txags92 said:
74OA said:
Who will pay to rebuild Ukraine?
"The footage of shattered buildings and devastated cities has stunned the world. But economists say there that is not the costliest impact of the war. More serious is the huge loss to Ukraine's industry, especially in cities that have seen heavy bombardment, like Kharkiv."
Initial thinking of how to bill RUSSIA.
I vote for all those assets seized from the Russian oligarchs. They made Putin what he is, let them reap what they have sown.
Agree, Moscow must be made to pay for the damage it has done.
As the article mentions, Putin's vaunted $640B war chest (half in western banks) and the overseas wealth of his enabling oligarchs and their cliques should be seized as compensation, plus apply a longer-term reconstruction tax on future Russian energy exports.
Russia cannot be allowed to just shrug and walk away from its devastation in Ukraine and return to business as usual while the West picks up all the bill.
But Zelenskyy must also seize on his unprecedented popularity and prestige to push thru the necessary economic reforms previously stalled by corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs and their supporters in parliament.