AgLA06 said:
B-1 83 said:
Do they have a drone big enough to carry that kind of payload?
I think it would be pretty awesome to build one around a torpedo. Send it a fleet of them out to pre-determined locations. Sit and charge via solar power. Launch the torpedo at a naval ship that get's close enough. charge and return to base.
I have looked at the currents in the Black Sea occasionally over the last year. Its not uncommon for currents to run from Ukraine to Crimea. I would not be surprised if they simply float these in sleep mode, tracking them with any cheap GPS tracker, into target areas, and awake them for attack. Also no wake helping make them look like a piece of debris settled in the water a bit with ballast.
They are certainly getting some of our intelligence to coordinate resulting in a very efficient attack.
Luck = Preparation meeting opportunity.
I think they could easily rig a torpedo but not sure USA is on board with them sinking a sub just yet but I am sure as hell all for it.
At the moment with a couple of course corrections you could damn near float one to the Kerch Bridge right now.,46.97,4024