***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,562,332 Views | 47754 Replies | Last: 5 hrs ago by 74OA
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You get to Tokmak and then you make Melitopol untenable for the Russians with constant barrages.
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I think that's the plan by winter. Gain footholds for artillery then pound melitipol all winter prior to another offensive next spring.
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Putin is just hoping to hold on until the US elections at this point.
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fullback44 said:

So I did some deep diving into missile Defense systems and found out some interesting information. The info came from todays Sitrep report. So there are mainly 3 levels of missile defense.

Long Range : Arrow 2 and Arrow 3

Medium Range: David's Sling is the newest and the Patriot Syatem is older but still used by the US army.

Short Range : Iron Dome (developed by the US and Isreal) together

There are other closer range systems that I didn't read about.

Anyway I post this because I was worried/ concerned we were giving up too many of our missile defense systems by giving Ukraine Patriot missile battery's but we have a bunch of other systems we can. Use. The Patriot is still in use and will be used for along time. However these newer systems like Arrow 3 are on another level of long range missile defense. Arrow 3 can take out satellites in space.

Just fascinating stuff.

Confusing. We've only given Ukraine one Patriot battery out of the Army's 50 batteries (16 battalions). As for the three Israeli systems you mention, IIRC the US doesn't operate any of them or intend to, except for test items and the USMC buying some short-range Iron Dome systems.

To your concern, both the Army, Marines and Navy are currently well into modernizing their air defense systems to include a mix of modern radars, cannons, missiles, lasers and HPM to defeat aircraft, missiles and drones. Patriot is only one component of the Army's air defense mix and in addition to constantly upgrading its missiles over the years, it will also receive a modern GaN radar in the next year or two, essentially making it a whole new system.
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That's interesting. The article I read said Arrow was operational and first batteries delivered to the US in 2018.
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74OA said:

fullback44 said:

So I did some deep diving into missile Defense systems and found out some interesting information. The info came from todays Sitrep report. So there are mainly 3 levels of missile defense.

Long Range : Arrow 2 and Arrow 3

Medium Range: David's Sling is the newest and the Patriot Syatem is older but still used by the US army.

Short Range : Iron Dome (developed by the US and Isreal) together

There are other closer range systems that I didn't read about.

Anyway I post this because I was worried/ concerned we were giving up too many of our missile defense systems by giving Ukraine Patriot missile battery's but we have a bunch of other systems we can. Use. The Patriot is still in use and will be used for along time. However these newer systems like Arrow 3 are on another level of long range missile defense. Arrow 3 can take out satellites in space.

Just fascinating stuff.

Confusing. We've only given Ukraine one Patriot battery out of the Army's 50 batteries (16 battalions). As for the Israeli systems you mention, IIRC the US doesn't operate any of them or intend to, except for the USMC buying a handful of short-range Iron Dome systems.

To your concern, both the Army, Marines and Navy are currently well into modernizing their air defense systems to include a mix of modern radars, cannons, missiles, lasers and HPM to defeat aircraft, missiles and drones. Patriot is only one component of the Army's air defense mix and in addition to constantly upgrading its missiles over the years, it will also receive a modern GaN radar in the next year or two, essentially making it a whole new system.

For Air Defense the US Army currently has two batteries operational of IFPIC (which is the Israeli manufactured Iron Dome)

and a third battery will be a Raytheon/Dianetics system based on the AIM9X.
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I'm open to correction, but it'd be news to me.
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PJYoung said:

Great map.

This may never happen unfortunately...but what WOULD be the results if the Ukes can break through towards Mariupol or Tokmak?!

Look at how many regiments and brigades would be caught to the western side of that penetration and cut off from Russia.

what would the Russian response be? to rely on ONE BRIDGE from Crimea to supply everyone to the west of the containment zone?

or would they retreat back into Kherson and try to bottleneck the Crimean approaches?
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LMCane said:

74OA said:

fullback44 said:

So I did some deep diving into missile Defense systems and found out some interesting information. The info came from todays Sitrep report. So there are mainly 3 levels of missile defense.

Long Range : Arrow 2 and Arrow 3

Medium Range: David's Sling is the newest and the Patriot Syatem is older but still used by the US army.

Short Range : Iron Dome (developed by the US and Isreal) together

There are other closer range systems that I didn't read about.

