***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,590,259 Views | 47821 Replies | Last: 1 hr ago by Tanker123
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FireAg said:

It appears Vlad's last remaining threat before using nukes is to launch cruise missiles indiscriminately into civilian areas...

I'm starting to think the odds of WWIII are increasing at the moment...

Vlad can't afford to retreat...

He can't afford to use a nuke far more than he can't afford to retreat. He has control of the propoganda machine, he can manufacture whatever bs he wants. The threat of nuclear weapons is what gives him power against the West - not using them. It won't be WWIII either, if Russia uses nukes they will stand alone against the entire western world.

Stop capitulating to weakness because of blackmail. If we do that now, it will only increase the frequency of nuclear blackmail in the future.

Putin's only possible way out alive is to not use nuclear weapons, that's it.
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2wealfth Man said:

I would assume any place that is sourcing these missile firings is "on the table" now; Taganrod, Belogorod and Belarus. Lukaschenka especially needs to be put on notice that he is now de-facto in the game.
Ukraine 10,000% does not want Belarus in this. Why open another border and significantly complicate your supply chain when you don't have them there. Shadow war in Belarus? Fine. Train their dissidents and give them light material and intelligence support? Great.

But actively threaten another country even if the Russians are operating from there? Not to mention the diplomatic fallout from your EU partners? Yeah strategically stupid.
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Lukashenko announced this morning that Belarus is forming a joint regional military command with Russia.

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Gordo14 said:

FireAg said:

It appears Vlad's last remaining threat before using nukes is to launch cruise missiles indiscriminately into civilian areas...

I'm starting to think the odds of WWIII are increasing at the moment...

Vlad can't afford to retreat...

He can't afford to use a nuke far more than he can't afford to retreat. He has control of the propoganda machine, he can manufacture whatever bs he wants. The threat of nuclear weapons is what gives him power against the West - not using them. It won't be WWIII either, if Russia uses nukes they will stand alone against the entire western world.

Stop capitulating to weakness because of blackmail. If we do that now, it will only increase the frequency of nuclear blackmail in the future.

Putin's only possible way out alive is to not use nuclear weapons, that's it.
What happens if Vlad is no longer concerned with coming out of this alive? What happens if Vlad is okay with mutually-assured destruction?

I just don't think Vlad is playing with a full deck anymore, and he may not care what happens in the end...

Hitler thought very much the same way as the Allies were closing in on Berlin...

And it appears that China, India, and probably Iran (at a minimum) would align with Russia...

I think the massive onslaught of cruise missiles into civilian areas this morning is a sign that this thing is taking a turn for the worse...
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FireAg said:

Gordo14 said:

FireAg said:

It appears Vlad's last remaining threat before using nukes is to launch cruise missiles indiscriminately into civilian areas...

I'm starting to think the odds of WWIII are increasing at the moment...

Vlad can't afford to retreat...

He can't afford to use a nuke far more than he can't afford to retreat. He has control of the propoganda machine, he can manufacture whatever bs he wants. The threat of nuclear weapons is what gives him power against the West - not using them. It won't be WWIII either, if Russia uses nukes they will stand alone against the entire western world.

Stop capitulating to weakness because of blackmail. If we do that now, it will only increase the frequency of nuclear blackmail in the future.

Putin's only possible way out alive is to not use nuclear weapons, that's it.
What happens if Vlad is no longer concerned with coming out of this alive? What happens if Vlad is okay with mutually-assured destruction?

I just don't think Vlad is playing with a full deck anymore, and he may not care what happens in the end...

Hitler thought very much the same way as the Allies were closing in on Berlin...

And it appears that China, India, and probably Iran (at a minimum) would align with Russia...

I think the massive onslaught of cruise missiles into civilian areas this morning is a sign that this thing is taking a turn for the worse...
"there is no security, safety in the appeasement of evil"
Ronald Reagan
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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FireAg said:

Gordo14 said:

FireAg said:

It appears Vlad's last remaining threat before using nukes is to launch cruise missiles indiscriminately into civilian areas...

I'm starting to think the odds of WWIII are increasing at the moment...

Vlad can't afford to retreat...

