GAC06 said:
I'm not so sure about that. Ukraine knew where they were massing. A lot of the reason for Russian success in the south is because Ukraine prioritized defending Kiev. Maybe they could have used Belarus as an actual feint for that
Agree with a Belarus and Northeastern Kyiv feint and rocket artillery barrages on the area. Had they focused on the east (and based operations on known doctrine) then, IMO:
1) Logistical failures made manifest in the west would have been significantly mitigated.
2) Entire coastal area potentially taken with greater effectiveness utilizing greater numbers and air/naval support.
3) Dnieper used to strategic benefit to hamper Ukrainian reinforcement and resupply.
No guarantees but they could have leveraged their known advantages over Ukraine and overpowered them while more effectively employing force multipliers. Once you have the east you've effectively seized Ukraine's industrial and agricultural base as well as landlocked them. They'd be crippled.
Watch them either and weaken further, then come back in 3-5 years, finish the job in the west.
Just a general framework for how I'd conceptualize it if I were Pootie.