Anyway I post this because I was worried/ concerned we were giving up too many of our missile defense systems by giving Ukraine Patriot missile battery's but we have a bunch of other systems we can. Use. The Patriot is still in use and will be used for along time. However these newer systems like Arrow 3 are on another level of long range missile defense. Arrow 3 can take out satellites in space.

Just fascinating stuff.

Confusing. We've only given Ukraine one Patriot battery out of the Army's 50 batteries (16 battalions). As for the Israeli systems you mention, IIRC the US doesn't operate any of them or intend to, except for the USMC buying a handful of short-range Iron Dome systems.

To your concern, both the Army, Marines and Navy are currently well into modernizing their air defense systems to include a mix of modern radars, cannons, missiles, lasers and HPM to defeat aircraft, missiles and drones. Patriot is only one component of the Army's air defense mix and in addition to constantly upgrading its missiles over the years, it will also receive a modern GaN radar in the next year or two, essentially making it a whole new system.

For Air Defense the US Army currently has two batteries operational of IFPIC (which is the Israeli manufactured Iron Dome)

and a third battery will be a Raytheon/Dianetics system based on the AIM9X.
The Army experimented with Iron Dome during the IFPC competition but ultimately rejected it in favor of the US-made Enduring Shield system by Dynetics. The Army may use its two Iron Dome test systems somewhere while Enduring Shield is being produced, but Iron Dome is not IFPC and there are no plans to buy more for operational use by the Army.


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LMCane said:

PJYoung said:

Great map.

This may never happen unfortunately...but what WOULD be the results if the Ukes can break through towards Mariupol or Tokmak?!

Look at how many regiments and brigades would be caught to the western side of that penetration and cut off from Russia.

what would the Russian response be? to rely on ONE BRIDGE from Crimea to supply everyone to the west of the containment zone?

or would they retreat back into Kherson and try to bottleneck the Crimean approaches?
Ocrs would be forced to put their aviation at severe risk.

I don't foresee any deep salients by Ukes. Puts them at too much risk, just like they have done to the Orcs multiple times over. Plus the mines just don't allow the speed. At the end of the beginning it was the Orcs gonna attrite the Ukes now I think its the other way around. As soon as Ukes can truly put the taking of Crimea on the table russia will call for cease fire to current lines.

Its going to be slow and steady until the HIMARS get another 25-35 KM closer at risk or over 45KM not so much at risk or the GLSDBs get delivered.

at current front GLSDBs have the capability to reach the entire northern coast of the Azov Sea or the southern edge of the eastern front to include all of northern Crimea. This will effectively stop any efficient resupply from either Crimea, the land bridge, or even from the Azov Sea.

Orcs still losing lots of ADA, EW, and STANO pieces across the front.
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PJYoung said:

Putin is just hoping to hold on until the US elections at this point.

I think an attritional war/prolonged struggle has been the Russian plan since June 2022 after the catastrophic attempted thunder run to Kiev, the aborted run at Odesa, and after Russia had consolidated its gains in the east.

Put up an insane amount of defenses knowing that any offensive action against a prepared defense without an effective Air Force assisting would be extremely hard to pull off (as the Russians had found out after the initial surprise of invasion was gone).

Russia will have to drag this conflict out even past the 2024 elections into 2025. At that point potentially a new administration will be in office and, seeing that the conflict has devolved into a bloody stalemate costing a trillion dollars, will cut Ukraine assistance and ask for both sides to come to terms.
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Update on the ever-expanding land and sea drone campaign.

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USAFE boss says it could take years for Ukrainian pilots to become combat proficient in the F-16.

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74OA said:

USAFE boss says it could take years for Ukrainian pilots to become combat proficient in the F-16.


I have a hard time believing it would take 4-5 years to learn for someone who is already a pilot. I hope they've already had guys training somewhere.
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docb said:

74OA said:

USAFE boss says it could take years for Ukrainian pilots to become combat proficient in the F-16.


