AGS-R-TUFF said:
Whether we post more or not is irrelevant. The Ukes are in a full out 24/7 fight mode to defend their country, families and future. They appear to be mastering the Russian battle tactics on the fly and not only putting up furious resistance, but successful offensive push back…see Kiev and now Kharkiv.
Russia outnumbers them with a mixed bag of large and outdated BTGs equipped with decades old equipment, that are running into refitting issues which will only get worse. They have struggled mightily with supply and logistics, are plagued with moral problems and have taken multiple losses in frontline leadership.
The last 30 days have seen a seismic shift in the type of weaponry being advanced to the Ukes. They also have maintained secure access to their own supply/logistics from the West - while of course inflicting chaos on the Russian inflows.
Yes the Russians will keep shifting around, digging in, trying to hold their stolen territories. But this is not 2014, the Ukes will fracture them, keep hitting command/control targets, degrade their supply chain and eventually drive them further and further back.
Russia will of course continue to fire missiles and use stand off tactics. But they will not be able to mount any sustainable (take and hold indefinitely) offensives. They are up against arguably the most motivated fighting force in recent history - being armed and supplied with intelligence by a powerful coalition of countries - who are going to fight to the last drop of blood to seek vengeance for the atrocities waged against them.
Putin's War will set Russia back decades.
Excellent summation and matches my thoughts exactly. I have always caged my ultimate feelings with stuff like, "this isn't over yet" , and "only time will tell". I think it is pretty clear at this point to most that Russia is not winning this. Not bidding the house on that since warfare is crazy at times, but yeah, pretty confident in at least that.
I also don't think the average American truly understands the absolute shift in power that has occurred in that part of the world, and will continue to shift further and further. Russia had power through fear. That fear is now largely gone, and without nukes would be entirely gone. The global geopolitical awareness of an average American is frighteningly small.
Russia is screwed, just as you say. And I am glad I am alive to see it!