Burrus86 said:
It appears that the Russians, like all of their technology, do not internet well.
Who knew that the boogeymen of over two generations, were so so bad at every aspect of war??? They still manage to blow my mind from time to time with some of their antics, shortages, and actions. There might have been a time long ago when they might have been a legitimate threat but that time is long gone.
This is "use scenes from Top Gun as Chinese Air Force propaganda" bad. The only ones who believe anything at this point is some of their own citizens and a couple of posters here. The Russians are just so bad at this. Lee said it best earlier, I am actively rooting for their defeat but there are still some things that make me wince at what they are doing or treating their mobiks at a professional level. I was no super hard charger when I was in. Just a normal grunt. Some time in a STA platoon was about as cool guy as I got but even I am offended at the sheer unprofessionalism of Russia's fighting forces and command. It's flat out gross, the lack of discipline, materials, and tactics. Barbaric even in the classic sense of the word and I don't see that as hyperbole.
Whoever first penned them as "orcs" absolutely nailed it.