For anyone wondering why the tiny Snake Island has been a high priority target for both sides.

Control of Snake Island currently enables Ukraine to claim territorial waters that extend 12 nautical miles in all directions from the island, which helps safeguard the Black Sea shipping corridor to major Ukrainian port cities Odesa, Mykolaiv, and Kherson. This Black Sea access is crucial to Ukraine's grain and metals exports, as well as consumer good imports. Without a viable shipping lane to global markets, the Ukrainian economy would rapidly plunge into crisis.
Also, Achilles, yes that Achilles, allegedly is buried there and the island is haunted by his ghost.
According to legend, Achilles was buried on Snake Island. The eighth- or seventh-century B.C. poem the Aethiopis relates that, after he received his fatal ankle injury at Troy, Achilles' remains were transported to the White Island by his mother Thetis. In antiquity the small island was said to be haunted by his ghost,