lb3 said:
LMCane said:
CondensedFoggyAggie said:
By the way, I might be here watching from afar, but I can't imagine the trepidation Ukrainians must be feeling.
Yes these are underequipped, undersupplied, undertrained non-existent morale having cannon fodder that will eventually be slaughtered or die of frostbite, but it's still a huge number of humans coming your way.
I hope every day the rest of the world is stockpiling more and more arms and supplies into the Ukraine.
the US Army fought off a million screaming Chinese in 1950.
a well trained and disciplined force can handle raw recruits in suicide wave attacks.
all these newbie conscripts can get taken out by HIMARs even before they start running across a field.
The Chinese actually broke the 7th Infantry Division so don't count on the Ukes being able to hold the line against a million strong wave attack when outnumbered 12:1.
Luckily the Ukes can employ a defense in depth strategy to check the orcs should the Russians actually have the logistics necessary to commit a million armed and trained troops to the battle.
That's not a rational comparison of the Chinese breaking the 7th ID. The Chinese 9th Army Group was a combat proven in the civil war and a year earlier had defeated the Kuomintang. Because this Army could not stand still and could not be garrisoned, it marched for the entire year from the defeat of the Kuomintang until it crossed the Yalu into North Korea in Nov 1950. Many of them were veterans of the fight against the Japanese. They had recent combat experience and they had been victorious.
The Russian conscript Army are recent civilians that have been torn away from home and are going to be pushed into a fight a matter of weeks. If it isn't a matter of weeks until they are sent to combat then it will be too late and the Russian Army will have to invade Ukraine for a second time.
Russia has no cadre left to train the conscripts. Their logistics are worse and winter is coming. A million man Army can barely load enough food by hand working around the clock just to feed itself. In what remains of the Donbas that is still in Russian hands, the living accommodations suck and that is before they are shelled by the Ukrainians. The Russian army leaders were never good but most of those at the Company level and below are dead or wounded. Their weapons are trashed and they are sending museum pieces into combat.
Russia has a tradition of sending soldiers to combat with one rifle for every third soldier and I have no doubt that they will try it again. However, they are not pursuing an exhausted enemy wit its own shattered logistics training retreating across hundreds of miles of steppe. The Russian horde will be sending undertrained and ill-equipped troops into the attack against extremely well trained and equipped Ukrainians who are fighting for their existence as a nation.
The Russians will not be able to employ human wave attacks like the PLA or the Inmun Gun. These are demoralized people who hate Putin and after being conscripted that hate may overcome their fear of him. Mutinies will be common. All the intercepted phone calls from Russian soldiers make it clear that the RF forces are already at a breaking point.