Htownag11 said:
I dont see how you nuke Kiev without drawing in the US and the "West."
What does "drawing in" mean?
US fighter jets and drones in Russian air space or Ukraine space?
US nuking Russia?
More of the same, sanctions and weapons?
IMO, US should remind Russia we will annihilate their entire country should they fire a nuke at any NATO country. Then let Europe handle what's in their own backyard IF they nuke Ukriane. If Euros can't get job done with their military, then US can think about stepping in.
But thankfully we won't get to nukes. Ukraine will be partially or fully annexed. Right now the economic war being waged on Russia is likely to confine them to eastern Ukraine at best. The question is will Putin allow Western Ukraine to join NATO in that negotiation. We are probably a few months or couple years away from newly drawn borders in Ukraine. It sucks, but it's better than a nuclear WW3.