He can't afford to use a nuke far more than he can't afford to retreat. He has control of the propoganda machine, he can manufacture whatever bs he wants. The threat of nuclear weapons is what gives him power against the West - not using them. It won't be WWIII either, if Russia uses nukes they will stand alone against the entire western world.

Stop capitulating to weakness because of blackmail. If we do that now, it will only increase the frequency of nuclear blackmail in the future.

Putin's only possible way out alive is to not use nuclear weapons, that's it.
What happens if Vlad is no longer concerned with coming out of this alive? What happens if Vlad is okay with mutually-assured destruction?

I just don't think Vlad is playing with a full deck anymore, and he may not care what happens in the end...

Hitler thought very much the same way as the Allies were closing in on Berlin...

And it appears that China, India, and probably Iran (at a minimum) would align with Russia...

I think the massive onslaught of cruise missiles into civilian areas this morning is a sign that this thing is taking a turn for the worse...
"there is no security, safety in the appeasement of evil"
Ronald Reagan

"The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible"
George Orwell
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OG UNF said:


FireAg said:

Gordo14 said:

FireAg said:

It appears Vlad's last remaining threat before using nukes is to launch cruise missiles indiscriminately into civilian areas...

I'm starting to think the odds of WWIII are increasing at the moment...

Vlad can't afford to retreat...

He can't afford to use a nuke far more than he can't afford to retreat. He has control of the propoganda machine, he can manufacture whatever bs he wants. The threat of nuclear weapons is what gives him power against the West - not using them. It won't be WWIII either, if Russia uses nukes they will stand alone against the entire western world.

Stop capitulating to weakness because of blackmail. If we do that now, it will only increase the frequency of nuclear blackmail in the future.

Putin's only possible way out alive is to not use nuclear weapons, that's it.
What happens if Vlad is no longer concerned with coming out of this alive? What happens if Vlad is okay with mutually-assured destruction?

I just don't think Vlad is playing with a full deck anymore, and he may not care what happens in the end...

Hitler thought very much the same way as the Allies were closing in on Berlin...

And it appears that China, India, and probably Iran (at a minimum) would align with Russia...

I think the massive onslaught of cruise missiles into civilian areas this morning is a sign that this thing is taking a turn for the worse...
"there is no security, safety in the appeasement of evil"
Ronald Reagan

"The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible"
George Orwell

Terrorism is always evil, regardless of who is behind it. Give in, and you will only encourage more of the same
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Everyone says Putin is backed into a corner but it is more than that. Russia is not going to back down and neither is NATO.

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FireAg said:

Gordo14 said:

FireAg said:

It appears Vlad's last remaining threat before using nukes is to launch cruise missiles indiscriminately into civilian areas...

I'm starting to think the odds of WWIII are increasing at the moment...

Vlad can't afford to retreat...

He can't afford to use a nuke far more than he can't afford to retreat. He has control of the propoganda machine, he can manufacture whatever bs he wants. The threat of nuclear weapons is what gives him power against the West - not using them. It won't be WWIII either, if Russia uses nukes they will stand alone against the entire western world.

Stop capitulating to weakness because of blackmail. If we do that now, it will only increase the frequency of nuclear blackmail in the future.

Putin's only possible way out alive is to not use nuclear weapons, that's it.
What happens if Vlad is no longer concerned with coming out of this alive? What happens if Vlad is okay with mutually-assured destruction?

I just don't think Vlad is playing with a full deck anymore, and he may not care what happens in the end...

Hitler thought very much the same way as the Allies were closing in on Berlin...

And it appears that China, India, and probably Iran (at a minimum) would align with Russia...

I think the massive onslaught of cruise missiles into civilian areas this morning is a sign that this thing is taking a turn for the worse...

No one is closing in on Moscow except the Russians themselves. The Russians around Putin are not going to let him start a nuclear exchange because he ****ed up and his ego got bruised. They'll kill him and start over. It's the Russian way

China, India, and Iran are perfectly fine with a world in which Russia is no longer a major power and they still exist. They would not side with Russia if they started posing an existential threat. Russia's problems and Putin's political woes are not theirs. They give 0 ****s if he is deposed because they'll just work with the new guy.

