (Screenshot 2) on the Ukrainian advance then you see that in this orange area that life for a Russian soldier is short. This is also the area where increasingly the Russian elite force such as the 76th Guards Air Assault Division are getting hammered and softened up, while the heavy Ukrainian brigade still wait for the big push.

All and all Russians have completely lost the initiative and only hope that Ukrainians stop their assault. The frantic call of Pro-Russian minions such as Hungary's Orban are a very good sign how much in distress Russia has come. They desperately need and hope that the Ukrainian attack stops, and if they don't then we are not far away from a complete Russian collapse along the southern front. This collapse is only determined by how and when the Russian logistics will not be able to repel Ukrainian attacks in an organized fashion, and that point is nothing what you can see on maps where trenchlines are marked. It is determined by logistic lines and their hubs as well as the attrition rate. When this tipping point is reached, then collapse of Russian army in Zaporizhzhia is complete.

The dire situation for Russians will move then from critical to hopeless when Ukrainians break through the lines and storm to the Azov Sea. In the early stages of this open war, Russians focused on securing the Azov coast in order to protect their bases in Crimea. With the Ukrainian arsenal such as HIMARS, Stormshadows/Scalp-EG and likely soon TAURUS, as well, Ukrainian control of whole Zaporizhzhia will make the Russian occupation in Crimea untenable. It will be similar to Germany 1944 where a fight might still continue another year (which it did), but it wouldn't change the outcome. The liberation of Zaporizhzhia by Ukrainians forces equals Russia's strategic defeat. Both sides know that.

This is why the influx of resources and ammunition for Ukrainian forces must be sustained and increased. The fight will go on for some time but in end Russia will lose this battle. Even when supplies are delayed there is no way that Russia can turn the tide, but any delay in supplies could result in an unnecessary and prolonged war. It is time that some Western leaders, especially in Germany, stop sitting on their hands and turn on the factories. The earlier it is done, the earlier we can end this miserable war.
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In response, prepared a retaliatory massed cruise missile strike against three sites involved in Syria's chemical weapons program:

(1) Scientific research center in Damascus
(2) Equipment storage facility near Homs
(3) Command post near Homs. 3/11

The strike involved 3 Missile de Croisire Naval (MdCN), 66 Tomahawk, 19 JASSM, 9 SCALP-EG, and 8 Storm Shadow cruise missiles launched from American, British, and French aircraft and surface vessels. 4/11

In total, 72 JASSM and Tomahawk cruise missiles engaged the scientific research center in Damascus. To say they destroyed the target would be an understatement. The cruise missile strike completely deleted its existence from the face of this planet. 5/11

I'm not entirely sure what U.S. targeting analysts were thinking when they agreed on this missile to target allocation. It was the definition of overkill. Missile allocation for the other targets was more reasonable and provided more than enough firepower to destroy them. 6/11

In standard fashion, news stated that Syrian air defenses shot down 71 incoming cruise missiles of course without providing any evidence. In reality, operators proved wholly unprepared & air defense assets incapable of defending the attack. 7/11

Why does this event remain significant? Because it demonstrated to Putin what would happen if he were to cross certain thresholds (nuclear weapons) in . The likely NATO response would be a massed cruise missile strike, similar to that in 2018, just at a much larger scale. 8/11

A NATO cruise missile strike would sink 's black sea fleet, destroy every known command center and relevant logistical target on Ukrainian territory, and likely extent into Russian territory, in particular military headquarters and army bases close to the border. 9/11

This missile strike would immediately and once and for all put an end to Russia's Special Military Operation in Ukraine and finish off whatever is left of the Russian army. Putin knows it. Russian politicians know it. Russian generals know it. NATO officials know it. 10/11

There is also ample evidence that US & NATO officials have signaled such a response. This, in my opinion, is the number one reason why is deterred from employing nuclear weapons in , even if it can overlook the dire political consequences a nuclear strike would have. 11/11

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If the choice for Putin is losing Crimea and a tactical nuke, I just don't know how he doesn't use the nuke. Flatly losing Crimea would end Putin. Someone would take him out.
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aezmvp said:

If the choice for Putin is losing Crimea and a tactical nuke, I just don't know how he doesn't use the nuke. Flatly losing Crimea would end Putin. Someone would take him out.
How is a tactical nuke going to be employed to save Crimea? Why do people keep trotting out this fantasy?
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President Zelensky to replace Minister of Defense Oleksiy Resnikov with Rustem Umerov, will propose his candidacy to Verkhovna Rada shortly

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"Ukrainian forces have broken through the first and strongest of several Russian defense lines in the southern Zaporizhzhia region, the Ukrainian commander for the region has told British media."

"I've decided to replace the Minister of Defense of Ukraine. Oleksii Reznikov has been through more than 550 days of full-scale war," Zelenskyy said, arguing that the ministry needs "new approaches."

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Alternatively, they may be trying to confuse the image recognition software used by cruise missiles to find their targets.
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What kind of jet is that pink one, right as we're looking at the photo?
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Agthatbuilds said:

What kind of jet is that pink one, right as we're looking at the photo?