I have a hard time believing it would take 4-5 years to learn for someone who is already a pilot. I hope they've already had guys training somewhere.
He's talking about young pilots with little experience, because that's what it takes to train a combat-ready flight lead in our Air Force. Mostly, though, I think he's just tempering expectations.
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This week the Ukrainian army committed its last reserve brigade with western equipment to its counter-offensive. It will get ground up just like the forces it is replacing. The furthest the counter-offensive has gone in total was in the south of Orkiv where it progressed some 12 kilometer. It took more than 72 days, and many losses of men and material, to get that far. Tokmak, an important traffic center that Ukraine would like to take, is still 12 kilometer away. It is also protected by several well build defensive lines which the Ukrainian forces will be unable to cross.

On the second axis of the counter-offensive, south of Velyka Novosilka, the maximum progress is some 6 to 8 kilometer. Several small villages, now destroyed, were captured along the way. The number of lives lost during the fight is much bigger than the number of inhabitants those villages previously had.

The aim of the counter-offensive was to reach the Azov Sea or, if that was not possible, to go far enough to get all southern roads under artillery fire. The distance from the frontline to the sea as of June 5 was 100 kilometer. There are still 88 kilometer to go. But time is running out and all reserves have been committed.

Over the last week the Russian Defense Ministry reported on average 770 Ukrainian frontline casualties per day. The Ukrainian counter-offensive will likely culminate next week. It has reached is maximum potential and will now peter out.

That is the moment when the Russian army will go on the offensive. A sure sign of this was last night's visit of President Putin to Rostov-on-Don from where the 'special military operation' is controlled. General Gerasimov, the leader of the Russian military, and others briefed Putin about their plans.
Good that it is close to ending.

Rob Campbell's weekly update summarizing the war's events.


According to a Ukrainian source:

A tactical group "Maroon" the last well-trained and well-equipped reserve of the AFU, was redeployed to the battle zone as the last chance to gain any real successes on the battlefield. These troops are equipped with British Challenger-2 MBTs, Stryker ICVs, German Marder IFVs, etc. The most part of those units were trained for months in the military camps of NATO countries.
'Maroon' was originally designated as a 'breakthrough' group meant to have reached the Sea of Azov after other Ukrainian troops paved the way for its advance. But these troops never even reached the first line of Russia's defences so Maroon's mission became redundant. This is not the first report I've seen claiming that Ukraine has committed its last reserves. If this is true, Ukraine will have no choice but to go on the defensive before very long. In the meantime, the Maroon group, according to the Military Chronicle, has been deployed to the Zaporizhe area. The Military Chronicle claims that the group is 20,000 strong. However, others have reported that the 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade, which would be up to 5,000 strong, has been deployed to Zaporizhzhe (i.e. to Verbovoye near Orekhov - see below) with Challengers and Marders - which sounds as if it is part of the Maroon group. So it is possible that the 82nd is one brigade of about four that were part of the original Maroon group and that the other three have yet to be deployed.
RSH Update on casualties etc.
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WhoTF are these people and why should I care? One of them is quoting the Russian MoD like it's God's honest truth, so please excuse my scepticism on their level of credibility.
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Over the last week the Russian Defense Ministry reported on average 770 Ukrainian frontline casualties per day. The Ukrainian counter-offensive will likely culminate next week. It has reached is maximum potential and will now peter out.

Lol okay
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ABATTBQ11 said:

WhoTF are these people and why should I care? One of them is quoting the Russian MoD like it's God's honest truth, so please excuse my scepticism on their level of credibility.

It's Russian propaganda. Usually posted on a now locked thread.
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At least 5 people killed, 37 wounded as result of Russian missile strike at the Theater building in Chernihiv
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Need more of this.

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PJYoung said:

This is over 600KM from the front and I hope a dozen of those damn bombers melted into the tarmac.
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Wow. That's closer to Helsinki than it is to Moscow. Ukraine has introduced a new weapon.
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Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that the training of Ukrainian F-16 fighter pilots has already begun
The Fife
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PJYoung said:

Great to read! Now they need to go Bear hunting
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The race is on to beef up artillery round production in the US and Europe.

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PJYoung said:

This is over 600KM from the front and I hope a dozen of those damn bombers melted into the tarmac.

dave parkin
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How effing stupid do you have to be to be in a war for survival and post on effing Facebook that a drone conclave will be held in the city theater. death toll up to over 120. The Utes need training on OPSEC!!!!!!!!
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True but the death toll is 7, injured 120.

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