The massive onslaught of cruise missiles shows Putin won't or can't escalate beyond that. It's nothing new after being publicly humiliated and having a source of national pride attacked.
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Damn those guys must feel good. They know that saved lives.
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What Putin is trying to do with this most recent onslaught of missiles and drones is break Ukrainian morale via indiscriminate attacks and the select targeting of energy infrastructure. I think we know how that will play out given the Uke's resilience thus far - they will freeze to death before they knuckle under.

I personally do not think Putin will resort to nukes as he has far too much to lose in doing so. I do see him happily fighting to the last Russian - there is no acceptable exit ramp that would allow him to save face. It wil be a long, cold, bloody winter in Ukraine.
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Think so? I get a different read...

I don't think NATO or Russia are going to back down...this proxy-war between East/West being waged in Ukraine will escalate beyond Ukrainian borders, in my opinion...
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FireAg said:

Gordo14 said:

FireAg said:

It appears Vlad's last remaining threat before using nukes is to launch cruise missiles indiscriminately into civilian areas...

I'm starting to think the odds of WWIII are increasing at the moment...

Vlad can't afford to retreat...

He can't afford to use a nuke far more than he can't afford to retreat. He has control of the propoganda machine, he can manufacture whatever bs he wants. The threat of nuclear weapons is what gives him power against the West - not using them. It won't be WWIII either, if Russia uses nukes they will stand alone against the entire western world.

Stop capitulating to weakness because of blackmail. If we do that now, it will only increase the frequency of nuclear blackmail in the future.

Putin's only possible way out alive is to not use nuclear weapons, that's it.
What happens if Vlad is no longer concerned with coming out of this alive? What happens if Vlad is okay with mutually-assured destruction?

I just don't think Vlad is playing with a full deck anymore, and he may not care what happens in the end...

Hitler thought very much the same way as the Allies were closing in on Berlin...

And it appears that China, India, and probably Iran (at a minimum) would align with Russia...

I think the massive onslaught of cruise missiles into civilian areas this morning is a sign that this thing is taking a turn for the worse...

Why would anybody follow his orders or why would he even be in power at that point. Remember he started this war despite everyone on the planet begging him not to. We cannot reward and appease that behavoir period.

Putin has a family, and he has a country. And he cannot lead alone even if it seems like he does. He is only there because people enable it. They either support it or fear the alternative more. Mutually assured destruction (which is a few steps beyond using a nuke in Ukraine might I add) makes any alternative look a lot better.

India would not go to war for Russia - especially if they participated in a first nuclear strike. India just wants cheap oil to protect their billion+ people from the global economic situation. China is turning their back on Russia - did you see that Xi didn't wish Putin a happy birthday despite two days earlier wishing the president of Tajikistan happy birthday. That was intentional. The whole CSTO is refusing to take part in military drills with Russia because of their invasion and China has pivoted to increase their influence in these central Asian countries. China has already found it's strategic win with Russia's failure. Iran wouldn't go to war in support of Russia nuking Ukraine either.

I think this is a desperate act by someone who is realizing he is incapable of making an effective strike on the Ukrainian military. At the same time, he realizes he has to make a strike or look weak to the people around him. He doesn't have the military industrial capacity to sustain this kind of attack. I don't know if you've been paying attention, but bombing the **** out of civilian targets in cities has been the MO since the first month of the war. This isn't new or even as bad as what Russia was doing to Kharkiv for example. It's just that Russia has lost the military capability to do this on a sustainable basis so it's been a long time since this happened in Kyiv. This is not the time to cater to his needs or you will prove his belief about Western weakness and normalize this behavior forever.

Putin put himself in this situation, it is nobody else's responsibility to find a way out for him. It's funny you bring up Hitler... Because appeasement was a large part of the reason he felt like he could keep doing whatever he wanted. He viewed our lack of resolve to stop him as our weakness and picked Europe apart (hence why NATO exists).