Their Mary Kay air superiority fighter. Sixth generation
Company I-1, Ord-Ords '85 -12thFan and Websider-
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Agthatbuilds said:

What kind of jet is that pink one, right as we're looking at the photo?
MIG-31 I believe. The cowling section of the intakes is pretty distinguishable

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It's like an F-15 and F/A-18 had a baby
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ABATTBQ11 said:

It's like an F-15 and F/A-18 had a baby
Whelp, now I can't unsee that...

I think the 31's are also the only non bomber craft to be able to deploy their Khinzal hypersonic missile?

Its's a dump truck of a plane (and one of the fastest) and the one that has shut down the Uke AF in general IMO with their ability to carry the R-33 and 37 variants of their super long range AA missile. I can't imagine how demoralizing it must be to be strapped into an aircraft trying to fight for your land and not being able to because you would be shot down without even coming close to fighting back.
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Fair warning: swearing in the music overlaying the video.

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Goes back to Russian published strategy around escalate to deescalate. That has been in place for at least 50 years.

Let's say the Ukes can make the coast and knock down the Kerch bridge. Russia fundamentally doesn't have the sea lift capacity to resupply Crimea and their positions north. They'd have to strink the front. If the Russians were in a spot where they were in danger of losing Crimea then yes, it is entirely possible that they would use a tac nuke to hit a troop concentration or supply center or other target to try and force Kyiv to the negotiating table.

Putin losing Crimea would be catastrophic domestically and it is an entirely plausible scenario based on long established Russian/Soviet doctrine. Do you think if it's a choice between himself and his legacy that Putin wouldn't do that? Because at heart he's some kind of humanitarian?
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Of course NATO has also directly stated that any nuclear employment in Ukraine would trigger NATO retaliation against Russian forces. Putin would have to either feel like NATO countries were bluffing or that the war is otherwise lost regardless, and that he'd rather "lose to NATO" than Ukraine.

Either way, I don't think he'd do it because of the long term ramifications Russia would be faced with for flinging TAC nukes into Ukraine just to extract some last minute territorial concessions. The courses for potential epic backfires are myriad.
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Zelenski forced him out. My guess is he's going to try to pin losses and blame of the slow counteroffensive on western influence.

(Edited for reliance on a bad info tweet)

New guy just as close to west, quite possibly suggested by western agencies for role.
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Do you have any source documentation to back up your statement? It seems that scenario is on the list of "possible" amongst many other possible reasons.
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I follow a Twitter account which live tweets World War 2. This particular tweet stood out as sounding a bit like something I've heard the past year and a half:

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I've read where Reznikov was key to working with the West to secure additional support & help defend Ukraine and that, while not accused, some around him were caught up in corruption. But not because he's 'too close' to the West. Source?
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Russia resorts to building various types of air defense towers to defend Moscow.

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aezmvp said:

Goes back to Russian published strategy around escalate to deescalate. That has been in place for at least 50 years.

Let's say the Ukes can make the coast and knock down the Kerch bridge. Russia fundamentally doesn't have the sea lift capacity to resupply Crimea and their positions north. They'd have to strink the front. If the Russians were in a spot where they were in danger of losing Crimea then yes, it is entirely possible that they would use a tac nuke to hit a troop concentration or supply center or other target to try and force Kyiv to the negotiating table.

Putin losing Crimea would be catastrophic domestically and it is an entirely plausible scenario based on long established Russian/Soviet doctrine. Do you think if it's a choice between himself and his legacy that Putin wouldn't do that? Because at heart he's some kind of humanitarian?
I understand the gravity of losing Crimea for Russia. The problem is that nuclear weapons will not provide any kind of tactical advantage in defeating the Ukrainians in a push to take Crimea -- they simply will not present a target large enough that employment of a tactical nuke would make sense. So, what you are talking about is using nukes as a terror weapon. That won't end well for Putin. Deploying nuclear weapons would be Putin signing his own death warrant.
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That's generally what I've seen. Claims of uniforms, food, etc being bought at inflated prices. Then again, it's an active war and prices are going to go through the roof for needed items.
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tremble said:

That's generally what I've seen. Claims of uniforms, food, etc being bought at inflated prices. Then again, it's an active war and prices are going to go through the roof for needed items.

From my understanding, it's more than that. Vendors, materials, and completed SKUs were already identified to be purchased but then others were selected last minute that were nearly 3x the cost to cover the same need with no explanation. Which is exactly how corruption happens. Reznikov was supposedly soft on actively combating such practices since this largely falls under his purview when Zelensky has made it an utmost priority to crack down.

Rumors are Reznikov will probably pick up a Ambassador job though. So not exactly being fired in shame or sidelined if true.
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Long, but worth a read. Reviews Ukrainian and Russian tactics and strategy from the start of the counteroffensive till now.

This addresses most all the questions people have been asking about where this thing is headed.

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Some big booms on the Russian side of the river.
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Eliminatus said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

It's like an F-15 and F/A-18 had a baby
Whelp, now I can't unsee that...

Sorry, not sorry
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74OA said:

Russia resorts to building various types of air defense towers to defend Moscow.

What was old is new again...
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2000AgPhD said:

74OA said:

Russia resorts to building various types of air defense towers to defend Moscow.

What was old is new again...

If it requires using manpower and equipment that otherwise would be used in Ukraine then it's plus.
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