Even discussing the possibility of nuclear strikes from Russia is playing into their hands. A successful bit of propoganda. They know their cleanest way to "victory" is to make the west paranoid that they could us nuclear weapons if they don't get what they want. That's the play. They have deliberately aluded to it multiple times because they want to instill fear and panic in the west. The more people talk about it, the more power you are ceding to a failing dictator. And if it works this time, they will do this from now on to take more and more.
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2000AgPhD said:

What Putin is trying to do with this most recent onslaught of missiles and drones is break Ukrainian morale via indiscriminate attacks and the select targeting of energy infrastructure. I think we know how that will play out given the Uke's resilience thus far - they will freeze to death before they knuckle under.

I personally do not think Putin will resort to nukes as he has far too much to lose in doing so. I do see him happily fighting to the last Russian - there is no acceptable exit ramp that would allow him to save face. It wil be a long, cold, bloody winter in Ukraine.
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Putin knows neither the russian military or the Ukrainian people. These evil attacks will do nothing more than galvanize the resolve of the Ukrainians and the support behind them. The whole unit singing the NA the day before their major offensive would be perfect for this as well but take me too long to find.

I love my children so much, there is no way I could tell another father sorry, we must sacrifice your children for the sake of my own. I could never look at myself in the mirror or father again righteously. Instead I must have faith in the truth, my kids know the truth and all will be right after the end on this temporary stay on earth.
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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Just FYI, Pfarrer points to a missile strike of the Kerch bridge. New info is the picture of a hole in one span

And that again raises the question, does Ukraine have a limited supply of their Grom launchers?

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2000AgPhD said:

What Putin is trying to do with this most recent onslaught of missiles and drones is break Ukrainian morale via indiscriminate attacks and the select targeting of energy infrastructure. I think we know how that will play out given the Uke's resilience thus far - they will freeze to death before they knuckle under.
Respectfully disagree. What Putin is doing is satiating the blood lust of his power base. It's the only card he had to play.
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That would have to be a pretty big ass missile to cause that big of explosion.
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FireAg said:

Think so? I get a different read...

I don't think NATO or Russia are going to back down...this proxy-war between East/West being waged in Ukraine will escalate beyond Ukrainian borders, in my opinion...

This is Russia's Vietnam. It will stay local, and probably only spill into Belarus as they're a Russian vassal state and providing material assistance. Russians like a strong leader and expansion, but they don't tolerate failure. Putin has a lot of goodwill built up over the years because he's been good at the former so far, but he's bitten off now then he can chew and flirting with the latter.

Russia can't afford conflict anywhere else. They don't have the manpower or the equipment. They also couldn't go toe to toe with NATO and its full arsenal. Right now, NATO's donation box and a free years of training for Ukrainians in NATO tactics is giving Russia all they can handle. They went in with 150k-200k men and getting their **** beaten in. Ukraine is relatively new to the game and didn't even have all the tools. NATO was built to destroy Russia and could employ 5th gen fighters and bombers, countless more HIMARS, Western tanks, more advanced AA systems, and utilize professional militaries with decades of experience on these platforms, along with the tactics and strategy that Ukraine had barely begin to scratch the surface of.

An expansion beyond Ukraine is the last thing Russia can afford.
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love my children so much, there is no way I could tell another father sorry, we must sacrifice your children for the sake of my own. I could never look at myself in the mirror or father again righteously. Instead I must have faith in the truth, my kids know the truth and all will be right after the end on this temporary stay on earth.

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Putin's terrorism knows no bounds. These strikes are nothing more than mindless revenge by a man without morality, honor or conscience. He is proving that he still a KGB thug through and through.

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The only thing there that points to a missile is the "hole" that's somewhat visible. However that span was broken between supports so it's likely ragged all the way across. It's basically pure speculation based on "a truck bomb in Russia is too hard"
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They don't have the manpower or the equipment
Putin is in a rough spot and probably why he is using really expensive missiles to destroy playgrounds. The equipment that Russia has is not unlimited and they have lost a ton already in Ukraine. You can see that by what they have been forced to fight with recently. Same thing with the troops. They have lost a lot of their best fighters already and are now calling up older people that fought 30 years ago.

The "off ramp" is going to be really tough because I don't think Ukraine is going to give an inch and Putin has to take something for his efforts. He had hoped that the election would give him some sort of "legitimate" claim to Ukraine, but the world ignored it. Blowing up the gas pipeline and trying to blame it on the US appears to have not worked either with dividing Europe against the US.

I do think Putin is looking for some kind of "face-saving" plan at this point, but it's going to be hard. He already wrecked his country and his military. He doesn't have a lot of power to negotiate from at the current moment.

A nuke would be a death sentence for them and probably bring in NATO. He isn't strong enough to fight NATO.
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GarryowenAg said:

That would have to be a pretty big ass missile to cause that big of explosion.

People are discounting the potential of a truck VBIED. I was in Kabul during the May 2017 attack. That crater was more than 25ft deep and partially collapsed buildings blocks away.
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Just for entertainment purposes.... but if it was a missile strike I'd probably wouldn't stop the truck bomb speculation.

Those videos need at least another minute more released to show the bridge after the smoke cleared
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Well... Good luck with that, I guess
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74OA said:

Putin's terrorism knows no bounds. These strikes are nothing more than mindless revenge by a man without morality, honor or conscience. He is proving that he still a KGB thug through and through.

It's no different than Mariupol. He shelled an entire city to the ground. Those were not military targets there either.
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It would either be Grom 2, ATACMS, or Ukraine somehow got itself some Iskander missiles from Russia. The Grom 2 is supposed to still be in R&D so likely ATACMS. Did think about if it was not a truck bomb if that truck has something explosive in it (or had a ton of fuel, it wasn't a fuel truck so who knows) that enhanced the explosion. Either way, big boom
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Good substack on a likely direction for where this war is heading (basically discussing that the most likely outcone is that in time Russia will have to turn it's power projection inward as a result of instability that's being created by their failures in this war).
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GAC06 said:

The only thing there that points to a missile is the "hole" that's somewhat visible. However that span was broken between supports so it's likely ragged all the way across. It's basically pure speculation based on "a truck bomb in Russia is too hard"

Yeah, back to the earlier reference to the OKC bombing... likely a similar sized explosive here and can be built with commonly acquired fertilizer and diesel fuel. Load it into drums that just look like regular industrial supplies... voila, inspection passed.
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Ukraine just needs to stay the course and keep pushing the Russians back on the battlefield. A few more long range missiles to severely hinder Russian logistics would be nice!
Ag In Ok
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FriscoKid said:

So Russians can see the strategic value of the bridge by their ideal response to the recent attack. What they fail to see is for years russia only that as their strategic link to the Donbas for military use. Yet no one is asking, who is the genius who thought a multi mile bridge should connect the Russian military with their homeland when there are hundreds of kilometers of a land border between them. Or how materials are moved. At some point, the lightbulb should go off….
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Any sites estimate the number of shells being launched daily by Russia? I suspect that it's dropped off quite a bit over the past month due to Ukraine hitting logistics and depots.
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GAC06 said:

The only thing there that points to a missile is the "hole" that's somewhat visible. However that span was broken between supports so it's likely ragged all the way across. It's basically pure speculation based on "a truck bomb in Russia is too hard"
This and the fact you wouldn't send just one missile. If it was ATACAMS it would be at least 4, not one. If it was GROM do they only have one? Then there is the question why wouldn't you hit the more vital RR bridge versus the vehicle bridges or why not the massive clear spans versus the simple spans?

This isn't one bridge but three and each of the three likely requiring multiple missiles at each. There are plenty of examples of this in both this war and the Iraq war on how difficult it is to knock down bridges with missiles.

The video and the coloring of the bridge deck indicate it was the truck, even though the way the spans are displaced makes me WANT to think the explosion was from under or in such a way it lifted the deck spans off the bents (this is likely what occurred anyway I just don't understand it). However there is no evidence on the underside of the spans of an explosion under. Not previously commented is how far the spans got displaced having knocked off a span 3 away from the blast span. At 200+ feet spans these likely have at least 4" expansion joints at each bent between spans. If this is a seismic zone, even larger, which should have absorbed a great deal of the movement.

There is also a very good chance this was russian either gov planned or sabotage. Sabotage to influence putin to do more harm or sabotage to embarass putin and put a dent in war supply logistics. Much easier for Igor Girkin and or the Oligarchs to pull off a VBIED than UKR SOF/partisans.
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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